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Everything posted by NancyJohnson

  1. I have an unused B-string if anyone wants it. It's off a set of XL EPS170-5. Gauge is .130. Shoot me a PM and I'll mail it out. P
  2. I'm looking for a black/flat/oval input jack plate to replace the Stratocaster style one on my Hamer. I know Schecter used to make them, but they're impossible to find, so I guess getting one made is another option.
  3. Indifference here. My amp is set up in the extension, generally with one bass in that general locale. The rest of the guitars are in a rack on our spare bedroom/computer room. I think the general indifference started after I moved on a Bongo 5HH, to fund my first Thunderbird (of many). There's no way she'd tolerate hanging basses on the wall...I don't think I'd want to turn them into dust collectors.
  4. Anyone remember the Tube special? Unsure whether is was from the north or south, but the two standout bands were The Bankrobbers and Cruella de Ville. The music business is a cruel mistress; neither of these bands made it past a couple of singles.
  5. I doubt I'll be buying much from Thomann until such a time as Sterling recovers against the Euro. Pound for pound it's quite possibly cheaper buying from UK retailers at the moment.
  6. Shoot a message to Rich/Grangur. I had a similar issue on a (Precision style) passive circuit. Grounding problems...buzzing stopped with a finger on the tone, increased if you touch the pickup pole. He's advised the issue has been resolved quite simply (something not connected).
  7. Well done on getting published! I really believe everyone has a novel in them, it's just the ability to be able to get it down. Hope the Sunn Mustang gets a mention.
  8. I was born in Windlesham, raised in Egham. Rarely go back, but we did last weekend. Egham has a Waitrose now? With an underground car park? When did it become so gentrified?
  9. I know this is a steal for the money. Do me/us a favour...have you got a link to the original thread you're referring to? I'd be interested to see some closer shots of the back of the headstock (where the machines were moved about) and the condition of the refret. Thanks P
  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1470783492' post='3108514'] And I'm not sure I could get my head around playing a detuned bass in bands playing in regular tunings, although Anthony Jackson seems to have managed before he went on to 6ers. [/quote] I suppose that's what I was thinking too! I'm sure there's a science behind the string tension (and perhaps availability of super-long strings too). My mindset was why just extend the E string, let's go the whole hog.
  11. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1470777296' post='3108462'] The classic line here is, of course, what exactly have YOU done that makes you feel entitled to not just say you don`t like his playing, but refer to him as talentless? [/quote] Strange, but an albeit interesting question and something I've given a bit of thought to this morning. OK, entitlement. Hard to quantify, if wholly necessary, from a musical perspective . I can give you my full 30+ year bass-playing backstory tour if you want ('[i]Paul Anthony; My Life In Music'[/i]), but fear it'll be a bit on the boring side, albeit juxtapositioned with sadly infrequent peaks of excitement ([i]'Chapter 3; Polydor' [/i]and [i]'Chapter 7; Partying with Motley Crue'[/i]), but I'm unsure all this ebullience qualifies as entitlement per se. Luckily, I'm still able to think for myself and from the evidence available, formulate and postulate my own judgments. This, combined with Article 10 of the European Convention, dictates I'm [i]entitled[/i] to freedom of speech. So there's your entitlement. Whether or not saying, 'Adam Clayton is a talentless bass player' is defamatory or not, is all that's questionable, same goes whether or not people agree with the aforementioned statement. Look, at the end of the day, he's not John Myung or Geddy Lee. Or Flea or Bootsy. (Or <insert name here>.) Yes, I get that. He obviously must have something going on otherwise U2 would have fired him years ago, but you know the thing is after all this time, I'm still struggling to work out what it actually is.
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1470755401' post='3108204'] I haven't met Mr Clayton but I saw him coming down an escalator at Earl's Court one time. As he descended he seemed to be staring blankly into the upper middle distance which I suppose some might interpret as being 'aloof'. OTOH it's entirely possible that Mr Clayton suffers from very poor eyesight and his optician isn't up to the job. Lovely frames, shonky lenses, mayhap? [/quote] Perhaps he'd just tooted and was taking in the aroma.
  13. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1470750709' post='3108144'] Anyroadup, I happen to like U2 (for which I'm sure I will be hated) and he does the job for the music. I have no knowledge of him other than that, so you have the advantage of me there, and I'm quite prepared to believe you. Are you sure you mean "incredulity", as that seems to me to imply he couldn't quite believe he'd managed to get where he has, which runs counter to your other comments. [/quote] Hmmm. I used to like U2 early on, probably until around the time they did The Unforgettable Fire, after that no so much. I just looked up [i]incredulity [/i]on the interwebs, thought I'd made a typo. Nope true enough, lack of belief. I'll impart this, I met him briefly backstage at Milton Keynes Bowl late afternoon of the Longest Day gig they were headlining, which Google tells me it was June 1985 (just a few weeks 'fore Live Aid). Yikes. How me and my mate ended up backstage, and precisely why, is a story of legend in my small circle of friends, but let's just settle on saying we were on the back foot from the off. And it went downhill from there. Happy days.
  14. That sunburst finish is just lush. If my Thunderbird has been that rich, I might have hung onto it.
  15. Mr Tauzero, thanks for the namecheck! Don't forget to put your hand up and tell teacher they've forgotten to give us homework as well. Aah, Mr Clayton. My nemesis. As I've posted before, I don't think it's quite hate because that's something I would apply to root vegetables, moreover I simply don't like the guy and like his playing even less. You know, for the record, I met him just the once and he was thoroughly unpleasant, smug and arrogant. He just had this air of incredulity about him, akin to that of someone who had reached the giddy echelons of a given field without having a credible bone in their body to support where they'd got to. On the shoulders of giants. Which I suppose is where I came in. We do live in a world where we have a degree of freewill and comes with that the ability to like and dislike things, people, places. We also seem to live in a world where it seems it's OK to heap praise on things but it's bad to castigate, unless it's Nigel Farage I suppose.
  16. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1463058404' post='3048173'] [/quote] That's quite a nice/interesting spin on the Kubicki tuning model. This may sound a little weird/crazy. but go with me as this photo got me thinking - perhaps a little too much - and it's causing my brain to TILT a bit. There's clearly space on that neck to accommodate the extra fret and zero fret to allow the user to drop to a low D on the E string, so why not just take the frets over the whole fingerboard and tune down a full tone to DGCF? (I liked the theory behind Kubicki X-Factor, but always felt it would have been more interesting if the A string had had a double fret extension as well.) I do understand the concept of tuning down on a regular 34" scale bass, unaware of the scale on this bass I suppose it's feasible a DGCF extension may take the scale length to around 38-40".
  17. That looks pretty good. I wouldn't go so far as to say a Jazz looks wrong with a P-pickup (Mark Hoppus edition), but the other way round looks nice.
  18. [quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1470687752' post='3107721'] Wow! And he speaks so highly of you! [/quote] Muwahaha
  19. Yeah, the Bandscrims thing has come up in conversation - our singer has another band and they've used them for these things to put over their amps.
  20. You should [b]never[/b] put yourself down along the lines of being limited and/or playing such a thing or assuming that playing any instrument is above you. Tut tut. Here's a name; Adam Clayton. You might have heard of him. Never has a bass player gotten so far, with so much gear, with so little talent.
  21. Had a quick search through the forums to try and find the best place to get a backdrop printed...search hasn't turned up much. We want a lightweight sheet 4x2m, black with white overprinting. I've found a place on Goog called PrintLit - a light poly sheet ('flag material') is £190 (incl. VAT) for this size. It's only going to be hung behind us while we play, so it's not going to get heavy use; so if its the quality of those printed flags so popular for adorning bedroom windows at times of the World Cup etc. it'll be fine. Any other places? Cheers P
  22. I'd concur with the friend of the original poster, certainly there's loads amps that do sound the similar, the nuances are quite minor and I'm pretty certain in a blindfold test people wouldn't really be able to tell one from another. Over the years I'd used Trace, Laney, Tech21, Ashdown etc and in truth it's always been a case of dialling in a desired tone and leaving it at that. Insofar as emulation goes, I used to really like the much derided kidney shaped Bass POD - I think there was a rack version too; there was a lot of great sounds on it, but I'm genuinely unsure as to whether the sounds it made correctly emulated the amplifier/speaker combinations it claimed to or if it was all advertising rhetoric. It was a very handy tool live and in the studio.
  23. We played with a band cslled Dronningen on Friday. No bass player, but lots of keyboards doing bass stuff. For the record, they were just incredible. Highly recommended.
  24. I'd also go with the 'you don't need 1000w'. Sure it's there should you need it; I'm unsure whether the output pots are linear or logarithmic but to be honest I've never run the Matrix more than half way into 8 ohms and it's been more than adequate (and we play pretty loud live).
  25. It's a weird one, that Flea bass...I did like the look of it, but I'd feel a bit conflicted at the exclusivity of it. No idea how many they made, but it would only be a matter of time before you're gigging with some funkster upstart using the same bass chip for chip. I have been having a drool over the US Jaguar; it just seems on the surface to have a bit more versatility when you look at the switching options, although I would suspect once you find your desired tone, you'd probably just leave the switching alone. Jaguar here.
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