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Everything posted by Balcro

  1. [quote name='cytania' post='591375' date='Sep 6 2009, 01:26 PM']Well in an effort to tame my Ibanez SRX400, which has a big active MusicMan style pickup I restrung with flatwounds. All very good, allows a slidey jazzy touch an just right for old school rock sounds. However... I find I prefer the amp gain turned right up and the volume almost at the point of cutting out. Nice, fuzzy, sustaining sound for use on Oasis' 'Roll With It'. Trouble is the vol control only needs one kock to be silent or OTT deafening/speaker-blowing. A bit of tape over the control works, sort of... My thoughts are; 1) Get a passive vintage styled bass. 2) Treat the Ibanez as a project and fit a Precision split pickup with simple passive circuit. 3) Am I just hiding my imprecise technique behind a fuzzy sound? Now my wife was in the audience last night and says she didn't notice any difference when I switched basses. Is this a case of she'd have noticed if the sound was wrong for the song or am I just getting tone-itis and should just play everything on my bright 70s rock type bass and be done with it (swopping instruments between numbers is another on-stage complication)?[/quote] M'mmm, interesting idea, SRX400 with flats. I might be tempted myself, but after trying a plain 360, I think I prefer a "jazz". Anyway, comments: - I don't share your faith in electro-mechanical devices, so I'd never set the gain and and volume in such a way. No doubt someone will say it's perfectly OK, but I don't believe in imposing that sort of stress. Would Oasis have achieved their sound that way? Next, (re 1, 2, & 3, and the last para ) I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve. You've already got a 70's style rock type bass, so that's taken care of that. For the newer bass sound the Ibanez sounds fine. Why rip it apart and wreck it's re-sale value just to add Precision pick-ups. You'll end up with a differently sounding Precision. My throw away line would be treat the gain/volume more conventionally and make subtle use of an overdrive pedal. More feedback please. Balcro.
  2. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='589255' date='Sep 3 2009, 11:25 PM']It was 30 (ish) years ago. I was a teenager. John McCoy was (is) god. Simples. :) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMDHMuj2OmA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMDHMuj2OmA[/url] This, ladies and gentlemen, is rock 'n' roll. This is music with emotion. This is music with guts. Greenday? Coldplay? U2? Nickleback? Oh, please. THIS is music. Because it has FEELING*. *Feeling:- Alien concept to anyone who listens to (or plays) jazz, or anything written after 1976, :)[/quote] Hi Hot Tub, Yes indeed that is rock 'n roll. Music with guts. Positive emotion, out there. Not all that false posturing, body bending, pleading, droning and angst we've had since. With this sort of rock you drink as you go. The other stuff might have 3 times the nutrition, but it also drives you drink. There's a lot of good jazz about, which is fine (Jazz is Jazz), but conveying emotion isn't it's strong suit. Technically brilliant, but most of it can't paint a musical picture. Regards, Sergei. Yick!
  3. Great idea. I'll be right there. Thanks. Balcro
  4. Just like the OP, I 've come round to the same conclusion, and that's after GASsing for an Ibanez for months. I tried the SR 300 and the new 360. Yea, OK, very easy to handle. Then I tried a Squier VMJazz and the VMJ Fretless. I didn't even notice it was fretless until I'd been through some test runs. OOohh. This morning, in a different shop, I tried a Fender Standard Jazz MIM. Still nice and plummy. The Ibazes dissappointed me. They sounded bassy in an old fashioned English sort of way, whereas the jazz has that definite first-sound of low bass. The Ibanez's have a totally different sound shape to the Jazz. Now that LeftyJ has said Cort are involved in making the low end Ibanez's I'm put off even more. Oh dear, a few months ago I said in another post that I was bored/didn't like the shape of Fenders etc. Look like I'll have to buy a Squier VMJ, maybe the fretless and learn to play it with my eyes closed. Does nobody else make a (new) real Jazz sound for under £300? Balcro.
  5. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='371309' date='Jan 5 2009, 08:54 PM']Apart from being a ""Status Whore", I also have GAS for the diving girl in EBS_freak's avatar. Or is that something else?? B)[/quote] There I was casually scrolling through this thread, cos I thought I'd been here before. Now I've been released. Ooo, my guilty secret is out. Make that avatar bigger or maybe a special forum devoted to the appreciation of "EBS_Freaks's avatar". What bass? Who cares! Insert Rolling Stones "tongue" emoticon. Oh, all right then. I'm poor, so gas has stopped at the new Ibanez SRX360. If the £ keeps rising aginst the dollar, the price should fall in time for Christmas. Balcro
  6. [quote name='uzzell' post='558202' date='Aug 2 2009, 12:52 AM']I just came across these new Isobaric cabs on the Orange website which can be found here.... [url="http://www.orangeamps.com/products.asp?Action=List&Cat=20"]http://www.orangeamps.com/products.asp?Act...List&Cat=20[/url] ...and I'm rather intrigued by the Isobaric 2x10" as a small practice cab. Has anyone used these yet, if so what are your thoughts? Cheers people.[/quote] Assuming you have checked out Mr.Foxen's link to the other post, I think it depends upon what you're playing or how you wish to sound. It is likely that they will have a very punchy clean & clear sound. The excursion of the front speaker cones will "start & stop" more quickly than conventionally loaded speakers. In theory this should mean less speaker cone break-up and distortion. The rear speakers appear to be slot vent loaded. Not a speaker I would choose for classic rock/thrash/punk/metal. Balcro.
  7. Well, it's an opinion - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52885&hl=Cort"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=52885&hl=Cort[/url]
  8. Wow! It looks even more vintage thatn the original. Nice, Balcro.
  9. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='530893' date='Jul 2 2009, 06:20 PM']I'm totally pants at listening to a song and working out the notes being played. I'm a little better at sorting the rhythm but that still leaves room for improvement. The internet is to blame as I always end up searching for tab or chord charts and working it out from there. Can anyone who teaches give me some ever so simple song recommendations to practice on. A range from easy to moderate would be good. I need to resist the temptation to go to 'Bassmasta' and develop some skills.[/quote] Try Black Limousine by the Stones. When you've done with that, try Sweet Home Alabama. They're both bluesy and not much variation in notes either. Balcro.
  10. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='528634' date='Jun 30 2009, 02:11 PM']I have three - wish I had more but three is it. 1691+3= 1694[/quote] Just 1, so = [b]1695[/b], Balcro
  11. As Nick says -- Difficult question there's so many! All of the same top quality. Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Stevie Wonder. Dancing in the Street - Martha & the Vandellas. I heard it through the Grapevine - Marvin Gaye. Road Runner - Junior Walker & the Allstars. If I were a Carpenter - Four Tops. Balcro
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='527051' date='Jun 28 2009, 08:46 PM']Just watching CSN's Glatonbury set on the iPlayer. Joe Vitale on kit and Bob Glaub on bass. BRILLIANT player... his feel is amazing. I've never really taken notice of him before, but watching him has made me realise he's exactly the kind of player I want to be. Lovin' his bass... a Lakkie Bob Glaub. Obviously. With blocks. I'd post a YouTube clip but it appears the copyright people have been busy.. check it out on the iPlayer.[/quote] Yea, a cool bass dude. Seen the set twice now; once on the box earlier & again on the iPlayer. He's in there more often than you would think initially. Class. Balcro.
  13. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='525894' date='Jun 27 2009, 01:03 PM']According to [url="http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Ibanez#Serial_Numbers"]this site[/url], Ibanez serial numbers starting with an A are made by Sae-In.[/quote] Thanks for the info. Balcro
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='525676' date='Jun 27 2009, 03:05 AM']You might want to have a close look at your Ibanez, particularly the serial number. If it starts with a "C", it was made by Cort. Jon.[/quote] Hi basschatters, Yes , I realise it's the reality of the international situation, but it does take the gloss off the buy (when it happens). I'll look out for those serial numbers. I'm just hoping that Ibanez has some it's guitars made by these people - www.saein.co.kr According to wikipedia they are OEM's as well. Cheers, Balcro.
  15. I've been doing some pre-GAS searching and researching. The Ibanez SR300 or 360 are in pole position. I clicked on a link and came to Cort. Push on and find out more - searched the threads for opinions on Cort. Onto Wikipedia, internet shops and the company web-sites. Next the Cort Forum. Hmm? Rumblings.... Finally a link to a Youtube video - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pbKvESThn0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pbKvESThn0[/url] It's an odd & lengthy video (8 mins), but in the posters' info panel on the R/h side click on "more info" and you get the message. Oh! Not impressed. Do I want to put my hard earned cash there? Well, their neck was 2mm wider than the Ibanez. I think I'll send in the refinery workers. Balcro.
  16. [quote name='steantval' post='516978' date='Jun 17 2009, 10:20 PM']I'm currently playing in a band called Stealer and our whole set is devoted to the band Free. We are a tribute band but not a look alike, we feel the music is the most important factor. We are based in the Cambs/Lincs area and are looking further afield for suitable venues to perform at. Could any of you folks suggest anything in the East Midlands, Beds, Herts, Essex or North London areas? Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.[/quote] Can only think of a chalk & cheese selection at the moment. Middling: - Contact N. Herts Council about the Plinston Hall in Letchworth. A community type hall - perhaps 200 capacity with a proper stage. Downmarket: - Red Lion PH, in High Street, Stevenage Old Town. Very small indeed. Used to be the bikers pub 20 years ago. Average now. Up market: - "The Stables" in Buckinghamshire. Founded and still linked with Johnny Dankworth. www.stables.org Good luck, Balcro.
  17. [quote name='alexclaber' post='516909' date='Jun 17 2009, 09:14 PM']If you're playing with little EQ, no compression and no distortion then you're unlikely to ever reach a cab's thermal limits, even with an amp rated at far more power output than a cab's power handling. The more compression or distortion you use, the greater the average power and the greater the risk of thermal damage. Alex[/quote] Thanks for the explanation Alex. Until I read this, I had assumed that distortion/effects were artificial, i.e simulated distortion/compression etc., rather like the development of tones on an organ or PC soundcard. How does increasing distortion cause the physical damage? Cheers, Balcro.
  18. [quote name='peted' post='516888' date='Jun 17 2009, 09:04 PM']Hilarious. Great find and thanks for sharing.[/quote] +1 to that. Balcro
  19. Bassasin is quite correct. It's an '87 and the little sticker saying Made in Korea is still there, only not visible in the photos. I may not be able to crow about the brand name, but that chunky brass bridge puts a few others to shame. One odd thing the photo exercise did throw up is the built-in "intonation" setting with the through-body stringing (see photo of the back). I've never noticed it before, even when re-stringing. Since I've set the intonation at the bridge, does that mean I'm double intonated. I thought they important dimension was from bridge saddle to nut. The headstock photo shows an odd string path, particularly for the "E", but that's deliberate. If I don't string it like that the nut slides off sideways. I've repaired it once with PVA, but it lasted less than 6 months. Didn't have any "No-Nails" handy at the time. Balcro.
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='512210' date='Jun 12 2009, 03:22 PM']Hey cool. Can you post pics of yours please?[/quote] That's worked. Now for some more - [attachment=27142:BASS_FRONT_2.jpg][attachment=27145:BASS_HEADSTOCK.jpg][attachment=27143:BASS_NECK_ 1.jpg][attachment=27144:BASS_3_BACK.jpg] [attachment=27146:BASS_1_L_SIDE.jpg] Balcro.
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='512210' date='Jun 12 2009, 03:22 PM']Hey cool. Can you post pics of yours please?[/quote] Well here goes. I hope the pics are automatically reduced to "thumbnail". [attachment=27141:ALL_BASS_FT_1.jpg] I'll do one, and if that's ok, I'll add some more. Sorry for the delay, I'm having home network problems. Balcro.
  22. The bass would sit very well and you wouldn't get any complaints about neck-dive. Perhaps Gibson should go back to that arrangement. It's good physics, but just doesn't look cool! Balcro.
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='512210' date='Jun 12 2009, 03:22 PM']Hey cool. Can you post pics of yours please? Any similarities to the Hondo in [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=50897"]this[/url] thread? The bridge that was on mine was identical (the same angled ferrule arrangement) so there has to be a connection somewhere. I agree it really does have a superb P sound (if a little thin) - that's why the sprayed pg ended up like that - I couldn't put it down. :D Unfortunately The next time you see it you won't recognise it. Plans are afoot but I'm keeping schtum for now. :brow:[/quote] I'll have a go. I'll borrow a decent digital camera tomorrow. Then the tricky bit, never having posted pictures on here before. I'll check the guidance or the wiki. Balcro.
  24. Oh good, that's two of us on here with an Encore Coaster! Well the body and the bridge look the same. By comparison, mine is immaculate. That could be 'cos it's only been out of the house on 3 occassions. I wonder where that neck came from? I'm not sure that's original. Whatever, once it's [u]all[/u] adjusted it gives a surprisingly beefy sound. Enjoy. Balcro
  25. [quote name='William James Easton' post='511597' date='Jun 11 2009, 08:50 PM']Just read the new BGM. Dave Swift, looking forward to reading that article....wasn't any good. The gaff in the scarf, dude in sunglasses, somebody else. They all speak utter drivel. I might just be me but i thought i was reading interviews with accountants. nothing against each player but back to listening to bass and not reading interviews for me.* tin hat on. *apart form Mike Watt the man is brilliant bass, spoken, written.[/quote] Should we really be blaming the bassists? What is the quality of the interviewing. Maybe, the journalists are not getting the best out of the musicians. After all, we bass players tend to be the shy ones. Balcro.
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