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About ForbiddenWytch

  • Birthday 18/06/1990

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  1. Never ever buying anything from BassDirect again. Purchased a Tech 21 YYZ pedal through their reverb store, paid for it and then got a message saying it's out of stock and been refunded but my refund will take 3-5 days to process which means I'm out of pocket until then and can't go purchase one somewhere else until that money is back in my account. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jakester


      It's pretty crap. I know they've got something on Reverb for sale ATM that is clearly out of stock. I don't see why anyone can level any criticism at OP - it's on the shop to keep on top of their selling channels. 

    3. prowla


      I saw a car last week on ebay.

      I went to the garage on the weekend and it wasn't there - no sign of it.

      It's still up on ebay.

    4. ForbiddenWytch


      @hiram.k.hackenbacker Why should I have to contact a seller directly to check something is in stock when it says in stock on their online shop that they use to sell stock through? That's not how selling and buying works.  


      @prowla A car is slightly different to a bass pedal, if the item is in stock on their web retail store, you'd assume it's still in stock and ready for purchase. It's on them to update their inventory. 


      @Bleat That's actually worse than what's happened here, they should be on top of their inventory and the places they have these items listed for sale. 


      @Kev I use reverb as it's got buyer protection and I had reverb "dollars" in my account from a couple of items I'd sold on there. The pedal was listed as in stock and available on their shop on there and I had spoken to them directly through the DMs on there only a few days prior about an offer on the product. 


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