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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Thanks @hiram.k.hackenbacker - I can see I've got dome research / testing to do.
  2. With the Cover Bands, Oh Woe thread raging, I was wondering what would be the best way of rehearsing online - specifically which platform (ie. Zoom, Teams etc.) would be best, which Instrument - PC interface to use, and how to mix the rehearsal to set volume levels. I've got a few ideas, but I'm sure that people on BC will be expert at this sort of thing. Replies greatly appreciated.
  3. That song was previously my favourite Beatles song.
  4. Interesting thread - might try some of these recommendations. 👍🏼
  5. scotlandflag.gif

    Happy St. Andrew's Day to the Scottish ones



    1. Marc S

      Marc S

      Ooops, sorry Scottish BC members.... I missed it. Hope you had a good day folks :)
      From Marc S, in the land of St David :) 

  6. Best wishes for a good recovery to your drummer. 👍🏼
  7. Very kind of the staff at BassChat HQ to deliver in person...
  8. It appears that @Frank Blank has solved the mystery of the missing BC straplocks... ...he's got them all! Well done Frank - here's a
  9. This is mine: Yours looks right to me - nice!
  10. What a great way to approach the situation! I wish you every success & am sure you'll persevere and succeed. I look forward to reading your novel, or seeing some of your paintings on Basschat in the future. Best wishes
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