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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. Not at all! Whippersnappers stealing my gigs, buying the gear I want! They should should be up chimneys, making sure that they're clean! 😡 And seriously now folks. Yes, it was good see a large contingent of youngsters present, certainly flies in the face of the, clickbait type proclamations that guitar based music (and bass of course) is dead. It's also something I see in my local Guitar Guitar, a good number of young folk coming in with adults to buy instruments. Long may that continue.
  2. Hardly a new artist, but the new release from Robben Ford has some good stuff on it, I particularly like the groove on this one...
  3. Well done for posting, @Joel McIver, it's good to see that you're taking an interest and noting our concerns and suggestions.
  4. A bit late to the party, but I watched it last night. Yes the timeline was ar5e backwards at times, but if you don’t know their history well, it didn’t detract from being rather entertaining IMO. I thought John Deacon’s portrayal was very well observed and the bass level and tone in the mix was very pleasing. All the main characters were pretty well done, although Roger’s portrayal seemed less so than the others and those playing the minders and management were a bit 2 dimensional. During the film I was reminded that I really like the first 3 albums, it’s the later, more overblown stuff that I could live without (still musically solid, just not my cup of tea). If you haven’t seen it, give it a whirl.
  5. Having done exhibitions myself in the past (including at the BDC) I can testify to this. It’s a great feeling meeting folks who are actually interested in what you’re selling and have made the effort to come and have a look. But being on your feet all day, trying to say the same thing hundreds of times in a different way, takes it out of you. Noise at any trade exhibition tends to high (people are just noisy on their own never mind if the product being sold makes a sound too) and the old ears get fatigued too, that said, it wasn’t until mid afternoon that I found it started to become oppressive, an improvement on Olympia. The BDC is very bright, which is a good thing, but it is also acoustically challenged with its marvellous roof. However, there is office space and the like on the top and ground floors which could be utilised as demo areas in the future, should the organisers decide to use this venue again. The idea of bringing your own headphone amp that you’re familiar with is something I’d consider in the future, although this won’t help for amps and cabs of course, but demo rooms could sort that. Finally, it may seem that a lot of people are moaning but, for the most part, Brits can be quite curmudgeonly and an honest critique may come over as negative, especially when we forget to praise the things that we liked. However, if we don’t point out the short comings, things won’t improve and folks will eventually stop coming.
  6. Not really a bass album per se, but Paul Young’s No Parlez was a revelation to my ears. I’ve been a fan of fretless and Pino ever since.
  7. I didn't even notice it when I was there, too much emphasis on the various Brian Mays with their striking finishes. Opportunity missed by the Bass Centre there.
  8. It was ok for me, but only because I wanted to look at guitars too (burn him, he’s a witch!). If you only went for basses or trebles alone, it would’ve been hugely disappointing. I thought it was very small given it was covering two instruments and the likes of Yamaha and Gibson/Epiphone were conspicuous by their absence. Yet again, the ability to give anything a proper try out was impossible. Although the noise level was ok to start with, by the end of the day it was a loud mush and the earplugs needed to be used. Having one of the demonstration/interview areas in amongst the exhibitors was just plain stupid! The highlight for me was guitarist, Lari Basilio, super talented and a nice person too; I bought her cd (her rhythm section on the cd is Nathan East and Vinnie Vollaiuta, none too shabby). The only other purchase I made was a pick by Chickenpicks (not cheap, but I have high hopes for it). As it was a boy’s days out (there were 5 of us), it was a good giggle and I enjoyed myself. Will I go again next year? No, not if they repeat the format and venue.
  9. It’s pretty damned noisy now! Time to go methinks. All quiet times were studiously ignored and no attempt at enforcement.
  10. Well, I’m here. Not too noisy really. However, given that this is a combined guitar and bass event, I think it’s a bit small.
  11. Good to hear (no pun intended). I used to work at Angel and actually did a couple of expos at the BDC, which made me wonder why they chose this as a venue, the acoustics are not best suited to a musical instrument show.
  12. Once again it seems that the organisers are loath to actually impose the quiet periods; all talk and no do, as ever. I must remember my ear plugs for tomorrow.
  13. I’m pretty sure you can change days with the same ticket. There was a post by the organisers earlier in thread about this IIRC.
  14. The thrum of four wheels on tarmac, it certainly seems to send them to sleep in the car.
  15. Absolutely, you could throw a stone at the BDC from the bus stops.
  16. “Take that, you great big, wooden, bestringed beast!”
  17. A certain Mr Sumner seems to think they’re the bee’s knees (see what I did there ) and he can play anything he likes.
  18. Slang Justice by Carl Verheyen. This track also features a rather nice fretless bass solo by Dave Marotta...
  19. I'm closing my eyes, sticking my fingers in my ears and shouting, "LA, LA, LA, LA!" 😂
  20. This is way too close to Ez Towers for financial comfort! A lovely thing indeed. GLWTS.
  21. It seems that this ‘new’ single is just a reworking of this...
  22. He would’ve approved I think. 🍻
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