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Everything posted by silverfoxnik

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  4. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='37692' date='Jul 27 2007, 10:08 AM']Why on Earth would you sell that??? I don't use my P much, I must admint, but I wouldn't sell it. Why sell it to buy something that won't be much better but that will decrease in value? The JV will at least hold it's monetary value and probably increase. Having said that, I'll now be using it more in my covers band as it weighs much less than my Jazz that sometimes feels like a mill stone about my neck![/quote] I've no idea what made me sell it - money probably, as I was offered twice what I paid for it! In truth, the reason I sold it was that it was so immaculate, I never played it and was too worried about gigging with it for fear of damaging it. I'd got it from a guy in Liverpool who'd bought 2 identical JV P basses and 2 identical JV Jazz basses in 1983 and he kept them all under his bed for almost 20 years. The P Bass he sold me even had the original shop receipt with it when I bought it that's how 'unused' it was. So in the end, I sold it to a collector and I expect it's either hanging on a wall somewhere or locked away safely never seeing the light of day...what a shame as it was a great sounding bass! Nik
  5. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='37478' date='Jul 26 2007, 06:53 PM']Not sure if you'll all agree that it's "Porn" material but I think they're lovely.[/quote] Definitely is "Porn" material! Two great basses I used to have a beautiful 1983 JV P-bass - it was a fantastic sounding instrument. One of the ones I wish I'd never sold... Nik
  6. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='37560' date='Jul 26 2007, 10:38 PM']Thats a bit insulting to those who think wood does make a difference and particularly to those who are interested in exploring other alternatives to ash/maple. The way I see it, you can't rule out the influence of wood, any more than you can include the effect of all the other elements you've mentioned. As I stated before, its a balancing act and each part contributes to the overall whole. In any event I happen to own two basses that are, for all intents and purposes, identical apart from their neck material. Any bass player doing an A/B of these instruments would hear and feel for themselves that neck material has a substantial influence on the sound of an instrument. I think it's a no brainer.[/quote] Looks like the 'can of worms' has been well and truly opened here!! Here's my 2p worth on the subject.. I used to have two Wal Pro 2e basses about 12 years ago that were made of the same body wood (Ash), same neck (maple with rosewood board), same Wal electronics etc and yet they sounded quite different and felt different to play. The key difference was in the weight of the Ash used for the body - there was probably about one and a half pounds difference in the weight of the two basses! A bit puzzled by this, I spoke to a brilliant luthier (in Harrow, North London) called Bill Puplett about it and he said that when two instruments are tuned and strung the same, the energy produced by each string is the same but if the woods are of different density/weight, then the two instruments will resonate differently. Bottom line is, the difference in the resonance of the wood affects the feel of the bass in your hands and also, in the sound the pick up is reproducing... I can't prove that scientifically of course, but Bill was a guy who's opinion I respected greatly and his explanation is still good enough for me! Nik
  7. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='37063' date='Jul 25 2007, 10:52 PM']+1 OBBM: I use 6 of his patch leads on my pedal board, 2 of his muting leads and a speaker cable. I couldn't be happier because the components and work are top quality, but especially because the cost of him making them and posting to my door was less that the cost of buying the bit from Maplins and making them myself![/quote] And here's another +1 for OBBM! You also get to deal directly with the person who's producing the gear for you (how rare is that with things like leads?) and Dave is a brilliant bloke to deal with. Nik
  8. [quote name='alexclaber' post='36985' date='Jul 25 2007, 07:14 PM']I've always liked Michael Tobias's way of describing the tonal effects of different woods: "A wenge neck and board add compression and focus to the speaking voice of the bass. A maple neck and rosewood board is more open and slightly warmer than a maple neck and maple board. Ebony on maple is very quick in its response with lots of snap. I have been trying ash as a neck material and found it to be leaning towards wenge but more open." I agree! Alex[/quote] Thanks for all the replies folks! Really helpful.. Seems to be then that, as a rule of thumb, wenge is a 'darker, more compressed' sounding wood than maple. Mike Tobias is well known as an expert on tonewoods and his comments make a lot of sense and also support what you've all said here, which is good as it shows that the BC community members really know their stuff! Just gotta decide what to do now about the bass now. Nik
  9. [quote name='Muppet' post='36960' date='Jul 25 2007, 06:07 PM']FWIW I think the stance Chris has taken is excellent and truly representative of the BW community. He's not legally obliged to act in this way which makes it all the more laudable.[/quote] +1 to that! Chris is a great guy and IMHO, his attitude and behaviour over this issue is a perfect example of what makes the Basschat community what it is - almost without exception, a privelige and a pleasure to be part of. Have to say Chris that I feel for you on this one mate! And I definitely would support these comments below by Bald Eagle: [i]"If you're sure he's pulled a trick on you I'd name & shame the seller here 'Without prejudice' then on every other bass forum on the planet. Gauging by his defensive response I'd say he knew it was dodgy in the first place probably why it was bumped on the bay in the first place, what an A.Hole. Just sleep tight on knowing what goes around comes around."[/i] The key phrase there is 'Gauging by his defensive response'. Sums up the situation perfectly to me. Legally, financially, geographically, I think this situation is too dificult to pursue and will only take up valuable time and energy which I'm sure you could put to good use elsewhere. But getting the bass properly repaired would be a start point to making things a little better... All the best and look forward to seeing you at the Bash on Aug 18th. Nik
  10. [quote name='obbm' post='36927' date='Jul 25 2007, 04:20 PM']Glad to hear that you got through it OK.[/quote] +1 on that. See you at the bash!
  11. [quote name='obbm' post='37074' date='Jul 25 2007, 11:20 PM']Did Bognor Live in 2002. Halfway through the third number on the main stage the heavens opened, the audience disappeared and we eventually finished the set with the sound crew zipped in their tent, the stage crew on stage with us and the 2 security guys in waterproofs standing out front in case someone rushed the stage. We did hear applause from somewhere but couldn't see where. In 2003 on the second stage we couldn't get down to the stupid sound level set by some jobsworth in the district council so they faded us down. The unamplified drum kit was over their limit. We walked off, had a big row with the organisers, the mayor and the police. Put all the kit back in the cars and went home. What a waste of a beautiful afternoon. I'm not sure I ever want to go to Bognor again.[/quote] [i]"I'm not sure I ever want to go to Bognor again"[/i] Lots of people say that Dave, unfortunately! Bognor is a wierd place.....lots of small town politics and jobsworths! In my work, I come up against that all the time so I'm not surprised to hear of your story. Look forward to seeing you at the Bash, Nik
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  13. Hi Folks, I'm looking to get another 5 string and have been considering different options, one of which is Eubassix's Valenti Modern Jazz 5, but I've no idea what the difference is between a wenge neck (which the Valenti has) and a maple neck, which is more commonly used on Fender's. So I wondered if any of you BC'ers have had experience of both types of neck and can describe how they affect the sound, feel and playability of a bass? I know loads of other factors come into play like elctronics, p/ups etc but any words of wisdom on this would be much appreciated as ever!! Cheers Nik
  14. [quote name='WalMan' post='36608' date='Jul 24 2007, 10:39 PM']Hi & welcome from another Newbie. Didn't make Rox this year. The rest of the band were in London to see Spamalot arranged ages ago so it was a bit of a bugger that we were asked this year. Mind your the last two times we almost did it as a band it was either hurling it down (so we ended up doing the gig in an obliging pub on the front) or started hurling it down 2 songs into the set, so our record with the weather as a full band is not good. [/quote] Hi Alan, Good to see you here again! Must try to catch up in Littlehampton sometime. Hope all's well... Nik
  15. Hi Folks Hope you don't mind me posting this on behalf of a friend, who's daughter needs to sell one of her guitars to help her with forthcoming University costs etc: GIBSON ELECTRIC guitar SG Special Mahogany £350 and Line 6 spider amp series 120 watt great condition, comes with footswitch and pedal board £200. Phone 07952316231 or email: [email protected] Any questions, please contact Hannah direct at the e-mail address or via the mobile number. Thanks Nik
  16. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='36015' date='Jul 23 2007, 05:35 PM']Choosing one style [i]verbatim [/i]over another just limits your palette of sounds. Or so I reckon.[/quote] + 1 to that! Whatever sounds best for the song wins out.
  17. [quote name='eubassix' post='35842' date='Jul 23 2007, 11:13 AM']ebay listing unsuccesful .. if anybody can do £795 (delivered) before the end of the month (... whilst I'm still here) then I'll take it.[/quote] Hi, Do have you any soundclips of the bass? I'm looking for another 5, but don't know anything about wenge necks...Does it make a big difference tonally? And to the feel playing-wise. Nik
  18. [quote name='bassninja' post='35500' date='Jul 22 2007, 11:39 AM']Just found the 'new' forum, so hi again everybody. Anybody else play Bognor Rox event over the weekend? Is this an attempt for West Sussex to take the world over?[/quote] Hello again! Didn't play Bognor Rox myself but how was it?? Not sure about West Sussex taking over the world? We're a bit too sleepy for that aren't we, but anything's possible I suppose! Nik
  19. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='34356' date='Jul 19 2007, 09:32 PM']Thanks mybass - will check it out! Nik P.S. As Alex and Bill (and others) have put some great technical info into this thread, does anyone think it's worth making a 'sticky'?[/quote] Things move fast here on Basschat!! Thanks...
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  21. [quote name='mybass' post='34099' date='Jul 19 2007, 01:25 PM']Have a look at the Mark Bass 2x10", the one with TWO front ports which is the larger 2x10. It has a lot of bottom end capacity, power handling and is 8 ohm so you could always add another 8 ohm cab. I use one of these as well with the smaller 2x10" Mark Bass Traveller cab. Big sound with both cabs running, and light weight.[/quote] Thanks mybass - will check it out! Nik P.S. As Alex and Bill (and others) have put some great technical info into this thread, does anyone think it's worth making a 'sticky'?
  22. [quote name='jay249' post='34268' date='Jul 19 2007, 06:16 PM']Backwards one on ''Call Me Al'', still can't nail that one, can't for the life of me figure out why?[/quote] Good call! And the 'Do I do' one...
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  24. [quote name='Brandonh' post='33950' date='Jul 19 2007, 01:32 AM']Well it doesent look diffrent? would I beable to tell for sure?[/quote] My advice would be to go see a guitar tech/luthier to get this sorted and there's a very good thread on this to help you find one here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=253[/url] And this online help is excellent: [url="http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html"]http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/setupmanual.html[/url] Good luck! Nik
  25. [quote name='obbm' post='33568' date='Jul 18 2007, 01:08 PM'][size=7][font="Impact"][center][b]ONE MONTH TO GO[/b][/center][/font][/size][/quote] GREAT!!! Looking forward to this... Nik
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