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Everything posted by JoeEvans

  1. This is a really useful send / return pedal with a couple of extra features. Firstly, you can blend the clean signal with the returning signal in whatever ratio you want. And secondly, you can use an expression pedal to adjust the wet/dry mix. There's also a phase reverse switch and buffer. It's very solid and well made with high quality components and it's quite versatile - it also works well for a double bassist using a pickup and a mic; the pickup goes into the input and the mic into the return, allowing you to set the mix between the two, or switch to just pickup instantly if feedback becomes a problem. Used that way, the send can be used as a pickup only output to go to your stage amp and the mixed out goes to FOH. These are selling new for £160ish; this one is in new condition but no box so hopefully a good deal at £80 plus postage at cost to anywhere in the UK. *Velcro but no feet on the bottom.
  2. Carbon fibre seems very good for double bass bows. I'm happy with mine from Carbondix.
  3. Tokai Jazz from the mid eighties, lined fretless with Bartoloni pickups. Bought for £150 in about 1990 and I've never played a bass that I like quite as much.
  4. The cognescenti used to leave the bottle to stand for six months or more; the kaolin would settle to the bottom, allowing the morphine solution to be carefully poured off for satisfaction without constipation...
  5. Somebody - possibly Don Cherry, who dropped a few gems of musical wisdom over the years - said that you have to learn each tune three times: once to play by yourself, once to play with other people, and once to play for other people. I think there's a lot of truth in that.
  6. That's such a great concept for a band.
  7. That looks great - what's the make and model?
  8. If you properly listen to the bass lines on some of the Bob Marley and the Wailers tunes, there's some amazing stuff going on there.
  9. This thing is seriously interfering with the Feng Shui in my living room, so please do make me an offer if you want a chunky slab of trouser-flapping goodness in your life. £120 posted, anyone?
  10. Looking at the chart it appears that you can use 4/4 strings on a 3/4 bass and get a slightly lower tension - is that right?
  11. Bright Onion pedals make a load of very good quality pedals for switching and routing, they will have one that chooses input A or input B into a single output.
  12. The only way I'd do it would be to drive it myself. Or buy another one once you get there...
  13. The amp is now packaged up ready to post and I've found a company who will deliver it for £20, so you can have this lovely beast for £140 including postage!
  14. Yes, sorry, I wasn't very clear there... I don't think I'd sell a bass through a dealer, I meant more that as people often look in a few basic places, you only need to advertise in one of them to reach buyers. So if Basschat is accepted as one of the basics, you could start by just advertising here and see how it goes.
  15. If I was looking for another double bass I would always look here, on eBay and at the Double Bass Room as a basic start.
  16. All the better - being smoothly handsome isn't very metal!
  17. It helps if you can make it easy for promoters to sell you to their audience, who might be into the genre but won't have heard of you. So a good online presence with at least one decent bit of film on a sharable platform, some nice hi res photos, a reasonably active social media account - probably Instagram these days.
  18. I have one of these to sell. It's been really well looked after - over the years it's had a new neck, body, pickup, wiring and even new hardware. So I reckon I can ask a bit more for it that that battered old thing.
  19. If anyone doesn't know these amps, they are (in my opinion obviously...) among the best-sounding bass amps ever made.
  20. I think a dyneema tail wire slightly improved the sound on my bass, but it was going the whole hog and getting rid of the tailpiece altogether that made the really big improvement.
  21. In this case it looks to me like 3d printing gets you something that you could make just as easily from a chunk of wood... And if you are able to prepare the data, you could get that chunk machined by a business with a CNC router for not too much money.
  22. That's good to know. Maybe I need to hold out for a (dog's) BX.
  23. Have you played both? I'm quite fancying one of these myself but opinions seem to vary on which of those two is better. Yamaha BX1 looks better than both but more expensive too...
  24. It occurs to me that a Steinberger Spirit would cost about the same as a high quality roof box, and would take up less storage space for the rest of the year...
  25. I saw the Polish klezmer trio Kroke play once (violin, accordion, double bass), and afterwards noticed them loading up into an estate car with a fibreglass case for the double bass on a roof rack. It looked to me as though he had a 3/4 bass in a soft case that fitted inside the hard case, which was possibly made for a 4/4 bass to give space. The hard case was permanently fixed to the roof rack. It took two of them to lift the bass in, but it evidently meant that the whole band could tour in one estate car.
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