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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. [quote name='joegarcia' post='480597' date='May 6 2009, 01:44 AM']Update from me: [attachment=24856:board.jpg][/quote] That's a hell of a board, how do you choose between your 6 dirt pedals, 2 delay pedals, 2 octavers, 2 synth pedals and 2 eq's, not to mention 2 guv'nors? Plus where did you get your messdrive? I didn't think electrix had any uk dealers?
  2. why is every bass that comes up for sale that I'd love a 5 string? oh well, I could always use it as a strap..........
  3. [quote name='DanOwens' post='478098' date='May 3 2009, 10:23 AM']WANT WANT WANT I love my Wooley Mammoth but god does it tear everything up!! Dan[/quote] From comments/clips i've heard it's supposed to be quite different to the woolly mammoth, it's supposedly a little tamer, not gated, but supposedly the bass response is just as good as the mammoth, but the impedance control is what really sold me, my Devi Ever cherry pop is great, but it's a wild fuzz, and it hates my active spector, I actually like the gated synthy attack, but there's only one or two settings that are usable below an open A, so a tamer, well rounded fuzz that likes actives is just what I need I can't stop talking about this thing.....
  4. Should have probably done a better google search.....found a few around, music ground have them on evilBay for £110, which I thought was pretty reasonable, until I found [url="http://www.guitarvillage.co.uk/product-detail.asp?id=7859&catid=9&manid=272&quantity=1&product=ZVex+Vextron+Series+Mastotron%2C+New"]this[/url], I'm DEFINITELY getting one for that price, If only I didn't have to wait a week to afford it.......I'll put up some impressions/maybe some sound clips when I get it, with the impedance control and sub switch, this could be a very interesting pedal
  5. I'm having serious GAS for one of these, does anyone know if they've hit the UK yet? I've checked all of ZVex's UK suppliers and no one has them, I could probably get one from america for the money I'm willing to spend, but I'd prefer to get one closer to home if I can
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  7. You're gonna get a hundred different reccomendations from a hundred different users, but it sounds like you're looking for more of a low gain OD, perhaps even dirty boost territory, the Bad Monkey is great for this, at low gain settings it adds a lovely tubey warmth and growl, but it can do more full on OD as well, without actually having tubes which would cost you 3 times as much. Mine was modded by one of our members, silent fly, and I love it, but it's really up to your own taste/budget. The cream Pie or the Barber LTD special recipe are some pricier boutique options too, there's plenty of choice out there
  8. stupid geography, this sounds just right for me, but i'm down in canterbury in term time and york in the non-term time, oh well
  9. This sounds pretty interesting, definitely my kind of thing, but what kind of commitment are you looking for? I'm fromyork but I'm at uni canterbury, I'll be back in york over the summer, are you just looking to get some songs written or have you got gigs in mind?
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  11. [quote name='Rowbee' post='466820' date='Apr 19 2009, 05:11 PM']Forgive my ignorance but is the XO the latest model like the one on the EHX website? Is it true bypass? That's pretty important to me.[/quote] Sorry you missed out, yea the XO is the newer small one shown on the site, the general consensus is that the old one sounds better, warmer and more analog, but it has a terrible bypass, is the size of a small island nation, and uses a non-standard power supply. The new XO one apparently (I haven't played one) doesn't sound as good, but it's small, true bypass and takes 9v, so i spose it's a matter of choice, one thing i'll say is the bypass on the old one IS terrible, very noticeable, if I'd kept it I was gonna do a true bypass mod, apparently it has a true bypass switch, it's just not connected for true bypass, but if you're not good with soldering you could just get a truebypass loop pedal, they're pretty cheap
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  13. Deciding to part with my Microsynth, it's a great pedal but I wanna try getting a synth sound with separate pedals. It's the older big version, got the box and I'll include the 24v power supply, it's in great condition, a very light scratch on the top but that's it, works perfectly. I'll get a better pic up tommorow: Yours for £125 posted, I'm looking to replace it with a mid-range octaver (oc-2 or something similar) and a decent filter (discumBOBulator or bottom feeder, that kind of stuff) so i'm very open to trade offers
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  15. There's always the junction, bit out of the way from town though, and the bands aren't always to everyone's taste, haven't been there in nearly a year though, it may have changed a lot, used to do a lot of good gigs there though
  16. If you feel handy with a soldering iron, you could knock one together yourself, there's a post with some schematics up in the forums somehwere edit, found the link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40389&hl=schematics"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;hl=schematics[/url]
  17. Hey, I'm looking to trade my cool cat, it's a great pedal, i'm just not getting any use out of a chorus, so I'm looking to trade it, ideally for a flanger or a phaser, but i'm open to other things I'd consider letting it go for a decent cash offer, but i'd prefer to trade crappy cameraphone pic:
  18. One last shameless bump, PLEASE don't make me sell it on evilBay people, but if it's not gone by wednesday that's where it's going......
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