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Everything posted by tayste_2000

  1. What ever he was smoking when he designed the Q-tron wasn't anywhere as good as what he was smoking when he designed the Mutron
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  3. Other decent pedals that are similar sounding ish MI Audio GI Fuzz Tone Factor Fuzzsaw - [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/ToneFactorFuzzSaw.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/ToneFactorFuzzSaw.mp3[/url] Sonny & Sanford Bluebeard BYOC Big Beaver - [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/BYOC%20Big%20Beaver.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/BYOC%20Big%20Beaver.mp3[/url] Anything by Skreddy The gate will not work well, it will cut your sustain down, sometimes making your playing spluttery, there will be a tonal difference with it on and off. There are only 2 noise gates I've ever liked the first built into the Subdecay Noise Box because you'd blow your amp up with out it and it stops noise when you hold your strings, second is in the Rane DC24 Rack Compressor and again it only comes on when you hold your strings.
  4. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='32526' date='Jul 16 2007, 02:42 PM']What do you recommend for a noisy Russian Big Muff which is on most of the time with gain near max?[/quote] An Euthymia ICBM Fuzz I shall repeat my self again no point spending more on a second pedal to fix the short comings of a cheaper first pedal better off combining the money and buying something decent.
  5. [quote name='Higgie' post='32774' date='Jul 16 2007, 11:06 PM']The Headrush E2 is the best looper I have used.[/quote] Isn't it the only looper you've used? Personally I prefer the DD-20 as its a better delay than the Akai as well.
  6. The Q-tron compared to an original vintage mutron is a pile of crap there is NOTHING as good as the mutron. If you meant a new digital mutron made by haz then buy neither and get a Tone Factor 442 (Red) or an Emma Discumbobulator
  7. When I can fit all my bloody pedals on I'll have something pretty damn amazing to show you
  8. thats gonna go for 150usd me thin Thanks guys for helping to include me
  9. Can't see ebay at work what is it?
  10. Not a rumour out soon with a street price of $209 defo before Christmas I think
  11. Mini POG in a few months. Not saying anymore mainly because I know no more
  12. How much for the Mexi P bass?
  13. Bought a Tone Factor Cream Pie off me, dead easy to deal with great person to sell anything to. Cheers
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  15. [quote name='Muppet' post='29687' date='Jul 10 2007, 12:17 PM']Steve - you'd only end up flogging it to me after you get bored. This way we cut out the middleman [/quote] Ah it's ok in that case then
  16. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='29352' date='Jul 9 2007, 09:05 PM']That's a great piece of music! Reminds me of the instrumental tracks on Bowie's 'Low' album.[/quote] Thank you, no idea what I played I know what I did effects wise and how I got those sounds but the notes were random noodling . I'm going to do a good noise recording sess soon with my drummer and maybe a guitarist friend. Cheers
  17. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='29686' date='Jul 10 2007, 12:17 PM']Hello Steve, Being and old tw*t, I realise old school = vintage but I don't know what that means in terms of compression. I understand 'old school' when it comes to tone but I don't understand the concept of old school compression. I think it'll be at least 3 weeks before I stop kicking myself for selling the Multicomp.[/quote] Same sort of thing the concept of it is the same as a lot of older amps like the SVT's etc people want to sound like they did back in the 60's and 70's so a EBS MUlticomp won't achieve this as it is much more hifi. A Ross clone or Orange Squeeze clone will. Generally tonewise old school compression is hard to explain, generally its more of an effect than just limiting like Tony Levin uses an Orange Squeeze clone to get those very percussive tones he gets with Peter Gabriel it also got that vintage mojo/vibe to it bit of treble roll off smooth I don't know how to describe it really but my Jazz with Flats if I crank my OS Clone it can cop those motown soundsd whereas I could never do that with the Demeter, Rane, EBS etc etc.
  18. Old School = Vintage I believe the Mr Squishy is based on the old Orange Squeeze Compressor which can give soem quite punchy and percussive sounds but isn't all that hi-fi. I have a bass modded Tone Factor Pulp Mill that is a cross between a more hi-fi comp and the old orange squeeze and you can blend between the 2. I replaced my Multicomp with a rackmount Rane DC24 which is way way better but its a totally different item really especially if you're after a pedal. I'd be quite confident I could do a gig with my Pulp Mill. Let me know if you wanna borrow it to give it a test drive as these also work out cheaper than the Multicomp and personally I feel I get better highs from it.
  19. Why don't you just get a room
  20. Yeah they have made less than 50 of the Cream Pies they won't be making them under the Tone Factor Name they will now Be Mojo Hand and again not available direct from Tone Factor, so they will be easily over £100 brand new and you won't be able to get one for at least a month I'd expect. This is the best overdrive I've ever had I prefer it to the Barber LTD (Black), Xotic BB Bass Preamp, Sansamp Bass Driver, Dod 250 the list goes on and on. This is so good I've had 4 of these still own 2 as due to componants even under the Mojo Hand name they will be limited, there isn't another pedal out on the market that sounds like this. Also that Barber LTD SR is the best of the LTD series so far I'd lvoe to try one hmmmmm
  21. [quote name='BassBalls' post='27823' date='Jul 6 2007, 11:05 AM']+1 on Aria FL-10. Aint seen one on ebay for a while but they are great flangers. A flanger sounds up your street for the space rock because its a more 3D sounding effect than a phaser. Toasted, in your opinion whats better, MXR phase 100 or 90? Have you tried the EVH one? Cheers[/quote] I've got 2 FL-10's and an FL-5 which is the same as a FL-10 only with out the 2 stage footswitch and second rate control. I love those flangers. You should also check out the Subdecay Quasar and the Tone Factor Nebula Here are some clips of the various pedals Aria Fl-10 Flanger [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/AriaFL-10New.mp3[/url] Subdecay Quasar [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/SubdecayQuasar.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/SubdecayQuasar.mp3[/url] Tone Factor Nebula [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula_New.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula_New.mp3[/url] [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula.mp3[/url] [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula_-_slow.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/Nebula_-_slow.mp3[/url] Here is a song I did with a bit of delay and those 2 flangers see if that is spacey enough for you. [url="http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/NoiseJam.mp3"]http://myselfalone.com/tayste2000/NoiseJam.mp3[/url] I have a few others such as the Akai Inteliphase but it's not uploaded yet. Hope this helps
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