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Everything posted by skankdelvar

  1. If you can't afford a teacher at the moment, maybe see if there's anyone here on BC who's local to you and who'd be prepared sit down with you for a little jam or two. I've picked up some stuff from people this way, and it's a useful compromise. But it's not a long-term substitute for proper tuition. Once you get the opportunity, just give the tuition approach a try and see how it works for you. If you benefit from it, great. If not - well, there's still the self-teaching approach. No biggie.
  2. There's a view held by some that Marshall are crap. Others think they're perfectly acceptable and quite good value for money. Either way, these are just opinions and if you're happy with your Marshall that's fine. Frankly, when you're talking about cheerful 30w blasters there's really not much difference between the various manufacturers, so don't let anyone badge-snob you. If you move on to getting a more powerful amp for gigging (and you will need a bigger amp eventually, if that's the route you decide to go) you can try out some different models / manufacturers and make up your own mind as to what fits your needs and tastes. Enjoy your MBB - you never forget your first amp.
  3. Hi Moonstomper and welcome Noobie questions? Worry not - many apparently 'simple queries' open up the most interesting discussions (it's a very debate-y place, this) - and most of us here are learning something new every day as a result. Hope you enjoy the forum.
  4. I've played this very bass. It's lush.
  5. MY EYES!!!! - It burns, it burns... Thanks, Fritz (or whatever your name is) for yet another quality axe.
  6. Oi! Mods! Thread merge required? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57457"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=57457[/url]
  7. [quote name='Tait' post='596205' date='Sep 12 2009, 12:31 AM']i think what he said was- [i]Stuff[/i] i might have read it all wrong of course, but thats what i thought he said.[/quote] Thanks, Tait. Righty-ho! Crystal clear now. Totally understand. With the programme. So in answer to the OP... No I don't. I'm just getting in the way here, so I'll leave you building-shakers to it.
  8. Although I may be wildly mistaken, it seems to me that many general interest guitar forums are wildly uninformative and full of crazed illiterates flaming each other about their musical tastes (kinda like BC Off-Topic after the pubs chuck out). TDPRI is truly excellent for Teles. I have also derived inordinate satisfaction from other brand-centric forums such [url="http://gretschpages.com"]http://gretschpages.com[/url] and [url="http://www.fenderforum.com"]http://www.fenderforum.com[/url]. There's also quite a cheery little SG forum out there - [url="http://www.everythingsg.com"]http://www.everythingsg.com[/url] As with many such forums, the membership tends to be more USA-based - and the depth of knowledge is outstanding.
  9. I'm sorry - all that went [i]straight[/i] over my head. I'm just an EADG numptie
  10. The drummers I abhor most are those who: * Busy up their hi-hats in a kind of tickety-tickety 60's Merseybeat way, then lob the same pattern to that funny cymbal with the rivets for 'Variation' * Throw a fill in [i]every[/i] 4 bars of a 12-bar blues, with a full bar of fill in the 12th. Can they not just play the groove [i]through[/i] the changes? * Throw frantic rolls round their toms and come out half a tick ahead * Play like crazed Octopii on speed, but sit there like a gawping garden gnome when you ask them for a count-in
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' post='595080' date='Sep 10 2009, 08:28 PM']What is your method for finding the Key of a song you are covering?..im havng a bit of a mental block..[/quote] I sit there and plonk randomly around on my bass until something fits. [quote name='bubinga5' post='595080' date='Sep 10 2009, 08:28 PM']What key do you think this tune is in..i think its in G flat...[/quote] It's in the key of 'second fret in from the nut on the thickest string' (4 string) or two frets in and one up from the thickest string (5 String). No need to thank me.
  12. Hi tkr-bass and welcome Nice axes. As regards improving, there's lots of stuff in 'Technique'. You'll find loads of stuff about being in bands in the General Bass Discussion forum (and Off Topic - though some of the stories there might make you decide to avoid the pursuit altogether!) Either way, it's the same as it ever was. Keep an eye on the ads in music shops; on the 'Bassists wanted and available' here on BC; and on websites like joinmyband, musofinder, gumtree, bandmix, formingbands, partysounds etc. Or even post your own ad. Get a response, shonk off for an audition and see what happens next. Then you may find you need a gigging rig - and it's the slippery slope to GAS City for you, my lad Anyhow, Bassists are usually in shorter supply than guitarists, so it's good news all round. Hope you enjoy the forum
  13. [quote name='TRadford' post='593813' date='Sep 9 2009, 01:22 PM']On the lookout for a yamaha or ibanez or similar for max of £150 and must be posted ...At least as Im off work for the week, I can surf Ebay all day for a bargain!![/quote] £150 will get you something decent out of the Basses for sale section here on Basschat. There's even a (loosely observed) feedback section! Enjoy the hunt
  14. Hi and welcome OK - plays guitar and bass (Dee Dee style) ... Loves Fenders, inc new TV Fronts ... Familiar with the work of Signor Brandoni ... "Rather too old and fat now for bondage trousers ... on the rockabilly-retirement plan" Are you my long-lost twin? FYI, there's usually stuff floating round the For Sale: Other Musically Related Stuff that might fit your needs - bodies, necks, hardware etc. And worth doing a trawl back through the section - not all of the older posts have sold yet. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=21"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=21[/url] Hope you enjoy the forum
  15. Hi and welcome back Ah, punk / mod! And a Rickenfaker too. A fine combination and much under-rated these days. That's got to be a great sound.
  16. Hi Niteeyez and welcome [quote]I was always told that my guitar playing was very bass like and my style was very bass oriented[/quote] Yep, me too. Very useful to have a foot in both camps. Lots of useful stuff in the 'technique' section and some nice bargains lurking around the BC marketplace. Enjoy the forum!
  17. [quote name='JTUK' post='594857' date='Sep 10 2009, 04:23 PM']I am sorry... I really don't get this...you are playing with guys that don't reaslise they are too loud ...??????????????????[/quote] Show me a guitarist who plays quietly and I'll show you a bassist in disguise.
  18. I like it. But I wouldn't pay around $4000 for it.
  19. [quote name='Bassassin' post='593714' date='Sep 9 2009, 11:21 AM']Don't know why anyone would spend £76 including postage on a foul, wrecked piece of crap like that when you can pick up a new J copy for less money:[/quote] Vintidge Rock'n'Roll Mojo
  20. I've cheerfully been holding forth on this subject, sniffily saying I don't bother with PM Offer ads, blah blah blah. Have just remembered that the only time I've offered a bass for sale here (a very old, cheapo Vantage), I asked for PM'd offers (as I had no idea what it was worth). Oops. That'll teach me.
  21. Hi Tom and welcome We've had a few drummers come in recently - not sure if this is a developing trend! If you've got a bad back you may eventually wish to explore the idea of lightweight cabs and amps - unless you've got your heart set on an Ampeg 8x10 rig! Hope you enjoy the forum - lots of useful info if you search the sub-forums - and a relatively useful wiki (link right at the very top of the page).
  22. [quote name='The Funk' post='593527' date='Sep 9 2009, 02:24 AM']I know SRV had diffusors fitted to the front of his guitar speakers so as to make the sound less directional. They are available pretty cheaply online but I'm not sure how effective they are.[/quote] Absolutely. I think he originally started out with gaffa tape crosses stuck on the grille cloth. Later on he stood clear perspex screens in front of the cabs! As for the diffusors - here's one example: [url="http://www.webervst.com/blocker.html"]http://www.webervst.com/blocker.html[/url]
  23. Hi Chris and welcome Scales, theory etc., is definitely useful, but to get started quickly, you can just play the root note of whatever chord the guitarist is playing - e.g., whether chord is A or Amin or Amin7 or A5 or A7 - just play an A. It won't necessarily sound like the record, but it won't sound too horrible either. This also opens up pretty much the entire Ramones songbook.
  24. Encore neck? Got that shape... did they do a Jazz?
  25. Bob Plant used to swear by hot black tea with honey and lemon.
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