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Everything posted by buff

  1. Rasta, i cant remember. I think someone else put a link up to someone who sold ones to fit VM's. Now sold.
  2. This bass is up for sale (if the deal ive struck doesnt happen this weekend)
  3. Not really into thunderbird's, will wait until i can try a jet king out in my local shop. so the VM could be up for sale with the original pick up's, unless one comes up on here.
  4. Will post up pic's later, sound wise it gives it a bit more of a wider sound. Still got the original pick up's, and it has no dent's etc.
  5. squier VM bass fitted with emg active pick ups (no extra routing) looking to trade for a CV or ibanez jet king.
  6. Thinking about getting one as i love the look's, has anyone had a go on one ? also wondering is there's muchy of a difference in sound between the 200 and 300 models ( 200 has two humbuckers, while the 300 has three single jazz pick up's)
  7. Surveyor bass is a great bass, but as i found out. Not so easy to get rid of, if you decide its not for you. You can sell a jazz bass all do long.
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  9. I'd go for a japanese one everytime. But like everyone says, you have to check a few before finding a good bass. Worth checking out the squier vintage modified and classic vibe jazz's also. Ive tried out two classic vibes with a good couple of pounds difference in weight.
  10. Went and saw new model army last night, not seen them for about eight years so wasnt sure what to expect. Id forgotten how good the bassist nelson was, he played the middle bass part of no rest with the bass behind his head. They guy was just using an ampeg rig with a precision. But every now and then he had a killer sound of a real full bass sound, i only noticed three pedals on stage. All looked to be boss pedal's one was a tuner, just wondering what the other two might have been to give such a killer sound ? not really up on pedal's, any idea's
  11. buff

    ESP Basses

    I had a surveyor bass, took me about six months to sell it on here. Cracking bass but could'nt get used to its looks.
  12. Cant see a jag shaped one in dawsons add though
  13. Early 80's band called lavolta lakota, saw them supporting new order.
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  15. buff

    J3sters feedback

    Just sold a bass to J3ster, top bloke to deal with. Very understanding with the postal delay's due to the post office/bad weather, 48 hour took 5 days !!!!!!!!
  16. Bit muffled this one, like i say not to everyones taste. But this guy is my all time favourite bass player [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1M6H7b54KA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1M6H7b54KA[/url]
  17. Stan stammers truely underated, hasnt been very successful since the early 90's though. Clip from 81, just after billy duffy from the cult left ( the singers voice is not to everyones taste) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuYPGZm7fwI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuYPGZm7fwI[/url]
  18. Been having the same conversation with our singer/guitarist as he play's a white falcon and a black jet, he recons i should get one on look's alone. Having said that if they were that good everyone would be playing them and not jazz basses etc.
  19. Used wet and dry when i changed the transfer on my VMJ
  20. I think the weight helps, as the CV i tried was a good couple of pound's lighter.
  21. I bought one about two years ago and theyre a great bass, ive since added emg active pick ups. But still have a good sound even with the standard ones, i prefer it over the CV one a tried the other day.
  22. Not sure really i did a comparison test with it and the other peavey cab i got and could'nt tell a differance, maybe my ears are shot. Like i say im no expert when it comes to cabs, perhaps i just struck lucky even though BW speakers arent meant to work in small enclosures. If you believe whats said on the net.
  23. Maybe its the lack of 15" speaker, im no expert. But i took the home made cab around to mr T's the other week for a second opinion, and it definately put out more bottom end than his 1x12 aggie cab.
  24. Ive recently took apart my old peavey black widow 1x15 cab that weighted 72 lbs and put it in a smaller home made cab with two 100mm rear ports. Its the same size as a ashdown abm 2x10 only slightly deeper, but still lighter than the 2x10. I can get that kind of sound on those video's with my modded prose jazz which now has a emg MM pick up in the bridge position.
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