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Everything posted by DirkThrust

  1. DirkThrust


    Yeah it's a good choice. I've only ever heard positive things about GK stuff. Never used it myself but it's got a good reputation.
  2. David Perry's Omni 15 build thread is on Finnbass. After seeing that one and Gilmours' I'm quite tempted to start one myself. Be warned Mike. Once you start building your own cabs the urge to build another one is almost as bad as GAS
  3. Bump. Still available. I'd prefer not to courier this due to the size and aggro involved and also the risk of it getting dropped off the back of a lorry, but I can deliver or meet halfway within a reasonable distance (say up to the midlands) for the cost of my fuel only @10p per mile
  4. Depends how you define new I suppose. If it's the latest model, you're the first owner and it comes from an Ashdown deaker with an Ashdown warranty then it's new. That'd be good enough for me. I'd like to know where it's been for three years though
  5. This is why it's funny [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16765"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16765[/url]
  6. [quote name='bassbloke' post='172456' date='Apr 8 2008, 05:47 PM']Does it come with a power lead?[/quote]
  7. I don't think you can really lay down rules about minimum numbers of posts or length of time as a member but it's annoying and feels like people are taking the p1ss when they just come on here to flog stuff. It would be nice if they had the manners to introduce themselves.
  8. The O10 is fairly large for a 2x10, probably about the same size as a compact 4x10, but the big saving is weight. Mine weighs 49lbs using Eminence Beta 10s, but Eminence Basslites are about half the weight so you could probably get the weight of the cab down to not much more than 40lbs. Mind you, they're twice the price at about £70 each. The Betas are rated at 250w and either 8 or 16 ohms so total for the cab would be 500w and 4 or 8 ohms. AFAIK the Basslites are rated at 150w and 8 ohms so the cab would be 300w and 4 ohms. Although the Omnis are very efficient they still have the same limitations of any other 2x10 and whether or not you could feed it 500watts without it complaining I don't know.
  9. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='172316' date='Apr 8 2008, 03:21 PM']This has been aired any amount of times BUT... Is it just me that feels we may well be turning into feeless fleabay?[/quote] No it's not just you. I couldn't agree more
  10. [quote name='the_house123' post='172321' date='Apr 8 2008, 03:26 PM']Im about to receive my newly bought Gallen Kruger 1001-11 head and im spoilt for choise on which cab i want it to power, so i thought il one make instead. however my question to you is what should i build? Iv had a browse on the build diarys and it looks like im going to build a Bill Fitzmaurice designed cab however, theres so many to choose from! i want to have a cab that is going to love being powered by the GK 1001-11, but also sound warm and really define the sound of my lovely 75 Fender jazz. Iv been having a browse at the omni range and maybe the omni 10 might be a suitable build. Thoughts? cheers Mike[/quote] A lot of people have chosen the Omni10 as a good choice for bass. It combines reasonable portability with great sound. Alternatively build 2 Omni10.5s, each of which are half of an O10. The one thing you won't get with an O10 though is a warm sound. I can't speak for the other Omnis but the sound of the Omni10 is fairly neutral ie you get out what you put in, so if you really want to hear the sound of your J then it's ideal, and all your tone shaping can be done on your amp's EQ. Another factor may be that the O10 is probably the simplest cab to build in the BFM range. It's a good place to start if you're a complete woodworking novice.
  11. [quote name='johnnylager' post='172281' date='Apr 8 2008, 02:48 PM']+2. And he nails backing vox at the same time.[/quote] Yeah and what a voice. Coverdale could keep quiet (and sometimes I wish he would) and let GH do the lot.
  12. +1 for anything by Deep Purple but particularly Made In Europe, a live album with Glenn Hughes playing funky heavy rock with a Rickenbacker. Not just great playing but great tone too.
  13. DirkThrust


    [quote name='jjl5590' post='171917' date='Apr 7 2008, 11:21 PM']the thing is with different heads and cabs, you cant really try them out, because each store sells different things and you cant mix and match them in the shop.[/quote] Exactly. You're not the first person to discover that problem.
  14. DirkThrust


    [quote name='Merton' post='171527' date='Apr 7 2008, 03:29 PM']+1 to all of that. Listen to Alex, he speaketh sense [/quote] +2 My first proper stack was a Peavey Tmax with 115BX + 210TX cabs. Tha Tmax was 500watts and gave out it's full power into those cabs and believe me it was loud. I was competing with 2 guitarists who were too young to know that the loud knob could be turned down as well as up, but getting enough volume was never an issue, and it sounded good too and I could lift it easily on my own. Used Peavey stuff is dirt cheap and if you buy wisely and don't like it you cxan sell it without making a loss
  15. DirkThrust


    [quote name='jjl5590' post='171359' date='Apr 7 2008, 12:53 PM']I dont have any real experience, except that i know i will be playing in a heavy rock band, with (im guessing) a loud drummer, and 2 guitarists, who i know for sure are both using at least all-valve marshall half stacks. so yeah i kinda need to be heard [/quote] Tell them to turn down
  16. [quote name='jjl5590' post='170804' date='Apr 6 2008, 05:42 PM']hmm, i hear what your saying, but with the sole 4x10 cab, the head only puts out 300W, instead of 450W. if what your saying about the 1x15 cab is true, how comes people still buy them?[/quote] I didn't say "don't buy one". I was responding to the fact that you seem fixated with the idea that you've got to have a full stack of 1x15 + 4x10. You don't need a 15" speaker to fill out the low end. Speaker technology has come on in leaps and bounds even in the last 5 years. 10s or 12s will give you all the low end you need, whilst a 15" speaker, especially at the budget end of the market, which is what you're looking at, may give you something you really don't need or want, especially if you're gonna be playing funky stuff As for why people buy them, very many fewer people are buying 15" speakers these days, and those that are may be looking for a particular sound. There are many excellent quality 15s around, but Marshall and Ashdown MAG are not amongst them. If the only reason you are contemplating getting a 15 is to get the full power out of your amp then don't bother, because you won't be able to hear the difference between 300w and 450w
  17. [quote name='jjl5590' post='170697' date='Apr 6 2008, 02:03 PM']i kinda figured, because the 4x10 cabinet would carry the mids-highs, i needed the 1x15 to fill out the low end cheers[/quote] That's not necessarily the case if you're thinking that a 15" speaker is desirable because it will go lower than a 4x10. Low frequencies use up a lot of your amp's power and very often do nothing but create undesirable boom and room rattle which you will forever be trying to dial out using the EQ on the amp. All the punch and cut-throughness that you are looking for will be produced by the mids and a modern good quality 4x10 is more than capable of doing the job on it's own.
  18. That looks like a pretty good job for a first attempt. +1 for a red tortie plate
  19. I'm looking for a band ideally in or around the Portsmouth area. I'll consider any covers band but I've pretty much had enough of playing obscure covers to unappreciative audiences so I'm only interested in playing material that is fun to play and can fill a dance floor. I'm happy playing anything from Disco/Soul/funk to heavy rock or pop.
  20. [quote name='finnbass' post='169383' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:53 PM']Shouldn't be a major problem I'd challenge anyone to scour the internet and find a bad review of these cabs (And no, don't bother cos I wont be coming back to check..)[/quote] I'm sure you're right. The only reservation I have is that so many cabs are voiced with a mid scoop that the initial impression of a BFM may be that it is very mid prominent compared to most commercially available cabs, which may not be to everyones taste.
  21. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='169389' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:59 PM']As you say mate I'm not too worried about the tone, as long as it isn't a boxy bag of pants and if any review I've ever read is anything to go by I can't see that being the case! It isn't actually going to be my #1 cab, it'll be for rehearsals and 'possibly' for use with an EUB and my Thunderfunk. I'd love to see build pics or details of materials and a few more details on the finishing (as this is often where home made products fall down). Look forward to a bit more info.[/quote] Ok I'll send you what pictures I've got tomorrow. Structurally it's very sound. It's glued and screwed and I'm a bit of an obsessive perfectionist about building stuff so I made sure it was right. The carpeting is slightly rough in a couple of places where the edges didnt quite meet up but you have to look closely and it's only cosmetic. Obviously I'll give you a money back guarantee if you're not happy with it and I'll pay for it to be couriered back to me if you keep the packaging and re-pack it. PM me your postcode and I'll get a price for the courier.
  22. Hmm well I'd have to look into it. I'm sure it wouldn't cost a vast amount. The only reservation I have is that you'd be buying it unheard, unless you've heard one somewhere else
  23. Bump. Still available. The best cab you can get for £250. Excellent build quality. Better than some commercial cabs I've owned recently.
  24. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='168857' date='Apr 3 2008, 07:07 AM']Buy secondhand Ashdown ABM gear... Get a ABM500 Head and a 4 x 10" cab. Then buy another 4 x 10" cab or a 1 x 15" cab later for the full 575 watts [/quote] +1. Good advice. The ABM gear is a considerable step up in quality from the MAG. That Marshall gear must be quite new out. I haven't come across it before. It'll be interesting to know if anyone on here has used it. You made it here from that 'orrible American site then
  25. You'll discover that it's one of the iron laws of bass playing that everything sounds great in the shop, and everyone else's gear sounds better than yours. I think the answer to your question is probably that you are right on both counts. A better amp will improve your sound but practise will improve your technique. I would also get the bass properly set up by a good professional technician. There's no point making life difficult for yourself by having a badly set up bass. Also watch other players, if your technique is poor then you won't be benefitting from practise as much as you could. Youtube is a good place to start.
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