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Everything posted by Bobthedog

  1. ... if not your spelling. :-) NB: this is a joke based on the irony of the thread title and not meant as a slight on the OP's character.
  2. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1461347269' post='3033962'] What is it with Bass Direct and those videos that are left channel only?? There's a database of beautiful basses. all of which sound dreadful on headphones or speakers. I know bass is usually recorded mono, but there's a big difference between mono and left channel only - one sounds ok, the other sounds like needles in the ear. If anyone from there is reading this, guys you should just download a free editor, (something like Audacity) and convert your audio files to mono before you export them to the video files, it's a 1 minute job. I'll do it for you if you want. [/quote] I thought I was the only one with this issue. It bugs me too and I wish they would sort it out.
  3. This; Jah Wobble and Alex being out probably explains why I have been given a 5-7 week delivery date for my BF Twin. Hey Ho.
  4. Mahlzeit as they say at this time in Austria. Alternatively: bump for a great cab.
  5. My first bass was an Ibanez SRX300. That was about seven years ago but I got rid of fairly quickly as I could not get a good tone from it or even play it (I thought I would pick up playing quite quickly). Took a break and came to a Fender P bass in 2013 and am still noodling today.
  6. I wonder if this question was asked today, would the same answers apply? I suspect the answers would be for more power / volume.
  7. There are obviously several ways to look at this. If the landlord went around asking for money to keep bands coming in, I suspect that he will not get the same as if saying it is for the band. If he pays the band / agrees a fee up front, he is also taking a gamble that he may not collect enough to cover his costs of hiring a band. If he does and more, he perhaps should give the increased income to the band, however, if he is going to risk the downside perhaps he should enjoy the upside. The fee is for the band on the basis he is just swapping his pre paid fee for the collection with the gamble of a loss or margin. Perhaps he needs any extra money just to keep the pub open? Try asking for the bucket instead of a fee. Perhaps try asking for the bucket on the basis you will give him any income above your pre agreed fee. I suspect you will not want to do that for same reason he may not wish to give you anything he makes above the fee through the collection.
  8. [quote name='Tee' timestamp='1460642524' post='3027518'] Is the gain knob on the Blue Sky purely for setting your input level (not to clip), or does it offer actual overdrive, albeit, i assume not very much? [/quote] I beleive it is like my Blue Rock, there is a separate input for the overdrive channel. The gain is for setting the input level on channel a.
  9. Sadly this is almost on a par with the OP's find. https://youtu.be/B5NoXaSajq0 Great quote: "[color=#000000][font=Roboto, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Complex tempos, rough but beautiful vocals, amazing tone, these guys have it all. And the fact that they can play in four time signatures at once is incredible "[/size][/font][/color]
  10. Some would say that they are at least giving it a go and not restricting themselves to the shed. Others may say, they wished the band had each stayed in their own sheds
  11. I used to use Schaller on all my bass guitars and every single set would slowly unscrew itself on the strap side. I could not find a loose or tight enough torque setting to stop this. I have now moved to Dunlop and they all seem safe. The only issue is the straps sometimes twist on the mount and need to be untwisted before putting over my shoulder. I like the idea of flush mounted but if they need bigger holes drilled in the bass, I will pass.
  12. Even in my darkest hours of thinking of giving up due to lack of any ability, I still think of keeping one bass and amp/cab just in case I want to have another go one day. A firm decision by you there, but then it is yours to make.
  13. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1460374131' post='3025043'] Just out of curiousity; why? I understand needing to know the scales/arpeggios etc... as that's what we use as bassists, but what's the driver for wanting grade? [/quote] Personally, doing Rockschool grading is to give me a specific target as a learner. It means that my technique is correctly validated and is not my own and unschooled interpretation of correct. Without a deadline to aim for I am too lazy to push myself to a limit. I have to practice each night to meet the quality of my next exam. In the absence of that exam, I would be distracted and it would take a lot longer to become "able". I can only manage a max of an hour a day during the week to practice My only regrets about going down this route is that I have spent two years (midway through the grades) doing nothing but playing from the books. I wish I had spent / was spending more time learning songs to play in a band or more on improvisation. Perhaps the Trinity Grades would be better as they use known tunes to teach rather than technique specific written music.
  14. For sale one of my two TCE RS212 cabs. This is not needed due to moving to a BF Big Twin II / Glock Blue Rock. My other RS212 will stay for the timebeing for use with my RH750 which I still enjoy. I bought this from Who's Who in July last year and it is still in the great condition it was when I bought it. It comes complete with the TCE OEM soft cover. I have not gigged this, although Who's Who had and it has a couple of scratch marks on the top from being stacked. There is a small mark on the front and a small chip on the side, otherwise it is still very shiny and sounds as glorious as an RS212 should. Pictures are in a dedicated pBase folder as below: http://www.pbase.com/baloobc/rs212 I would prefer collection from nr Buckingham but will deliver (within reason!) for the cost of diesel. Sample photos below: [attachment=216663:RS212 front.jpg] [attachment=216664:RS212 cover.jpg]
  15. [quote name='Raggy' timestamp='1459856130' post='3020247'] Ooh, nice one, would be really interested in hearing your thoughts how it works with the Glock, got me eyes on one of those. [/quote] [color=#0000cd]Will do. As an aside, Roland Rock is using a BF Cab through the same amp as me and appears very happy.[/color] [quote name='Bearfist' timestamp='1459857163' post='3020263'] Did the same a couple of days ago [/quote] [color=#0000cd]I am not alone. Is yours on order, or you do now have it? My delivery date is 9-18 May :-([/color]
  16. [quote name='vbance' timestamp='1460053720' post='3022203'] bobthedog, would this be the vid? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LZPx_CQ7hI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=8LZPx_CQ7hI[/url] [/quote] Yup, that is the one. Obviously not as independent as I thought on the basis he is a BF endorsed artist. I am still happy with my BF Big Twin II on order, however.
  17. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1460051883' post='3022174'] Only problem is that 1/2 way on ANY amp has no relation/bearing as to how loud you are or how much of the 500w is in use. [/quote] Of course it does, otherwise my amp would not go up to 11! :-) I do think audiences in general are louder as less people go to a pub to specifically listen to the band. My father's band in the 70‘s often played to pubs in total silence as people stopped talking just to listen. They applauded solos and were there for the band. Nowadays I think more people are in the pub as a coincidence and just talk to each other with the music as background. This is a very general view and with limited proof as I do not get to hear bands in pubs very often since moving out of town.
  18. I found a you tube video which did seem to back up some of the BF claims. It tested three cabs by three different OEMs and used a bit of kit to show frequency roll off etc. The BF not only went deeper but also I recall gave a louder signal for a given tone. It was an independent test but I cannot find it again. It was only a couple of weeks ago. I am not saying the test was proof and concrete but certainly would fit into this discussion. It was 3 x 112 cabs if I recall correctly. I will keep looking as, to me, it was interesting at least.
  19. I have a what some may consider high end bass and really could not give a hoot what songs, tunes, choons or series of notes I play through it. I enjoy the bass and just love playing it.
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1459893198' post='3020710'] If I were guessing I would have thought barefaced used a custom made by faital - that's just a guess though based on the driver name having similar system and the fact the horn is a faital by the look [/quote] Nope, 'tis a custom made by Eminence. There is a you tube video visit to the shop which talks about it and Alex confirmed to me when I ordered by Big Twin ll yesterday.
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