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Everything posted by ezbass

  1. Never rethink surf green, unless it’s for sea foam green
  2. I’m glad it actually turned out to be Satch, as that was my first impression.
  3. Ah, the famous ‘can’t be arsed to read the set list email’ scenario. Been there, been annoyed by it.
  4. The Roadworns are finished in a very thin nitro cellulose which will certainly make a difference acoustically. Also the infamous BBOT (bent bit of tin) bridge does seem to work really well on P basses as opposed to J basses, where hi-mass seem to be de rigeur.
  5. Wherever I Lay My Hat or Pump It Up.
  6. It has become my task as I seem to have produced the most balanced in the past. I always send them round for editing, especially by the keyboard player (patch loading) and lead singer (potential vocal strain), but they tend to come back unaltered these days.
  7. The Motet is a new name on me, therefore, Google search required. Ooh, they have me feeling the funk big time! And you are not wrong about that bass tone. Thanks for posting. Here's a link to a gig at Red Rocks, it doesn't start until about 13:30
  8. Or a Lakland Skyline Hollowbody (unless your good fortune stretches to full on US model).
  9. Someone has dropped a testicle in the design there. My old Diago pedal board has the feet and latch studs (the non moving bits, I’m sure there’s a technical term, but I don’t know it) on the shallow half, as you’d expect.
  10. Very much this. Thunder themselves pretty much disappeared once grunge came on the scene (they later broke up at least twice IIRC). However, these days, Thunder seem bigger than ever - timing is everything.
  11. Misfits and miscreants? How very dare... oh, hold on... yeah, fair enough 😂 Welcome @Obra
  12. I don’t know if it’s been mention earlier in this thread, but for some full on Giblin action, check out John Martyn’s Grace & Danger, which I was steered towards in another thread.
  13. Richie Kotzen: more guitar chops than most and a voice like Chris Cornell - it's just not fair.
  14. The logo looks like the Heartfeld.
  15. Cheers! You’re not wrong about the difficulty of the vocal performance and when working it up, our singist made a comment about it. Fortunately, she is extremely talented and stepped right up to the plate.
  16. Another one of my band The DiamondHearts doing a stripped back version of Tori Amos' Cornflake Girl. It's a rough recording on an iPad and yes, it's a bit dark, but I like to think of it as mood lighting (see, it was Monday and none of us were looking our best 😂). Once again, I'm using my Rob Allen MB2, 5 string (anyone would think that I only owned one bass from my uploads in this thread).
  17. Soooo many times. That and dancers careening into boom mic stands, resulting in split lips and cracked teeth.
  18. Oh, this is already looking good. I'm pulling up a comfy chair and settling in for the coming updates.
  19. My immediate thought was Satriani, but then read the entire post. Sorry, no help here.
  20. It’s probably the least important thing, but the thing that causes the most angst. I feel your pain. I’ve always been a fan of Post Burrito Depression (courtesy of Tony Levin http://papabear.com/miscpages/bandname.htm ).
  21. I congratulate you on your Pythonesque derail. Well played.
  22. Going completely off topic is what BC is about and this thread is a fine, fine example. 👏👏👏
  23. You can drop that right now, there’s nothing worse than BC punning to give me the needle.
  24. Look at the way this thread has gone a bit whimsical (albeit in a dark way), that’s BC right there. Hmm, the lights are flickering a little, someone must be down in the cellar.
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