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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. Sounds like a reasonable Saturday night, no?
  2. I’m on it (like a Jane Austen bonnet).
  3. Thanks Sir, these might be the answer, I thought they only did the side dots! Cheers.
  4. I was about to be disparaging about Rush but that’s because I was disparaging about Rush when I was a teenager. Three things about that... a) I could be a bit of a tnuc, especially about music, when I was a teen and, far more importantly... b) I have never listened to a Rush album or even a Rush track in my life. ...then I was going to say everyone I knew who liked Rush back when I was young was a silly billy but, on reflection, it turns out that... c) everyone I knew who liked Rush were thoroughly decent folk and, actually, I was the silly billy. ...food for thought, there.
  5. I use an iPad during rehearsals and have a specific clamp for it so no fear of it falling.
  6. Chris Squire’s Rickenbacker sound was a major influence on me, unfortunately by the time I was first involved in bands that influence had been obscured by punk and dub a little later I realised Chris Squire’s position had been usurped by JJ Burnel.
  7. I recently purchased a Rob Allen fretless and the fret lines are really hard to see from the top. Initially I used some Starglow fret-finders from Glotec but they were a bit too clunky and mucky once removed. In the end I purchased some Alphabet Peel off Stickers from Amazon and the 'i' stickers do the job nicely. My luthier says he can extend the top edge of the fret markers to make them more visible but just the thought of a saw being taken to a Rob Allen bass makes me queasy, they are works of art... works of art I've now covered with stickers.
  8. That's just my teenage boredom threshold, I haven't attempted to listen to that album in it's entirety since 1979, must give it a go now, I've only got those first five songs on my iPod, shocking.
  9. I'm going to watch these all day. Chris Squire and Bill Bruford, does it get any better?
  10. I'm about nine mins into this, completely fascinating, I knew this was a complex track but f*** me, there is so much more to it tan I ever imagined, I'd also forgotten how damn funky some Yes is.
  11. All this talk of The Damned reminds me of my favourite track, Love Song. I saw The Damned a lot back in the day but never got into them heavily, I was always going to gigs simply to get some dBs down me lug 'oles. I love the first side (showing my age there) of Machine Gun Etiquette but essentially I'm not particularly familiar with anything else. I think the first five tracks from this album might be (imho of course) the finest first side of rock music ever (apart from the production) it's an absolutely thrilling set of songs.
  12. I play a Rob Allen Mouse 30. On Rob’s site he says... Mb-2, Mouse 30 and Deep 4/5 basses are designed with La Bella 760n (flatwound) strings in mind. ...the Mouse 30 Is strung through-body. I don’t think he would have designed the guitar this way if through-body stringing was problematic in any way.
  13. Despite being one of the bands I have seen the most times I still have to remind myself that David J of Bauhaus played fretless. One of the pleasures of old age this not remembering lark...
  14. Good to see a lot of love for Mick Karn here, much as I love Quiet Life and Tin Drum I’m just going to put a word in for Gentlemen Take Polaroids.
  15. I'm listening to this in order to learn it, suffice to say I'm a bout two bars in. I thought buying a Rob Allen would mean I was able to play it straight away..! 🤣
  16. I just didn’t get Nightfly for years, decades, I eventually did get a hook on it via the lyrics I think. I love it now, not as much as Kamakiriad but damn it took a long time.
  17. I saw them on that tour too at Hammersmith Odeon as was, July 3rd 1981 so good. I have seen them several times since, the last being 10th June 2017 at Usher Hall in Edinburgh, they are always astonishing.
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