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Everything posted by PauBass

  1. I've always liked Karnivool's bass tone...specially on this song! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjvtx3HMUks[/media]
  2. Back up for sale after being on hold. Grab yourself one of the best cabs on the market
  3. [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1388419914' post='2321771'] Neither was mine. Sorry if it came across like that. [/quote] No, it's cool,, I just thought about adding those comments from Aguilar so everyone knew what they were. I gigged my 751 for 3 years and I always regretted selling it, hence the reason 2 months later I bought the 750.
  4. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1388330538' post='2320803'] Hmm, I plan to keep my Mark Bass F1 as a back up and for smaller gigs, and I also use a PJB Briefcase for when we do 'acoustic' gigs. As much as I loved the Aggie Cabs yesterday I'll have to see how the back copes with hauling the 750 around first, on paper it doesn't sound too bad but in reality (flightcased) it's a heavy beast! I'm sure at this point the sound will more than make up for the effort of lifting it from the van to the venue, I was really impressed by the 4x10 though and clearly there's a lot of love for the other cabs too. I reckon I'll see how the BF fares and then maybe, once funds allow, I'll potentially be back to try some of the DB cabs with my ears (and my back). There's nowt like getting old! [/quote] I have mine on an Aguilar rack and it's a bit heavy but worth the effort For some reason I didn't like the mids of the DB410 I had, I sold it and kept a Bergantino NV610, I much preferred the mid punch on that cab, I thought the Aggie sounded too nasal ( if that makes any sense)
  5. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1388277351' post='2320442'] Update - I tried the two amp heads through my Barefaced Cab today.....I'm now the owner of a DB750. Have to say there were pros and cons to both heads, the 750 seemed a bit cleaner to me tonally, a bit less coloured than the 751, although interestingly I had to have the gain/master volume increased by a fair amount on the 750 when AB/ing the amps? Once I'd got the gain & volume controls sorted/level, I thought the 751 definitely seemed to have a little bit of mid boost in the flat EQ (if that makes sense?). I definitely prefer the aesthetics/feel of the 750's controls compared with the 751, although I do really like the thought of all controls being on the front panel, particularly the main power on/off and I certainly wouldn't rule out having a 751 in the future. On the whole I'm really pleased with the amp, first proper outing will be Jan 4th - can't wait to see how it sits in the band mix. Thanks for the all the feedback! Pete [/quote] If you liked the tone of the amps on their own, wait until you hear it in the mix. I've played my 750 through a new Super Twelve and it was a monster of a rig...You're going to be a very happy man
  6. [quote name='mildmanofrock' timestamp='1388200504' post='2319470'] Mentioned where? Both are great amps but, for me, the 751 has the edge - plus much better in the mids. [/quote] That's what I said, both are great amps and I'd be happy with either of them! My comment wasn't meant in a bad way. There was lots of talk when the DB751 came onto the market on another forum, TalkBass. Aguilar themselves, at some point mentioned they changed the way it was built to make it more affordable, no more point to point wiring, different front panel...as an example they mentioned the older knobs and also the chrome switches were way more expensive. In the end Dave said "Taking out some costs and adding a more efficient build proceedure translated into $300 reduction in retail cost"
  7. I know what you mean JTUK! For the past 4 years Aguilar DB amps have been my amps, first a DB751 and now a DB750...I just love their tone and the weight/power they project on each note you play. As Molan has said, switch it on, wait for the blue light to stop blinking and off you go, excellent tone straight away. At the same time as Aguilar I have owned other amps, Ampeg, Hartke, EBS, Fender...none of them have stayed, it's always been the Aguilar.
  8. [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1388012160' post='2317919'] That's interesting feedback - thank you guys. I have to agree about the 750 looking more aesthetically pleasing, I prefer the uncluttered look of the 750 front panel, although I certainly wouldn't rule out a 751 on looks alone, horses for courses and all that. I'm planning a visit to a shop to try a couple out and let my ears decide. Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean when you say the 750 is wired point to point? Edited for typo [/quote] I'm sure it gets more complex and someone could explain it better but, If I'm not mistaken it means hand wired, where each component is wired to the next by using leads rather than using an etched PCB boards. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1388064351' post='2318207'] I've played through both a fair few times. I definitely prefer the look and feel of the 750 with the chunkier knobs and nice metal flick switches. I know two pretty high end pro players who use the DB heads exclusively for live work on very large stages. Both had the 750 but both swapped to a 751 because they preferred how it sounded flat and because the tonal range of the controls worked better for them on the newer model. The tech guys at Aguilar are a very smart bunch and their principal aim when hey bring out new models is always improvement in core tone and usability. Great as the 750 is I think the 751 is definitely a notch up in terms of core sound (even if it loses a little in aesthetics). [/quote] I have no doubts Aguilar tried to improved the core tone of the 750, but it has been mentioned before they also had to cut some corners to make the amp more affordable...Anyway both are great amps and I'd be happy with any of them...in my case, I kept the 750, it worked better for me but, I'd also be more than pleased with the 751.
  9. I have also sold and sent many items to European countries (Germany, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Belgium, France...) and never had a problem. Payment has been always bank transfer, money being sent to me in pounds, not the equivalent in Euros as you might be hit by your bank with the exchange rate and end up not getting your sale price.
  10. Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all wonderful people of Bascchat!...it's a pleasure being part of this great community.
  11. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1387908027' post='2317145'] i believe thats my old 750 isnt it? i think i rem when getting the 750 the guy in the shop did say that the 750 is better made than the new 751 i must admit i prefer the look of the 750. andy [/quote] Yes Andy, true, I bought it from you. Look wise, the DB750 wins and it was still wired point to point whereas the 751 it's not. Tone wise the 750 has a different tone which I like better over the 751 I had.
  12. Excelente Amp choice! I've had both, DB751 and 750. I now own the 750 and fan noise it's never been a problem, when playing or recording, it's about the same as any other big amp I've owned. For some reason I much preferred the DB750 over the 751. If it helps, I've played mine for a few weeks with one of the new Super Twin cabs, similar in a way to your Super Twelve, and it was loud, very,very loud...it was enough for me on my two loud guitars band.
  13. [quote name='paulflan0151' timestamp='1387308188' post='2310580'] Voting now over. We didn't win :-( [url="http://blog.intuit.co.uk/8015/who-won-1000-loveourlocalbusiness-com-grants-wishes-update/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=who-won-1000-loveourlocalbusiness-com-grants-wishes-update"]http://blog.intuit.co.uk/8015/who-won-1000-loveourlocalbusiness-com-grants-wishes-update/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=who-won-1000-loveourlocalbusiness-com-grants-wishes-update[/url] But great effort everybody and thanks for voting. Maybe next time! [/quote] That sucks, sorry Paul...but keep up the good work.
  14. Wow, some very ugly basses in here...I thought this was about the most beautiful bass!
  15. My '75 Fender Precision here...a bit on the heavy side but plays beautifully and sounds even better [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/75%20Precision/P1030833.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/75%20Precision/IMG_1698-1.jpg.html"][/url]
  16. I have never broken a string but I always carry a spare set with me just in case...there's always a first time for everything and you never know when it might happen
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1387128931' post='2308466'] Got an opinion of the NV ceramics against the Berg NEO's..?? [/quote] No sorry, I haven't tried any of the Bergantino Neo cabs.
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387145567' post='2308787'] I'm sure that cab performs excellently! For me the finishing touches would be black screws, different badge/repositioned. However, I can't get over how good the amp would sound,work and look with a pair of DB212s [/quote] Yes, black screws would be a better choice I agree...I'm sure Alex will listen and add this to his list. Well, with a pair of DB212 it must sound huge too, never tried them but I have to say with a DB410 I didn't like it as much...and I'm a huge Aguilar fan, have used their amps exclusively for over 4 years!
  19. I haven't had any experience with previous generations of Barefaced cabs so I can't speak about those but, generation 3 cabs I have tried three different models and they all were really well built and, by no means looked or felt weak/flimsy. I come from having owned many cabs previously (Bergantinos, Aguilar, Ampeg, Hartke, Genz Benz...), and yes, maybe the tolex for some will make the cab look better and I understand the finish on Barefaced cabs might not be to everyone taste but, in fact I much prefer the look of the Barefaced cabs and I don't have to worry about ripped/marked tolex any more. Can things be improved/changed on these cabs? I'm sure some aspects could, nothing is perfect, and Barefaced seem to have been taken on board comments and work towards improving their product. All the QC issues on past genarations of cabs have been addressed on the Barefaced Generation 3. In the end I went with a Big Twin 2 and, so far, I couldn't be happier, I love its tone and the versatility of this cab with the added crossover. It's ultra loud and handles all my effects with no problems (octave, distortion, synth, chorus, falnger...) I have to say I have always been a big/heavy cab kind of guy and I have always had my doubts about lightweight gear, but this has been an eye opener for me and, for now, I'm not looking back. ...and they are not that ugly, are they?...at least to my eyes [url="http://s105.photobucket.com/user/PauBass/media/photo2_zps73b0b12c.jpg.html"][/url]
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