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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. The video appears to be pretty accurate and tab on UG appears to loosely agree but some missing notes, awkward fingerings and a few bad notes. I think I can sort it, at least near enough to appear convincing, but if anyone does have a link to more accurate version it will be a help.
  2. That was the problem - in the 80s everyone wanted P and J-basses from Fender. It was meant to be the new J-bass.
  3. Dare I suggest Magnum might work well alongside a Marillion tribute?
  4. Help! This has been suggested as a song for a group of us to play, it's a bit fast but as I can keep up with it ! Problem is, I can't find a reliable tab source. For example, the tabs on Big Bass tabs and Ultimate Guitar are very different and neither of then is the same as is a video of someone playing along. I don't think any of them are 100% right (although I could easily be wrong!) Can anyone point me at an accurate tab of the song? Thanks!
  5. Or we can extrapolate the other way and we end up at K-Pop 🤢
  6. I won't make a specific comment as I don't know the specifics, and I prefer to hear both sides before drawing conclusions - unless a judgement has been made in the small claims court or similar. That said, in an unrelated field that operates in a very similar way, I hear far too many stories about people paying huge amounts (as in many thousands of pounds) for work to be done or things to be made to order. Sadly, as the work takes along time and there are waiting lists, it's easy for a sole artisan to end up holding a lot of money for customers. They end up spending it and funding each job with the advance payments made by other customers. Eventually things go bad, and the customers who have been more patient and forbearing end up loosing lots of money. My advice is simple. If you are getting something made to order pay a deposit that is fair to the maker (they do have to invest in materials and time before the job is complete) but not more than you can afford to lose; if it's a really big job - agree stage payments that you will make when you see evidence that agreed milestones have been met. If the seller won't take your order on this basis, walk away. Also, do a bit of googlepokeren and maybe look them up on companies house (if applicable) or even buy a credit report if you have any whiff that they might be financially unstable. This might sound a bit extreme, but I have spoken to people who have lost five-figure sums out of their life savings and suffered tremendously from the stress and worry of being continually palmed off with excuses. Ideally, there really ought to be a protection scheme through something like the Guild of Master Craftsmen where you could pay into a secure third-party scheme that would release payments against milestones AND insure you against poor outcomes - it would cost money, but I think it would be worth it.
  7. Interesting the spec says it's about 2" short of what I need. I've decided to just take the bass to a shop and try different guitar bags. I got a roksak thrown in when I got it, but it's unpadded.
  8. Yes it is. I don't mean no-one else has ever done it, but it was a strong element of his sound on his more melodic passages.
  9. Apostrophe Catastrophe! That hold then vibrato technique is very Jaco 🙂
  10. Indeed 🙂 The rubber knob grips are a lovely detail too! It's like they thought 'can we make it better' about every bit.
  11. I read that as pervey first time... 😲 Yes... more than a bit Peavey!
  12. I can't resist it; I've been playing my Performer on and off all day. Here are some photos and comments on my Fender Performer, this is the made in Japan version, alledgedly the American ones were superior but it's hard to see where they could make improvements. It sounds great, feels great and looks great. Despite being standard scale length it looks like the neck goes on forever. A radical makeover for the Fender logo may have dented sales. The headstock was shared with the even more unconventional Katana guitars and basses. The body that was radical in 1987 now looks ace and is super comfortable. Controls are deceptively simple, three-way selector and two volume controls but the tone control is a Fender TBX so the range of sounds is wide, but always lively. Unique appearance of the pickups; I suspect they have a split-coil like a P-bass inside the assymetrical lozenge-shaped case. Open back but very smooth tuners. Micro-tilt neck and note the tiny cover for accessing the jack socket - not a battery compartment, this is not an active bass. A fully sealed jack socket, rather than the usual skeleton socket. The neck is thinner than a typical Telecaster, compared here with a Hohner B2. I'd love to see or hear about other examples of these beautiful instruments!
  13. Bacuase I love the Bowie original, but this somehow makes everything about the world better:
  14. My feeling is that the USA tends to focus more on the individual than the band, lots of famous signer/songwriters who get a lot more profile than admittedly great bands - from Dylan and the Band down. The UK tends to have more profile for the band than individual songwriters. For example, the Beatles and the Stones, despite their songwriters being well known, are still better known. If you want to get partisan about it, you could debate Birmingham and the Black Country vs. Detroit or Canterbury vs. Haight Ashbury (I think Seattle versus Manchester was covered above).
  15. A veritable Swiss Army Knife of basses. Precision, Musicman and the headstock works as a can opener 🙂 Actually, very nice but what are the four dots above the neck joint? Just a logo?
  16. Probably because in just temperament some notes are quite far off from even temperament (e.g. fretted instrument). This is particularly true of thirds while the fourths and fifths are close in both approaches.
  17. That's a bit unfair. There's clearly a continuum between dabblers and virtuosos. I guess most people who have played a bit are like me, they can cope eyes off while playing in a position, but need a look when shifting it. I don't pretend to be anything more than a basic fretless player, and really don't want to put in the vast amount of practice to build up the muscle detailed muscle memory but that doesn't mean I shouldn't play the thing.
  18. I've always gone for Rotos or Elites. These days I buy Elites direct from http://www.basscentre.com/bass-centre-elites-strings.html Confession, I have a 1990s Elites long-sleeve t-shirt 😲
  19. All the best bass players come from Barry. there's Pino, me, my brother... 😎
  20. Wow, this makes me cringe. The guy has a product that, clearly, plenty of people like and pay for. He's built it up from nothing and clearly put in vastly more work than people who make bigger fortunes from streaming crappy videos of their children or pets misbehaving. It's clearly absurd to assume that buy buying a specific product you should assume the right to a slice of everything he produces. I enjoy the videos I've seen, but buying into something like this is probably not for me, just because of the way I learn and where my interests lie, but the pricing and product seem fair from where I'm sitting. Must say I am impressed by his response; most people would have just walked away and waited for the fuss to die down. P.S. Scott you are bit of a waffler but so am I.... 🙂
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