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Dosi Y'Anarchy

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Everything posted by Dosi Y'Anarchy

  1. The B7k is AMAZING, i love the B3K as well but the extra eq on the B7K takes what i love about the B3K and just adds more of what i love....I only wish i could afford either!
  2. I currently use the Carbon Copy but have used the delays on the M9, the Aqua Puss, the Memory boy, the memory toy plus a whole range of other delays. For true warm, slightly smudgy ambient analog sound on a budget the CC is the best. the ehx memory boy/toy is also great but the richness of the repeats sounds more sterile than the Carbon Copy (but not as sterile as a traditional digital delay) - the subdecay echobox is great too but definitely on the pricier side.
  3. Sorry mate, sold a while back
  4. pickups are, covers are not! Also I should mention that there are barrel p-bass style knobs in place now.
  5. Hey guys, needs to get rid of this bass to fund.......another bass! Heres some pics Basically it was originally red and then i got bored of the colour (it was so VERY red) - so i did what any sane person would do - sanded it down like a numpty and then sprayed it with some textured paint from homebase! I didnt touch the neck and rather than F*ck around with the electronics (there is alot of wires under the pickguard, as well as a circuitboard) i just covered them with plastic bags whilst i sprayed. I sprayed the pickguard red to match the headstock and added a Misfits badge (which ill be taking back). The bass is in full working order but the textured spraypaint is started to wear away since those photos were taken. The bass is set up to my bands tuning C#G#C#F# and the action is super low. Looking for £300 + postage (about £15)
  6. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Joe-Meek-VC3-Pro-Channel-input-conditioner-preamp-compressor-studio-outboard-/130620517636?pt=UK_Consumer_Professional_RL&hash=item1e6996ed04#ht_500wt_1202"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Joe-Meek-VC3-Pro-Channel-input-conditioner-preamp-compressor-studio-outboard-/130620517636?pt=UK_Consumer_Professional_RL&hash=item1e6996ed04#ht_500wt_1202[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Presonus-Tube-Pre-amp-Valve-DI-studio-and-live-use-/130620520386?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e6996f7c2#ht_500wt_1202"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Presonus-Tube-Pre-amp-Valve-DI-studio-and-live-use-/130620520386?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1e6996f7c2#ht_500wt_1202[/url] I needz monez foar moar bazzez i can go a *little* cheaper for BC'ers
  7. i really want this, im selling a bass at the moment and have a Fender Jaguar bass that i brutalised so hard i'd probably be better off selling as parts (it all works fine, just needs a respray). I'm also selling a bass for my guitarist but that's his money not mine If you wanted any trades (its a long shot i know, we all need money not more stuff this time of year) - I can offer an MXR Carbon Copy Delay + Joe Meek VC3 Pro Channel preamp (or Presonus Tube pre). I know you probably want cash but i thought i'd throw it out there. its gonna be a while before i have enough cash spare to jump on this. let me know if you're interrested
  8. Sorry for the late reply Funkman, i've got a deal in the works at the moment that should go ahead before new year, if it falls through, ill let you know!
  9. Yeah I could post, but it would be costly, as the packaging costs would go up as well as the courier costs - I can get a quote if you'd like?
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  11. No Idea mate, first spector I ever played! - it is very well made, especially for a Korean bass, I've got an '89 japanese Fender P-bass, both are very well made but the Spector has a much heavier duty bridge and is also neck-though! I do love my P-bass tho.
  12. Hey TRBboy, totally happy to post answers on the thread as best I can, as im sure the answers will be asked by others. To me, other than the action being a little high (to counteract fret buzz from detuning so low) everything seems fine intonation wise, but im really not an expert. I cant see any twist or warp but then again im no expert. its a 3 octave neck and the open string sounds in tune to the 2nd and third octave on each string. As Far as fret-wear goes, it doesnt look like much to me, happy to take more detailed photos if required. I made the assumption that my guitarist previously put heavy-gauge strings on because he likes downtuning and used to play bass in a metal band AND they looked like bloody heavy strings - however my guitarist hasnt changed the strings for about 5 years he said so he couldnt tell me for sure, however the RB50s seemed to fit right in and everything sounds good. Obviously the neck itself is painted the same as the rest of the bass so if you prefer a satin feel, then i'd look elsewhere or get the sanding block out! it feels maybe a tiny bit wider than my Jaguar bass neck but a little shallower. This in my opinion though. I've not cut the nut for the heavy strings but they seem to fit nicely, whether you wanted to get a new nut or not would be up to you. A new nut is about £12. For an extra £40 i can get the bass set up by Stuart Monks ([url="http://www.westmount-music.co.uk/category/Servicing___Repairs/Guitar_Repairs_and_Servicing,i.html"]http://www.westmount-music.co.uk/category/Servicing___Repairs/Guitar_Repairs_and_Servicing,i.html[/url]) - please note i am NOT affiliated with Westmount Music but Stu has done alot of work for me in the past and recently. If you would like me to get a different gauge of strings on the bass so that it can be set up with your chosen gauge then the total cost will be £50 on top of the bass+postage cost and the strings will be of the Rotosound RB series. [url="http://www.rotosound.com/roto_bass.php"]http://www.rotosound.com/roto_bass.php[/url]
  13. Hey peeps, Selling this for my guitarist, contemplated keeping it but im pretty much just a fender b*tch and i've got a Fender Jag thats actually mine that I already dont use. As far as i can discover, this is a Kramer-era Spector, Produced in Korea between 1988 and 1990. It looks exactly like the NS2c in the following link : [url="http://www.spectorbass.com/about/model_years_2.html"]http://www.spectorba...el_years_2.html[/url] HOWEVER, it is NOT a bolt on, but a through-neck which leads me to suspect it is a modified NS2b. Here are the specs from that site: MODEL DETAILS YEARS PRODUCED TOTAL PRODUCTION ORIGINAL LIST NS-2B™ [list] [*]Neck-Thru construction [*]Pearl dot neck. [*]Flat Body with Contoured Edges, basic shape similar to the NS-Bass™ [*]Black hardware [*]Passive pickups [*]Korean NS-2A circuit, a copy of the famous [color=#D4B309][b][i]SPECTOR®[/i][/b][/color] USA NS-2™ 9v circuit [/list] 1988-1990 Unknown $899.00 BUT this bass no longer has an Active circuit, its passive and controls are Volume (x2) and Tone (x2). I've just fitted this bass with fresh Rotosound RB50 strings and it has a high action to handle the low tunings we play (c#,g#,c#,f#), I also cleaned and moisturised the rosewood fretboard with lemon oil and polished the frets. I also polished the bass with some guitar polish. Now for pictures: Obviously, this bass is older than more than a few scallywags on this forum and as such its taken a few knocks in its life, but nothing major, the most noticable issue is that the pickup selector switch has snapped off, its currently set at the middle position, so both volume and tone controls will affect the overall sound and the pickups can be solo'd with the volume controls. Here are some pics of the scrapes: The Price? PRICEDROP as of 18/12/11: I'm looking for £225 + £15 for mainland UK postage, - No offers or trades please (well, unless you have something fender or epiphone or a few interesting effects pedals) I take paypal and bank transfer. and if you want to collect from me, i've recently moved to Northwood Hills, Middlesex but can often be found on tuesday and thursday evenings near Old Street in London.
  14. Zombie Thread - RArrr ARgghh This is still here and im moving out of the parents house finally, so really need the cash. If anyone wants this for around the £700 mark, I can work with that. If not, then i'll wait another year
  15. Ok then, provisionally: for another £50 ill ship to mainland UK
  16. yeah, its just that the amp is really big and heavy it'll be pretty costly and a total pain in the ass
  17. Bump, this is still hanging around my bedroom, looking sorry for itself.
  18. Price drop to £50 inc UK postage for the V-Wah
  19. It could be done, but the cost would be pretty high, and probably more hassle than im prepared to deal with at the moment - im being lazy i know
  20. I know Mindgoneblank personally, he has mentioned that he's had some trouble on BC with email notifications. I'll drop him a txt now.
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