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Marc S

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Everything posted by Marc S

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1411124355' post='2556671'] The stock NS strings don't sound anything like a DB. They are far too bright. Mark at Bass Direct told me he's trying to convince NS to equip all NS models with the traditional string set instead. They are much better that the stock contemporary strings. [/quote] What strings are you using fretmeister? Has it improved the sound of your NS that much? Interesting.... I had a Stagg, and the strings that came with were awful! Changing the strings improved playability a lot, and improved the sound quite a bit
  2. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1411050987' post='2555983'] Hi Marc, .... each to their own. I'm finding it didn't take long to get used to and would be wary about drawing all over an instument I've just forked a wad of cash on. :-) [/quote] Fair point indeed. Although I'm not sure a marker pen would do too much "damage" For anyone thinking about using paint for this purpose I personally, would choose acrylic paint, rather than something like enamel, which is tougher, and may indeed cause damage I've listened to several youtube videos of different EUB's now, and sometimes, the NS does seem to sound quite DB-like Again, this may partly be due to amplification and or effects.... The search for an affordable, good quality EUB goes on.... But I must admit, I do like the look of the NS basses
  3. [quote name='barkin' timestamp='1410710619' post='2552192'] Would it be loud enough, but for the feedback ? If so, maybe look at speaker/mic position instead of spending money? [/quote] Yes I'd experiment with mic & speaker position a bit... One problem is that your wife will be in different venues though - As venues tend to be very different from one another acoustically, you may end up with very different arrangements each time Something else that may interest you though, is the Roland Micro Cube amp.... These are mains or battery powered I heard a couple of the lead versions of this amp last weekend, and was very impressed at how loud they were, despite their diminutive size Useful for situations where you have no mains electricity, or are miles from the nearest power socket It should be possible to plug a microphone into one.... I'm currently looking around for a second-hand bass version of the amp Cheers Marc
  4. Hi Huge Hands, Thanks for your reply. As I said, it's always useful to hear the thoughts & experiences of others even if they aren't quite the same as your own..... The stand is just a plan for me, at the moment - but I will give it some thought, and experiment a bit I take the point of it getting knocked over though - so I'll look for something sturdy I've heard others talk about the additional dots on the NS besses On another thread, someone suggested a dab of paint or a marker pen to take out any that distract - which is a good idea IMO Everyone seems to say that an EUB is never going to sound like an acoustic DB and I'd add that they somehow don't "feel" quite the same either I've heard a couple of NS basses that sounded great, and had a close proximation of DB sound but the players were on large stages, with racks of equipment and sound engineers at hand.... Hearing an NS played in a pub - that certainly sounded more DB-like than the Stagg.... EDIT: Which brings me back to one of my original questions as to whether the Aria - having a small hollow body has some of the resonance of an acoustic? Yes, cheaper DB's can be more tricky to play, unless you've had them set up & tweaked by a good luthier.... Cheers again
  5. Can't believe that stunning red Jazz is still there, at that price too Have a free bump, and hurry up and sell it...... before I get tempted again lol
  6. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410969375' post='2555192'] That's what I had seen done using the base of an old drum stool, basically the end pin just goes down the centre tube so it stands up like a little rocket! [/quote] That's simple, and genius stingrayPete! Thanks for that - I'll be on the lookout for something I can adapt.... Cheers again good sir Marc PS. Why do I never get the obvious ideas? Or the genius ideas? - are they one and the same thing? lol
  7. Useful thread this It's something I pondered doing to an old bass .... and may again to a J Bass in future... Let us know how you get on with it Sam
  8. What a cr@p bass I can't believe that price tag either more like £25 - and that's pushing it EDIT: Why not add another grand, to help destitute MP's ?
  9. Apologies, I've PM'd you SMV but I've had to withdraw my offer I agreed to buy it from you a month back, but I still don't have a firm delivery date from you ... and I need an EUB quite quickly now Sorry, and GLWTS when you get round to selling again Marc
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410883411' post='2554289'] People have made them for the stagg from old drum stools and there is a proper stand available too. [/quote] Is there a "hands free" stand for it stingrayPete? I've been thinking about designing one, possibly using the base of an old cymbal stand, or mic stand and maybe an attachment, made of push-fit type plumbers fittings.... The biggest problem I can see, is how to attach some sort of plate to the body of the bass without drilling holes in it etc Maybe some sort of wrap around band? As in similar to some pickup mountings..... Generally, I'm not particularly a fan of hands free DB stands Or at least other BC'ers talked me out of them when I first ventured into this fascinating world.... But I'd like to give one a try, for expediency when doubling up live.... Any more thoughts, ideas, designs welcome as ever folks Cheers again Marc
  11. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1410460454' post='2549746'] .....2. get a good teacher. Try to find a *bass* player teacher, and not just a guitar player who also teaches bass as a sideline. Bass is an instrument of its own: it has a lot of skills and techniques all its own, and it's best to find a teacher immersed in the culture and feel of bass. [/quote] Definitely this I'm sure there are guitarists out there, who also teach bass really well But a bass playing teacher has to be the better option, as someone who truly understands the instrument, rather than someone who dabbles.....
  12. All useful info thanks guys Yes, I would imagine the Aria would be tricky to hold, without the support bracket Just a thought, but with the NS Stand I wonder whether it would be possible to make something similar, for a Stagg or an Aria I do like the hands-free stand idea Even though it's not very DB-like ... I'm just thinking about ease of swapping between an EUB and a bass guitar, and saving time & faffing about when playing live....
  13. [quote name='TheG' timestamp='1410825527' post='2553689'] Hi Marc Ive got an NS EUB but live I only use a Double Bass. I use the NS to practice with. The NS is a solid block of wood so the way I see it is that apart from the string length, essentially it is an electric bass (sounding like a big fretless). If I were to go out gigging with an EUB (to sound like a double bass) I would buy a Yamaha Silent Bass...... Ive not tried the Aria but looking at it, it does have more of a resonant chamber than the NS? The BSX Allegro (above video) looks interesting as well as it says it has a sound post and bass bar just like a Double Bass, so again even more of a resonant chamber. Ive not tried one though. Ive got a CRT4 NS bass but as you say there are cheaper NXT basses. As far as I can tell the cheaper ones have a cheaper finish to the wood, they have cheaper internal electronics and also a cheaper stand. If I was going to buy one again I would still go for the more expensive CRT type version over the NXT versions for all these reasons. Im sure the NXTs are fine though. Another thought is that I love the minimalist look of the NS but when physically playing any EUB anything that can act as the upper bouts (both sides) of a real double bass is really really useful to playing the thing as it tends to wobble around A LOT without them..... [/quote] Hi folks, Yes, TheG - the Aria does have a resonant chamber - which is what is attracting me to this option They aren't cheap, but similar price to a new NS Thanks for the useful info on the NS basses too For me personally, I wouldn't be distracted by the dots - as discussed earlier but some useful info there re stands etc I think the BSX and Yamaha are out of my price range There are some good S/H NS basses on here from time to time Oh the quandry continues - keep the comments & thoughts coming folks .... its all useful info Cheers all Marc EDIT: Link to the Aria EUB https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=aria+swb+04+electric+double+bass&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&imgil=_i5H3-YmnbXDYM%253A%253BeJxx9m8VlfnyhM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.bassgear.co.uk%25252Fproduct%25252Faria-swb-04-upright-bass%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=_i5H3-YmnbXDYM%253A%252CeJxx9m8VlfnyhM%252C_&usg=__1t9o_V9X18JVe16Y7vUaDPUipPw%3D&ved=0CEYQyjc&ei=hxIYVN_MHIXearOwgMAB#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=PwsR5BtJEmUmwM%253A%3BgKKSPcqfjZFUkM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.guitarandampshop.co.uk%252Facatalog%252FAriaSWB04.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.guitarandampshop.co.uk%252Facatalog%252FAria_SWB-04_Upright_Bass_Guitar.html%3B154%3B420
  14. On hold, pending the usual (Looks like this has sold via ads elsewhere) Can't believe a BC'er didn't snap this lovely DB up
  15. Thanks again for that walbassist That BSX Allegro looks & sounds great Unfortunately, I won't be able to opt for one of those.... yet But would you say the aria was a good option, compared to the NS? Obviously, it's only an opinion - but it's good to hear the thoughts of as many players as possible Cheers again Marc
  16. Thanks for that walbassist I assume the magnetic pickups on the Aria don't work with silver slaps though? I've got a set of Innovation Honey strings These have a nylon type core, but are metal wound So these should work with mag pickups, I assume? Cheers again Keep the thoughts coming folks....
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1410785188' post='2553049'] Don't encourage them. The lack of bass players means that an old fart with minimal technical ability like myself can still find places in exciting bands! [/quote]
  18. Oddly enough, I've heard a few NS basses live and thought they were pretty good To me, they sounded better, and more DB-like than my Stagg.... Anyone have any experience of that Aria?
  19. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1410782490' post='2552996'] I pull faces, twitch my head round jerkily and make seemingly random movements with the rest of my body. I've stopped worrying about it and just issue a disclaimer when playing with anyone new so they don't call for an ambulance. [/quote] This just about describes me too lol Actually, my Mrs says I always look "serious" when I'm playing "It's because I'm concentrating" - is my usual retort.... It's at this stage, I keep thinking she's muttering "Ah, that's why I don't usually see that face"....... Didn't realise I pulled a face too But I'm now too old to care too much
  20. I'm not really surprised by this either But then, if 90% of kids learned the bass - there'd be too many around, wouldn't there? I wonder what the percentage has been over the years? Similar I guess.....
  21. Sorry to hear your tutor is moving away .... and that this is happening twice! If he is good - stick with him for the moment anyway You can learn a lot in 6 months - it's all good practice anyway, I'd say.... At least you will be more likely to recognise a good tutor, or one that suits your learning by the time you need to find another one (if indeed you do need another)
  22. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1410441530' post='2549470'] ....Didn't overly like The Garden I'll be honest- the Jose Gonzales remix was the best song on it for me. [/quote] My own thoughts exactly In fact, I liked the other 2 albums so much - I listened to the Garden quite a bit because I wanted to like it..... (if that makes sense! lol) But never grew to like it really.... Also got an album of remixes, called "AnotherLateNight" - but not so much into that either.... So I didn't venture to getting "Yeah Ghost" Still love "When It Falls" and "Simple Things" though Following this thread, I listened to Simple Things again recently What a great album
  23. Hi there, Until recently, I had a Stagg EUB, and it was fine It was a great introduction to the world of DB playing, and I'm glad I took that route. To anyone thinking of trying out a double bass, I'd recommend one Anyhow, I wanted to upgrade to an NS design EUB and recently found there are also several options here What with different models like the NXT and so on But I've also become interested in the Aria SWB Just wondering how it compares with the NS design? The aria looks like it should have more resonant qualities, and therefore, hopefully sound a bit more like an acoustic DB? Especially the later model with the 2 pickups.... What I'm interested in, are the thoughts of you good BC'ers How do they stack up, in terms of sound, and in terms of build quality? The NS design EUB's are very well thought of by many, but what about the Aria's? Also - what about the differences in the NS Design basses? Are the Eastern European built examples that much better than the cheaper range? Cheers all Marc
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