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Everything posted by Soliloquy

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  2. That looks just like my old one. Did you get it from Musical exchanges ?
  3. This is new, and unused. It's very well made, and very comfortable, just not quite what I'm after. It measures from 42" to 52". It cost £35 plus postage, it can be yours for £25 posted.
  4. [quote name='bassist_lewis' post='1331357' date='Aug 7 2011, 08:41 PM']holy s**t! thats one of the most beautiful basses I've ever seen! whats the low B like on that?[/quote] Thanks ! The low B is perfect. I'd say it was the best bass that I've ever owned, and I've owned a lot of good basses .
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  7. These are actually very, very versatile. Michael Manring uses one. You just need to experiment with it. PM sent.
  8. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1323781' date='Aug 2 2011, 02:05 AM']I think it would be. It's accurate to 0.5 cents, that's pretty accurate, there's not many others out there with that kind of accuracy at all, nothing that I've seen without spending double (turbo tuner and strobostomp are both more accurate). I've done set ups with all kinds of tuners (including cheap clip ones and korg hand helds) and I've never had any complaints, a lot of people use Boss TU2s which are only accurate to 3 cents. Obviously using a turbo tuner or stroborack would be perfect but they're significantly more expensive and the polytune mode would be handy I imagine for quick tuning on stage. I've never felt my Korg DTR-1000 suffered for accuracy either and that's only half as accurate as the polytune. Sorry for the long post, I'm trying to convince myself I don't NEED to spend £129 on the turbo tuner. [/quote] Seriously, you DO want to spend £129 on a Turbotuner ! The Pitchblack is more accurate than the Polytune (I think).
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1321149' date='Jul 30 2011, 10:48 AM']I use a Polytune, the 2 bands I'm in have different tunings - one is CGCF the other BEADG so I don't bother using alternate modes (I didn't even know it could ). I do flip between guitar and bass modes at home though. With bass I just plug it in and Vwoomph (it's very fast at tracking) - I use single note tune for CGCF and both single and strum tune for BEADG or if I'm playing a 4 string in standard tuning. I like the Polytune because it's very good for setting intonation (it's my job). I used to have a Pitchblack and a DT-10 before that, I think I preferred the DT-10 more (it can mute). I found my Pitchblack box the other day - free to a good home if anyone needs one. [/quote] A Polytune for intonation ? I wouldn't have thought it was accurate enough, just my thoughts, ignore me if I'm wrong.
  10. I think it's odd that 'true bypass' wasn't a feature that you took into account in your tests.
  11. [quote name='Finbar' post='1309886' date='Jul 20 2011, 01:20 AM']Perfectly. Absolutely perfectly. I would never ever ever willingly go back to my DT-10, and still have it on my board even though my Pod has an inbuilt tuner (which sucks at low B unless you use a 12th fret harmonic). And they're not difficult to get hold of here. You just buy it direct from Sonic Research with Paypal, and it turns up at your house a few days later. I don't understand how that's hard. Unless people mean you can't get it in shops?[/quote] I bought mine direct from Sonic Research, it took about a week. You can sometimes buy them from here [url="http://www.theguitarstoreonline.co.uk/Pedals/FX/p-73-376"]http://www.theguitarstoreonline.co.uk/Pedals/FX/p-73-376[/url] They're generally out of stock though. They really are the best.
  12. I've never seen a through neck Modulus. That's very nice ! My Quantum 6 was one of the nicest basses I've owned.
  13. [quote name='Doctor J' post='1309706' date='Jul 19 2011, 09:38 PM']Great post, thanks! Yeah, been looking at them. My trusty old TU-2 is possibly on its way out after many years. [url="http://www.turbo-tuner.com/"]http://www.turbo-tuner.com/[/url] I'd be keen to hear some first hand experience of how it does with low notes.[/quote] It just locks onto the low B, pretty much immediately. No wobbly LED's or needles, just fast and accurate tuning. The build quality is superb too. It's also true, 'true bypass', so there's absolutely no loss of tone, and you can just leave it in line between your bass and amp with no fear of the battery going on you.
  14. I've used a Pitchblack for my 6 string basses with never a problem. It's my 2nd tuner in fact. It's also 'true bypass', which is something you don't mention. The Polytune is pants to be honest, not very accurate at all, and rubbish with a low B. I think it's supposed to be true bypass, but I didn't like it. The best, is the Turbotuner, but it's not readily available over here. It's true bypass too. Great reviews by the way.
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