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Everything posted by NikNik

  1. What a small world. That was my Number 3, after a WEM Dominator. I had the 2 x 15" cab to go with it.
  2. Pants. It was really a guitar amp. It had an 8" speaker in the top section and an 8" or 10" elliptical in the bottom. I blew both within three months. The old boy bought it for me as a Chrissy present. He wasn't to know there were bass and guitar amps.
  3. Went a-hunting ....and found this, my first amp!! (sorry for the thread de-rail!) Dallas Arbiter Slider
  4. That one at top right. Years ago, I was teaching a kid and he had this particular bass.
  5. Didn't Jedson make one that had a chunkier '51-style body with the one pup?
  6. Aside from RRF, mylespaul.com is another minefield. Some of the spats I've seen on there are pages long (search for the Joe Bonamassa gin meltdown) and some of the plonkers over there are not adverse to hurling and insult at you out of the blue, as is a particular Moderator who is frightfully rude and clearly unstable, both on the forum itself and in private messaging. TDPRI, a Telecaster forum, is pretty friendly, and if you inadvertently cross a line you're politely warned via PM, often with a smiley as an accompaniment. But, RRF and the official RIC forum were scary places to inhabit at times, esp if JH was on the warpath.
  7. Hey, that's nothing. I accidentally kicked a 32-16A power drop and all the gear cut out for a second or two. That didn't go down too well!
  8. Seriously? That's quite a feat, unplugging an NL4 plug from a monitor with one's foot! 😉
  9. I just saw another vid, one with a blue bass and a choon he wrote himself. Interesting.
  10. Would to God it was Gorilla glue!! 😂
  11. Even the baseplate has been hacked. Is that Bostik under there??
  12. One reason that the purple one will never sell.....
  13. Been looking for a L2 pal for my transitional L2 LF. PMd.
  14. Knew he reminded me of someone! Just watched that P-bass vid again. Initially, I thought it was some free-form Cream-style jam he was doing but I now reckon it's 'Always on my mind'. I can see MDP being an Elvis fan.
  15. What about LastBassOutpost? Anyone visit there? And I regularly visit Ozbass, though it can be a bit slow on the posts.
  16. They're obsessed with 'best for metal' over there. It's an ok site. Yes, there are a few smart-derrières but most of time it's pleasant. Not like the feeding frenzy of RRF or the minefield that is mylespaul.com
  17. Try posting regularly on RickResource. You will meet some real rabid fruitloops over there.
  18. Never seen that model before. As for £2.6K? Naahh...I'll pass.
  19. Check the other YooChoob vid with the P-bass.
  20. No, it never ends. One just gone out the door; another arriving in two weeks time.
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