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Everything posted by Lifer

  1. How similar is the EBS Microbass EQ to the Fafner preamp?
  2. So tried it out on Sunday at band practise - Bass Driver straight into a Mackie SRM-450 First impression was great, big sound and compared favourably to the Fafner at low levels. However I found the lack of adjustment (or perhaps my lack of experience with them) on the BD started to become a problem when trying to get the sound dialled in with the full band. Definitely needed a 'mid' knob. Played a couple of songs and it was passable but went back to the Fafner after a while. I think there's a definite potential, it's just a matter of finding the right speaker and the right DI, I'd quite like to try the VT deluxe as I think that's closer to the my tone. Gonna keep trying!
  3. Of course, probably won't be until saturday now though
  4. Think I'm gonna take my bass down to GAK and try the sansamp through a few active speakers, they've got the behringer cab mentioned in the article you posted but also a few other brands.
  5. Would the Mackie TH-15As be equivalent to that Behringer cabinet? Don't know much about PA stuff
  6. That interests me greatly, but been looking at the Orange Terror Bass as well! Need to have a play I think
  7. Love my Fafner and EBS 410 setup but not gigging much at the moment and not loving having to lug it around all the time. Thinking of getting a Sansamp bassdriver and some sort of combo/monitor or poweramp/small cab just wondering what people think of this option/what else there is out there? Like a bit of grind in my tone, play Stoner Rock (detuned to C). Impressed by some Markbass rigs I've seen out there - hit me up with suggestions. Money is a problem, would hope to sell the Fafner and 410 for £800-£900 and have a couple of hundred left over after buying the new rig. Thanks in advance!
  8. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='914824' date='Aug 4 2010, 12:44 PM']But was nice to listen to.[/quote] That's good enough for me Lord Sausage!
  9. You always record dry DI'd and then reamp to have a fiddle with the tone.
  10. The singer in my band also does some acoustic stuff and I like remixing/re-imagining songs. Rough mix of the Dibnah version of her song Beautifully Broken (see [url="http://www.myspace.com/leahruthmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/leahruthmusic[/url] for original!) now up on my myspace [url="http://www.myspace.com/dreaddibnah"]http://www.myspace.com/dreaddibnah[/url] Still got some tweaks to do but always good for some input before it's finally finished, fire away!
  11. Today has been Solid Steel and Hospital Records podcasts.
  12. I saw a bit of Mumford(? also) and Sons and thought they wasted the number of vocals they had, could have had some massive harmonies going on. Like: (30 secs)
  13. I bought 2 of the 2x12s and 2 of the 2x15s for £1000 about 6 years ago, sold the 15s cause they were just too damn heavy but they were bottomless, amazing rig!
  14. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='871294' date='Jun 18 2010, 10:56 PM']I am no expert but on our Dynacord desk there are 3 or 4 channels that can be selected for phantom power. I was told that if we miked a drum kit up that phantom power would be good for cymbals. this may have been bollox though and we have never used it.[/quote] Phantom power is only used to power mics/di boxes, so would depend entirely on the mics used! Generally condensor mics (most of which require phantom power) are used as overheads so kind of right. AKG C1000 for example, good cheap overhead for drumkit and needs power, either from batteries or phantom from a desk.
  15. [quote name='algmusic' post='877267' date='Jun 25 2010, 11:45 AM']I've the 3 channel.. it's great for gigs if you want different sounds or volumes during the gig or a different bass.. and it helps when you're starting out remembering what sounds good and sounds guys love them.. (just don't give them to much bass (more than75%) or the mix might sound muddy.. I know i'm being fussy.. its shame you can't get the sanamp sound through DI and a bypass sound out that goes into you cab as well as the coloured sound.. I'm just being geeky.. It's great for recording either at home or in the studio tooo . the think the 'blend' dial is the important key to it[/quote] There's probably a way to do it with some sort of splitter pedal... Just need to fix and sell my old peavey and I reckons I'll be getting one of these then
  16. I quite tempted by the programmable 3 ch one, is it the same internals in a different box?
  17. Yeah Red Onion, would highly recommend think it was about £40, silent and very positive switching. Power is for the LEDs only.
  18. Here's my intricate setup: Wah always on switched in and out with the loop pedal, love the wah but hate having the switch at the top of the sweep.
  19. Now that would be a good endorsement, I'd wear a Ginsters T-shirt on stage! Ginsters kick drum skin, pasty shaped bass anyone?
  20. I'd do what Mog says, contact GK and say you've been offered this deal but really like their gear is there anything they can do for you? A few bands round my way are 'endorsed' by Monster, one even got a Herbalife endorsement. WTF? Seems to be the in thing to put your gear on your myspace even if you're not endorsed as well.
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