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Everything posted by Hamster

  1. I think this thread could be better titled. Instead of 'Profanity filter gone wrong' to 'Some poster's profanities are wrong' Hamster
  2. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='15891' date='Jun 11 2007, 07:56 PM']interesting - I'll look at that. I also wondered about lining the cavity with aluminium foil - it does seem like it could be a screening problem Cheers Martin p.s. still no response from Lakland![/quote] AFAIK the Skyline **/01 & **/02 series [i]should[/i] have the control cavity shielded with conductive paint, but this sometimes didn't work well as I pointed out. The USA **/94 series should have a foil shielded cavity, which is better. Also, again AFAIK the NTMB preamp was made for the **/02 pickups, but has made it's way into the **/01 series so there maybe a slight imbalance between the pickups and preamp. Hamster
  3. [quote name='Mrs Tinman' post='15889' date='Jun 11 2007, 07:55 PM']LMAO It will probably have changed by now but the second paragraph of Tayste 2000's post on Tone Factor Pulp Mill in reviews is hilarious Features such little gems as: kitchen hob horse and cart licking a posterior opening (are you sure Mods ought to be condoning that sort of behaviour? ) [/quote] Ha ha ha ha ....... o dear, I've just [gypsy's kiss]ed me [leslie crowthers] at that post! Hamster
  4. [quote name='philbillbass' post='15724' date='Jun 11 2007, 03:53 PM'][url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180127677545&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:middle:uk"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...hlink:middle:uk[/url] Just wonderin how much this bass is worth he doesn't give the letters at the start of the serial number so unsure how old it is, looks good tho![/quote] At the moment, IMHO it's worth nothing. The serial number doesn't look right - a bit blurry and fuzzy? Ask the seller for a close-up of the serial number. It's just a bit toooo clean for a 16+ year old bass that's been gigged for 10 years. Hamster
  5. [quote name='NJW' post='15689' date='Jun 11 2007, 03:13 PM']thats absolutely terrifying. Imagine getting lost in the woods, only to find a huge orgy of dwarves and wizards, all playing bass riffs through ashdown mini stacks, naked, and making magic and stuff.[/quote] Imagine? - no need, it's a scene from Ritchie Blackmore's latest video!
  6. Must be on the shortlist for the 2008 Basschat calender? Hamster
  7. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='15682' date='Jun 11 2007, 03:06 PM']Hi, thanks for all the replies. It does sound like RF interference - I can change the amount of noise by moving around, but never get rid of it. Like I said, my SR505 it quiet, so I'm surprised the Lakland picks up so much interference. I'm wondering if the pre-amp is oscillating and acting like a receiver. I'll have to bring it into work and have a good poke around with a scope - it might be that it just needs a 0.1uF cap on the power rail. If I find out the cause, I'll post some more information. I have emailed Lakland, but no reponse yet. Cheers Martin[/quote] I know there have been problems caused by the finish on some Laklands where the conducting paint on the inside of the control cavity has been painted/laquered over so you don't get continuity with the cavity cover. Hamster
  8. [quote name='MB1' post='15671' date='Jun 11 2007, 02:51 PM']MB1. be) No news as yet there still catering for very small people and druids! MB1.[/quote] Are the cabs any good at handling the lower notes an 11" scale bass can dish out? Hamster
  9. [quote name='NJW' post='15458' date='Jun 11 2007, 09:17 AM']In no way is the 8 (or 6) x 10 redundant. Oh no siree. There is a very real, and very important need for them in the world. Almost as important as Doctors, and Dentists.[/quote] lol - you forgot Audiologists! - eh? - pardon?
  10. I had the compact ABM115. Have to echo the above comments - a little dull on its own, but I used it with an ABM410 which improved things. I also thought the 4x10 handled a bottom B better than the compact 115. Hamster
  11. [quote name='martinbass7750' post='15539' date='Jun 11 2007, 11:50 AM']Hi All, I recently bought a used Lakland 55-01 NTMB which I love (from this site) But, I've found that when i turn the volume up there's a fairly loud buzzing through the speaker - it gets much quieter if I touch the bridge. It's also there if I switch into passive mode, although slightly quieter. I thought it might be mains earthing, but my Ibanez SR505 doesn't make the noise. Anyone got any suggestions? Cheers Martin[/quote] Have you seen this thread on buzzing problems? [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=194"]buzz[/url] Hamster
  12. [quote name='dlloyd' post='15561' date='Jun 11 2007, 12:23 PM']Yep, the description is amazing, since the guy doesn't own the bass... [url="http://www.bassnw.com/Used%20Basses/fodera_emperor_BO_5_st.htm"]http://www.bassnw.com/Used%20Basses/fodera...ror_BO_5_st.htm[/url] (as the OP suggested). I'm sure, judging on the guy's feedback, that he fully intends on acquiring the bass for the auction winner, and that the £1000 difference between his and Bass NW's is entirely for shipping and taxes.[/quote] Nice work - were you ever in Police Squad? Hamster
  13. [quote name='Villex_Europe' post='15462' date='Jun 11 2007, 09:22 AM']Hi Hamster, Villex also make passive boosters for basses. For the purpose of your list I guess they can be classed as on-board preamps [url="http://eu.villex.com/boosters.html"]http://eu.villex.com/boosters.html[/url] Thanks a lot![/quote] Thanks for the reminder - a useful bit of kit with good reviews - added. Hamster
  14. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='15391' date='Jun 11 2007, 01:42 AM']I bet its pulled in no time at all. eBay will be all over that in no time and close it down. G[/quote] True. I think the rule of thumb is if anyone tried to avoid paying ebay / paypal money the auction is history. If someone is selling an obvious fake or scam item, but ebay / paypal make money out of it, then it's on the back burner.............
  15. [quote name='wesfinn' post='15046' date='Jun 10 2007, 12:41 PM']hey all, i used to be a member of bass world. i am 22, bass player for pop band I Am Finn. Living in Fulam, LDN. i am also a fully trained luthier formerly working at iceni zoot tho the building is on hold due to session work. ill get back into it sumday hopefully fulltime when im done with playing! I am endorsed by and use Iceni Zoot Basses ( i have new arrival, a 4 string flame top, flame neck custom model to collect tuesday , thanx mike) i also use fender P's and my own basses and Markbass amplification. been playing about 7 years, still nowhere near as good as i should be haha but ahh well its all fun! Hope everyone is good and doing well cheers Wes myspace.com/iamfinn[/quote] Hi and Welcome! I notice on your myspace page you list your influences as [quote]being sick, waking up, crying out old milk, sinking to the bottom of the sea, busting into dinner alight[/quote] You'll get on fine here! Hamster
  16. [quote name='Sean' post='15128' date='Jun 10 2007, 03:26 PM']Both shocking. They look like bad cloning experiments gone wrong.[/quote] I agree ........... Hamster
  17. Have you seen his Photobucket account - more bass porn than you can wave a microphone stand at! [url="http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b6/tombowlus/"]Bass Porn![/url] Yummy! Hamster
  18. Just realised, when you say 9.50 per hour, is that $9.50 p/h or £9.50 p/h? (which is like $20 p/h when you convert it) How does your proposed rate of pay compare with other jobs for 16 year olds, and do you have a minimum wage set in the USA? Hamster
  19. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='14200' date='Jun 8 2007, 01:06 PM']Brandoni Guitars in Wembley - bodies, necks, pickups, hardware etc... [url="http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk"]http://www.brandoniguitars.co.uk[/url][/quote] Thanks Jean-Luc - I have made it so! Hamster
  20. [quote name='Brandonh' post='14433' date='Jun 8 2007, 11:08 PM']Well Im in the U.S[/quote] Well, that makes it a little different don't it? Forget what I said, at U.S prices, all the gear you want is cheap! Do the work, buy it all (and a darn good set of earplugs) and let rip! Hamster
  21. Hamster

    Gas attack

    [quote name='Darcy' post='14321' date='Jun 8 2007, 05:30 PM']Dont know why, but had been thinking about it for 3-4 weeks and finally gave in...... [attachment=552:DSCF1154.JPG] Fretless, never played one before. Plays great. All Squier generic parts, Tuners and bridge will have to be replaced (Badass), pickups sound fine, My playing.... you have to be sooooooooooo precise (or am I just a lazy player?), it's a real learning curve. It's got roundwounds on it, what are peoples thoughts/views Roundwound of flats???[/quote] Ahhh - fretless. Been a while since I owned one, and missing it like mad! The left hand fingering will come - it does take a little time to get precise. Strings? - Well the basic rule is, the more textured the string, the more wear on your fretboard - especially if you have a heavy technique and do a lot of bends/vibrato etc, so steel roundwounds would be the worst for wear. However, IMHO roundwounds have more definition, whereas flat/tapewound have less definition but are much kinder to the fretboard. Hope this helps Hamster
  22. [quote name='pete.young' post='14055' date='Jun 8 2007, 09:35 AM']It's also in breach of the European Directive on Working Time, which limits you to an average 48 hour week over a period of 4 weeks.[/quote] That's an average of 48 hrs/pw over a 17 week period (or the period of employment if less than 17 weeks) Which is something you can opt out of if you want. Hamster
  23. That's a lot of work, a lot of bass, a lot of amp, and a lot of cab. In a word - excessive. By all means do the work - it's a great experience to work hard and earn your own money and £9.50 p/h is a good rate. As for the kit - you've done your homework! I just have to echo several above comments, put most of the money in a building society with a 30 day withdrawel notice requirement (to stop the impetuous spending urges!) Do you really need that level of a rig? If you have set your heart mind and soul on it then ask yourself a very hard question - why? Write down 10 advantages of following your plan, and then write down 10 disadvantages. If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then go for it - BUT discover the joys of buying secondhand and save a lot of money. Look in the for sale sections here and ask for advice from the wealth of experience on the forum. Then you have to sort out the transport of a rig that size/weight. And to answer the question, [quote]Now should I stay home and get better or buy equipment for the future?[/quote] Go to work, do 1 hour a day [i]quality[/i] practice at home, and think long and hard about what quality/size/price of equipment you need for the future. Hamster
  24. [quote name='philbillbass' post='13150' date='Jun 6 2007, 04:09 PM']i would preferably not build my own but if i chose to what model/spec would you recommend?[/quote] Have a look at this link to a thread on a great cabinet that is recommended by many [url="http://www.finnbass.com/showthread.php?t=522"]Omni 10[/url] Hamster
  25. Had to Cry Today - Joe Bonamassa Bass by Eric Czar Hamster
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