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Everything posted by PauBass

  1. [quote name='RandomBass' timestamp='1385678091' post='2291170'] Hey PauBass, where do you guys play? Locally? Wouldn't mind trying to get to see you some time. Cheers Geoff [/quote] Our rehearsal room is on an industrial state near Small Dole and our next gig will be on a charity event in Horsham on the 8th of December. We've now taken on board a second guitardist so we've stopped gigging for a bit, now mainly song writting and getting the songs tight.
  2. [quote name='Clarky72' timestamp='1385676933' post='2291147'] Ah maaaan.. I really can't decide. I think I need to find a shop that stocks both to try side by side. [/quote] I know that feeling well ...I never tried the TH500 before buying it but I have been a long Aguilar user, Ampeg previously, and I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. I know you are a bit far away but you are welcome to come and try mine out if you have a chance.
  3. Last night I practiced again with my band with my new TH500 and it sounded huge! We are a rock/heavy band with two loud guitarrists and the kick drum throught the PA, the amp coped really well and the tone was present, big and defined!...I'm coming from using an Aguilar DB750 so pleasing me it's not easy
  4. 278 Have been voting over the last few days on my different devices 😉
  5. [quote name='Marsy' timestamp='1384887980' post='2281945'] I'm buzzing off my nv412 liike! Ha ha! owned/tried the ampeg cabs with my svt-cl and they weren't doing it.. The bergy does it! = ) [/quote] I know that feeling well 😃 New Price £850
  6. [quote name='Bassulike66' timestamp='1384690276' post='2279430'] I hope Paubass doesn't mind me using his original sale thread!? (His pictures are better than mine!) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/188559-sold-fernandes-gravity-5-deluxetone-monster/"]http://basschat.co.u...xetone-monster/[/url] [/quote] Not at all! If I had the monies I'd buy it back...I miss it [size=4]Good luck with the sale. [/size]
  7. Nice! Please, someone buy my Bergantino!
  8. [quote name='berme' timestamp='1384874713' post='2281719'] Slightly off-topic, but how do you compare it to the NV610? If you have also played this cab, of course. [/quote] Yes I've had the NV610, in fact I owned both at the same time for a short period and kept the NV412, I much preferred the extended lows on the 412 and yet still very punchy mids too. I, and everyone in my band, chose the 412 over the 610. It also handles the power better and goes louder than the 610. If you like the 610, wait until you try a 412 😄
  9. Aguilar TH500? I'm very impressed with mine, small and light but really, really loud. Plenty of nice and fat tones. I highly recommend it
  10. Wow, what a beauty Si!. If I played frettless I'd probably be on my way to your place....again
  11. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1384463705' post='2277137'] I have the exact same cab and it is simply awesome. Yeah it's not feather light but forget that it looks the mutts and hell it sounds better than any other cab I've ever heard. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I agree, it's the best cab I have ever played...forget Aguilar. Hartke, Ampeg... or even any other Bergantinos.[/font][/color]
  12. 3 more votes from all my devices...I'll keep voting over the next few days. Good Luck!
  13. Dave bought my Darkglass B7K and was a pleasure to deal with, hassle free transaction with great communication and prompt payment. Thanks Dave!
  14. I've been using Interparcel for a few years and I've only had one issue where my amp was lost in transit, I received someone else's amp and he received mine, luckily we were in the same town and got in touch with each other and exchange amps. My flight case had been damaged in transit I told Interparcel and they paid for it straight away, plus £15 extra for the trouble. CityLink? Two weeks ago we got a delivery from them, the parcel was clearly damaged on one side, big, big hole on the box, it was very obvious. It was a heavy package so when he delivered it to my partner he placed it so she couldn't see the damaged, when I got home and turn the box around to unpack I saw it and rang him straight away, I had his mobile...he already new it was damaged! I arranged for the company to send me a new item. Package out for delivery, us all day home keeping an eye on the tracking number when all of a sudden it changes to "Attempted Delivery, card left"... I could not believe it, we did not leave the house all day and no one came and, of course no card was left! Two days later the same guy from CityLink turns up, I asked him about it and he just said "yes I did try to deliver it", when I told him no card was left and we had been home all day, all he said was " whatever mate"... He didn't t give a s***t. I contacted CityLink and told them about this guy, his attitude and his lies, they were very surprised and offer me a refund for the shipping costs. .
  15. Another great transaction with Ian. Bought my VT Bass and the deal couldn't have gone any better: great communication and prompt payment. People, do not hesitate, Ian is a great Basschatter. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the pedal.
  16. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383504220' post='2265196'] I think it may be because they do have a distinct sound. If someone tries one in a shop they'll know pretty quickly if that sound is for them. If they like it then they buy a TH and hang on to it. I think it's most likely that used ones come from people who've bought on a recommendation or review and then discovered it wasn't quite the right sound for them Great reliability as well, I've not heard of any coming back in for warranty repairs [/quote] So to clarify, is it voice kinda like the DB750? Or at least can provide that tone? Not sure there's any places close to Brighton were I can try one.
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383479661' post='2264803'] I know exactly what you mean. I've never played anything that gives weight to low notes like the DB750. The TH can deliver a lot of the core tone but it'll never quite have the depth the DB has. It comes close enough for me really and the weight difference is a life saver if you have to carry hints for any distance It is surprisingly loud though. Last night I was running into a single 8ohm 2x10 cab in a very large room with two loud guitarists and I didn't go above about 12:00 on both pre and master volume. I'm no expert on exactly how different people rate their watts but I know the power module in the TH500 is the same one some other claim 900w for! [/quote] I must definitely try one....or buy one but they don't seem to come up for sale second hand often...that must be a good sign?
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