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Everything posted by shoulderpet

  1. Just googled this pedal and it sounds like a winner, thanks for the suggestion
  2. A large part of it is how the string vibrates and sustains, the flat wire on flatwounds is generally more tightly wound and the windings are closer together than roundwounds, add to this the fact that flats are generally stiffer, these factors prevent the strings from vibrating and sustaining in the same way that rounds do. You just have to stick a dense piece of foam under your strings to see how a shorter sustain kills off the highs.
  3. Haha yes I must have forgot to update the thread, hope you are enjoying the Mustang
  4. Hi Am after some suggestions for a decent overdrive pedal for under £100 (if possible), im crap at describing sounds so I will just use a link to the video below to show the kind of tone I am after, listening to the song it is overdriven but it is not over the top in your face fuzz, thanks [Youtube
  5. Check with them before you order, last I heard they were having supply issues with the flats, that was a while ago though
  6. Now £360, last price drop before this goes on the evilbay, I would rather sell this to the fine folk on this forum, this is a killer deal Unfortunately I am unable to offer postage on this so would be collection only or if within a travelable distance from where I am (Croydon,London) I can meet up
  7. Open to trades on this, G and L Fallout tribute would be cool or another MIM Fender (without a slab body) but open to suggestions, I love medium scale basses also so could be tempted by a CV Jaguar bass and a little cash to make up the difference in value
  8. It is a lovely bass but the lack of contouring is not working for me, real shame Fender chose a slab body for these
  9. Now that you mention it, it would really look good on a black bass
  10. Was a custom plate from Gig.ink, I sent them the image and they made the plate from it, if it is that particular image you are interested in then let me know and I still try and dig out the image, the finished image was not as bright as the original but still bright enough to look good
  11. Hi Sadly the lack of body contouring on this bass means that I will have to move this on. I am after £360 ono which as the cheapest I have seen them for is £560 I think is very reasonable or will trade for a G and L Fallout tribute bass but will consider other reasonable trades The bass is in good condition but has a ding in the paintwork in one place that is shown in the below photos. Tonally this is a lovely sounding bass, P pickup sounds great and unusually for a p/j bass I really like the tone with both pickups on, it has a lovely bite to it with both pickups on and has a good range of sounds from bright to dark and dubby, my bandmates have commented that they love the tone of this bass and they will be disappointed that I am moving this on I have changed the pickguard to the one in the photos but will include the original mint green pickguard, for this reason I have included pics of the bass with both pickguards, the P pickup is pickup from a USA Fender and in the interest of full disclosure as I cannot solder I have connected the pickup to the existing wiring by twisting the wires together and securing with electrical tape , this does not effect the operation of the bass (Fender actually use this method to extend one of the cables to the pickup selector) it just doesn't look as pretty as a proper soldering job , have shown this in the below photos . This is a gem of a bass and whoever buys this will be a very happy chappy Collection from Croydon or if you are in the London area or anywhere that is travelable from Croydon then I can meet up with you
  12. Thanks, I love my Mustang but the slab body has me considering moving it on, one of these looks just the ticket
  13. Is there anyone here with a G and L Fallout tribute bass? If so is the body contoured? I love my Mustang bass but everytime I sit down to play it I have to wear a wristband because of the slab body
  14. Am curious about Delano pickups and would like to try one of their p pickups with the massive pole pieces in a p/j bass but the thing that has stopped me from trying them is that on their webpage it says "Due to technical reasons always combine pickups with identical icons (f.e. •+•or ∆+∆)" I assume Delano pickups can be combined with other passive pickups just like other pickups can? Thanks
  15. So apparently according to her the way to tackle sexism is to use a sexist retort....hmm double standard me thinks
  16. Ok so had a chance to try the Duncans at rehearsal and they sounded good but I did find I struggled to hear myself a little, I don't think the Prosteels helped, I have some Entwistle pbxn on order so hopefully they will be the ticket and enable me to cut through
  17. I had one very briefly and it was a solid bass but I ended up returning it as I just did not gel with it. For me there were a number of minor issues that irked me once the new bass glow had worn off *Although it sounded fairly good, there was a brittleness to the highs that I just could not dial out *20mm spacing, only slightly wider than 19mm but enough to be noticeable *A couple of areas QC wise that were they had dropped the ball a bit *Uninspiring to play, it was mostly solidly built but it just felt a bit "Meh"
  18. Just done some upgrades on my Mustang bass, new pickguard courtesy of Gig.ink @TimAl and Duncan Quarter pounder P pickup
  19. I stick mine in a tub of hot water with a tiny bit of washing up liquid, give them 10 minutes then pour out the hot water, rinse them quickly to remove any suds and dry them with a towel, gives me another few weeks of life to my strings. The tub method works better than boiling them on a stove which is too hard on the strings and doesn't last very long.
  20. Ok thanks, it does have a strange smell almost like brasso to it so that would make sense that it is something like white spirit
  21. Ok so another query, my Daddario fret board conditioner says it contains Petroleum distillates, should I be worried about applying this stuff?
  22. Ok I have just seen that someone has already posted the link to the forum post referenced above so I assume it is ok to post the link https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/fretboard-oiling-your-one-stop-guide.2154768/
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