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Everything posted by Quilly

  1. I was thinking of a 1930s style coup d'etat
  2. Hi Everyone I joined a band last Feb/Mar that was pretty much defunct for over a year for want of a bassist. Anyway when I joined we quickly dusted off and get going again pretty quickly playing indie alternative covers. It was me and one of the bands 'founders' that pretty much organised all the gigs. I pulled in a really talented rhythm guitarist and that really transformed our sound.....then the drummer quit (he was in about 5 other bands) So I managed to hunt down a replacement, then the singer and co-founder quit...again I think I've secured new singer/guitarist. At this stage the only original band member is the remaining founder (LG). At this point though is it basically a new band? Or like Fleetwood mac do we drive on with the original 'ethos'. Is this strange? - I dont think this has happened to me in my 30+ years of playing in bands.
  3. No hum at all out of my ctm-100 or the little bastard I used to have ? Just clean warm valvey goodness . (Am I doing something wrong 😆?)
  4. That’s not ideal at all, I was literally moments away from pulling the trigger on this amp a couple of weeks ago, instead I bought a small mark bass practice amp (801). I think I’ll hold on a while.
  5. Thats so annoying...happened me before with gear4music. Eventually...I got a refund.
  6. I once had an Orange Terror bass that gave up the ghost on me on 2 separate occasions at gigs. Ever since I always carry a backup. I got rid of the Orange BTW.
  7. I’ve had no issues ...that said I always have my trusty 1996 trace Elliot ah500 in the boot of my car...just in case
  8. I’ve been playing a secondhand Ashdown CTM-100 for a year now with no issues. You just need to remember 2 things. Always have a load and don’t move the. When they’re hot and you’ll have no problems (with well made ones). They’re worth it IMO.
  9. Its a disease, every time I whittle my collection to the bare essential of gear, just to keep afloat, I get the fever. I've a serious addiction to tube heads that I know wont be sated until I own a sandbox WB-100.
  10. Hi People, Where I'm from (SE Ireland) there seems to be a serious dearth of decent drummers. Most good ones are in at least 5 bands. Our excellent drummer has recently decided to quit our band (we're a bunch of old fogeys and he's a young lad destined for stardom), so it looks like we'll be doing semi-acoustic gigs until another one comes on the scene as we're not really into electric drum machines. Is this the same situation in your neck of the woods?
  11. No - I couldnt assume a PA system in the pubs I gig in so it would have to be able to stand on its own 2 feet as it were.
  12. I was thinking it should sufficiently be loud through my Two10?
  13. I owened the pf-350 for a short while and I found it to be a very warm , clean sounding head. Solidly built also . I thought it should have been louder though. I understand I was playing at 250w through an 8 ohm genz cab but I thought it still should have had more headroom than it had. My current valve head is just 100w and it would eat the pf350 for breakfast.
  14. For such an unusual shaped amp I would have thought they would provide a decent case for it. Id prefer the PF50t if it came in a traditional 'box' case. I wonder could one be retro fitted around it? It looks a little vulnerable.
  15. Sell a kidney or turn to petty theft, do whatever you have to do and get yourself a valve amp. You wont regret it. I have nothing against SS amps at all and some are great (in truth they probably make a bit more sense for bassists) but there's just something about the sound from a valve amp that hard to beat.
  16. It’s is capable for small / mid gigs ? I have a really efficient barefaced cab.
  17. Anyone ever try out the new Ashdown CTM-30 little stubby?...very neat looking small tube head.
  18. Indeed! the 50t at £429! Now I wont be able to sleep tonight 😣
  19. The CTM-100 is a serious amp but it needs a good cab. I gigged with the barefaced two10 in a loud outdoors gig unsupported by a PA last Friday night and it was great, warm and clean while being plenty loud enough. Its relatively portable compared to most big valve heads (its only 19kg which isnt bad at all).
  20. Hi Bigwan, I remember buying a LB-30 from someone up North about 3 years ago and he kindly sent it to Waterford (was it you?) , It was fantastic sounding amp and I foolishly thought it wasn't powerful enough (it was my cab) and I sold it on - I really miss it. I now too have a barefaced two10 and am running an Ashdown CTM-100 through it and it has heaps of power...which got me thinking about revisiting the low wattage valve thing. I'm wondering if a 50W tube head would suffice for home use / small gigs. Let me know how you get on with it.
  21. When the Lead guitarist picks songs to cover and then can’t manage the solos. 😡. Sounds really amateurish and pathetic when they’re fluffed .
  22. Are these Hybrid (SS preamp) or pure valve heads?
  23. The best ‘jazz’ I’ve owned is my current 2008 passive mayones jabba 4. It just does everything a Jazz is supposed to do in spades and built like a tank . The pickups are amazing . Delano big pole piece pickups .
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