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Posts posted by Dood

  1. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='88118' date='Nov 13 2007, 10:14 PM']I think what QOTD said about extending up invites people to say it might as well be played on guitar and I think the answer to that is that it sounds different. But if the bass player is playing the guitar part on his ERB who is playing the bass and I guess this is where having more than 1 bass player comes in :) Perhaps this is a plan for world domination where bands will have to have 2 bass players and 1 guitarist.[/quote]

    Hey John.. woh, took so long talking about myself another post came it!

    Just a question or two really, open for discussion: Looking at the 'role' of the bass player (and not necessarily talking about ERB as such), How far up the scale is a bass player allowed to play before he is no longer classed as a bass player?
    Alternatively, how low should a guitarist be allowed to play before they are no longer playing a guitar part?
    If there is a piano player in the band, should they not be allowed to play the bass parts or guitar parts if there are bass players and guitar players in the band as well?

    Not trying to be provocative in a negative sense, i'm interested in roles as opposed to 'how many strings' ;o)

    Cheers, all the best.


  2. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='88098' date='Nov 13 2007, 09:36 PM']Since ARGH seems to have pretty much closed the topic of extra strings, I'd like to pose a slightly different question: how much do ERB players use their upper frets? After all, that'd be taking advantage of the true extended range... I find that when I play my 6 or 7-string, I use the top end of the board a lot more than when I'm playing 4 or 5[/quote]

    Oh THANKS..... lol lol.. I just get through reading the topic so I can answer and the subject changes lol lol lol *elbows QOTD jokingly*

    Actually most points I fancied answering have been pretty much done good n' proper so I just have a cuppla comments to make..

    Since we have a new question though, my answer is that yes, I do infact use the whole neck. For those that don't know, my 7 string is actually a 6er with an additional low F#, as opposed to a high F. I have owned a 7er with a high F, but this alternative tuning has proved very interesting in comparison!

    I do use the whole board and find generally all my strings tend to go dull around the same time, suggesting that I am using them evenly? I do spend time 'north of the border / up the dusty end / in no mans land and can be a lot of fun getting to play harmonies in the same ocatves as the 'melody' instruments.

    In the past I spent a lot of time playing in 3 piece bands, and also as a lead guitarist. It was completely natural to want to take the ability to play rhythm guitar parts /psuedo keyboard parts / accompaniements when I picked up an ERB for the first time.. and yes I do use all those techniques previously mentioned that appear to have the 'marmite effect', such as playing chords, tapping, strumming etc (but I'm yet to use a ..ehem.. personal massager for effect... eh Steve?!!)

    So.. John.. yup, actually you are right (once again, this thread comes round often and we agree to disagree! ) Again, for the initiated, my 7er is pretty much designed to be a halfway house between a Chapman Stick and a Bass, that is true. Want cake and eat it! If I can have both a bass and a stick available at the same time without an instrument change, then that for me is a bonus ;o) - and its far cheaper for me, as I cant afford a 12 string stick lol!!

    um.. what else.. oh yes.. the question about if anyone actually used an ERB in a band setting. I would answer absolutely yes, and there are countless ERBers out there that do. Now, one of my favourite styles of music is progressive rock/metal and there are plenty of bands using 5+ strings in context in a band setting.

    For me, if I had to point out one straight away in said pigeon whole, look at John Myung from Dream Theater. I cite his playing as influencial.

    I think I have rambled enough for now.

    Ultimately, it doesnt *really* matter. You do it because you *enjoy* it. (Thats the only reason for the white stripes continuing, i'm sure...lol lol... NO I'M JOKING!!!!)

  3. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='86385' date='Nov 10 2007, 08:11 AM']im not sure dood, i just compared mine with the pic and i think its just about the same.
    I think ive got a slightly old Jazz Special than most.. cause all the other ive seen had the painted black neck
    does yours?


    Mines a natural neck too.. no actually, I can see what the difference is. I think the tuning keys are a different shape. Not so tall. Not that its a problem.. just doesnt look quite as right to my eye. Bit like the export and non export CIJ basses that come with different keys (From Ishibashi for example)

  4. [quote name='Lisa_Witch' post='87376' date='Nov 12 2007, 04:29 PM']I know Dan (Mr Dood with the 7-string madness on here) from having played with him a couple of times, and he mentioned this site, but I've only just got round to actually signing up. Lots of nice people and useful stuff so far :)[/quote]

    HEY Lisa!!! ;o)

    yup, just spotted your posts on the board! Good to see ya here. Hows things? Band etc? Seems like an age since we played together. Had a blast!

    Chat soon


  5. I think there is a difference between those who want to play what is traditionally seen as 'bass' and those who want to look outside of the box.

    I have no issue with either.. but I see no reason why I should be limited by what others tell me I should be doing as a bass player.

    What would have happened if the original stand up basses had six strings to start with???

  6. Cheers chap!! I would love to find out more! - So do they all have the same name? I have only ever heard people say.. "Mullard ECC83" Which isn't really that indicative, when other companies have alsorts of prefixes, such as WA or -Cz etc.

  7. [quote name='Adee' post='85373' date='Nov 8 2007, 12:08 PM']Why bother buying a new 'Duff' model when you can get a real deal 80's Jazz Special for about £300 !
    even better stick a pair of Seymour Duncan 1/4lbr's in and you've got a cracking bass !

    I'm sure Zoe will tell you about her's


    You certainly can! Mine's a 1989 Jazz Bass Special - and does the 'Duff' sound with all the dirt and vigour you'd expect ;o) .. thing mine was around the same price off ebay too Zoe!

  8. Regarding these 'ere Mullards... i see there are 'different' versions available, such as 'the yellow label'. Is there a particular one I should be hunting down - holy grail styleeee?

  9. [quote name='largo' post='85301' date='Nov 8 2007, 10:13 AM']But if his lead times are caused by suppliers then why not just buy earlier.
    For example I knew I wanted Nordstrand pickups and delay was 10 weeks because they were custom orders.
    Buy them when I pay my deposit, not when the bass needs them and then a 10 week delay. Ask for money up front if it's additional costs.

    Quoting longer lead times is fine if you've too much work but not if it's suppliers delaying.
    Jon had a one off (hopefully) flood problem which delayed matters.

    One reason I went to Jon was his build times, I didn't want to wait 6-8 months for my build.[/quote]

    You sound really p*ssed off Largo. Have you spoken to Jon directly about your feelings on this?

  10. [quote name='Tinman' post='84972' date='Nov 7 2007, 04:13 PM']+ an awful lot.

    In fact I'd say 10 minutes after you get them :)[/quote]

    I'm still feeling the joy over a year later! I'm not gonna turn ths around into an ass kissing contest, but I just want to say that EVERY time I open my guitar case i feel good. It's even better when I get people asking if they can have a little play on my Shuker..Seeing them contend with such a beast puts a smile on my face too!

  11. yeeeeaaa, I know... Well, I'd always planned to get a 'little sister' for my 7er. I had originally planned to do it sooner rather than later, but finaces went a bit sh*t shape ^^^^^^.

    The plan is to take just 2 basses out with me (especially if a tour comes up) that are both the same (pretty much.. the new one will be a 6er) . I'm the sort of person who likes consistency!!!

    Obviously, I had been doing that with my Shuker Elite that I sold and really miss having it.. ( I sold it to fund the new bass too!) damn you old gas boiler! lol

    Having got an SVP back in my rack system, I have been using that for rehearsing and would use it live too.. and the POD for recording. The POD has only travelled between my house and my guitarist's pad.. so as yet I havent gigged it.

    Sooooooo the upshot is, I wanna start on the new Shuker.. and eventually sell on anything I dont need.

  12. I possibly need talking out of this.. I suspect I am making a rather stupid move.

    However, having replaced my Gas boiler recently (yeh ouch) the cost has eaten into my *Dan wants another Shuker bass fund*

    I am thinking whether or not I should sell the Pod or not. I do use it, and it is a seriously good piece of kit, but I *could* get by without it, if it means replensihing my bass fund.

    See, I can get another POD in the future, no problems.. but GAS wants me to have a shuker sooner ;o)

    I am happy to post pictures if you want, but the unit is so new, it looks no different to that of the website.

    All leads etc included. I'll also stick the *latest* downloaded drivers on a CD in addition to those that come with the unit. - The XT firmware is updated to the latest version.

    Bought brand new boxed and sealed in late July 07.

    [url="http://line6.com/basspodxtpro/"]<a href="http://line6.com/basspodxtpro/" target="_blank">http://line6.com/basspodxtpro/[/url]</a>

    £300 + delivery (pickup is free, obvioulsy)

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