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Everything posted by Chiliwailer

  1. [quote name='Mr Fretbuzz' timestamp='1401712501' post='2466027'] Great deal but I've missed the boat. Ordered a 59P heavy relic two weeks ago and it's costing me £2900. The truss rod issue is concerning :-( what happened there Chiliwailer? [/quote] I'm sure yours will be lovely! I wouldn't be too concerned about the issue I had, I spent 16 years working in guitar shops and these issues are very rare and not a reflection on the quality of Custom Shop guitars. I've seen it happen to various high quality makes, just a misbehaving truss rod that was so minutely affected it was easy to go unnoticed!
  2. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1401710826' post='2466004'] No worries. Just always fancied a sparkle bass or something in Neon pink. So thought it might have been a chance. Good luck with the sale as it's a bargain at that price. [/quote] Actually, thinking about it... at this bargain price you could arder any colour and get it resprayed any colour you like!
  3. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1401710826' post='2466004'] No worries. Just always fancied a sparkle bass or something in Neon pink. So thought it might have been a chance. Good luck with the sale as it's a bargain at that price. [/quote] Very cool! I'd guess that the custom shop would have you waiting quite some time for that, be worth it though! Cheers.
  4. [quote name='sirmuppet' timestamp='1401709966' post='2465998'] So is it limited to only those colours or could you order additional colours with a 3 month wait? [/quote] I was quoted 3 months for a replacement neck for the original blue bass. I'd imagine it could take that long or longer for other colours if they were ordered. But as that wasn't given to me as an option by Fender I doubt I'll be able to go down that road so I'd prefer to stick to the terms above. Thank you.
  5. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1401646040' post='2465521'] If I had the cash I'd be all over this in Purple Metallic. [/quote] [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1401698657' post='2465846'] +1 to that, but in any colour, this should be gone already. [/quote] Absolutely, purple metallic would have been my personal choice - it'd look great with the anodised guard and would kinda match my purple Modulus too!
  6. [quote name='phil421' timestamp='1401705371' post='2465940'] hard to decide w/o more infos about the pickguard color and weight. I am curious about the shell pink. [/quote] Pickguard colour would be anodised for one of these. The last 6 Custom Shop P Basses I've played have all been around the 8.5lbs mark. I googled some images of the colours, Shell Pink and anodised guard looked really striking [url="http://www.rainbowguitars.com/bass/fender/custom-shop-1959-precision-bass-shell-pink/9231002793/fe"]http://www.rainbowguitars.com/bass/fender/custom-shop-1959-precision-bass-shell-pink/9231002793/fe[/url] Cheers
  7. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1401569577' post='2464928'] This has got to be one of the best deals I have seen on here, I wish I had the money as I have been GAS'ing for a CS Precision for the past year. Good luck, I am sure this offer will be snapped up. [/quote] [quote name='Marsy' timestamp='1401570126' post='2464931'] What a deal! = ) [/quote] Cheers Gents, I reckon it's a cracking deal too. I just hope someone can take advantage of it before I have to order a specific colour this week [size=4] [/size][size=4] [/size]
  8. Someone is in for a great deal here, awesome bang for your buck on these basses. GLWTS
  9. I've just emailed their backline tech with a link to the thread (he bought my '66 P Bass for himself recently and was a top fella), maybe they'll add some extra enlightenment? [size=4] [/size]
  10. Temporarily withdrawn - please see my last post. New price on these is around £2400!!! This is a bizarre listing to be writing, I'm offering a [u][b]brand new[/b][/u] 1959 Fender Custom Shop Relic Precision at a second hand price, and the buyer gets to chose the colour before I order. Sounds like a riddle eh? But read on.... A few weeks ago I had a Lake Pacid Blue version of this bass up for sale here but I pulled the listing when I realised that the truss rod had issues. The bass went back to Fender and they gave me two options, the first being to wait 3 months or so for an exact replacement or the choice of a brand new replacement in another colour. As I'm sadly not in a position to keep the bass I'm offering it to you folks to chose the colour you'd like to buy. The way this will work best is that you pay me a deposit of £150, I will then order the bass through the wonderful guys at the Bass Gear shop and it'll be yours, brand new! If the colour is suddenly out of stock you'll be fully refunded or have the opportunity to chose another colour. Below is a list of colours that are currently available for immediate delivery (around 10 days). Of course, the list can change at any time if any European dealer orders one. All of these are Relic versions of a 1959 Precision. [b]Edit: [/b]I'll give this listing until around Tuesday before I choose a colour and put it up for sale eventually with pictures. I'll need to order one soon so please be quick! [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Nocaster Blonde[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]2 Tone Sunburst[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]White Blonde[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Shell Pink[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Aged Vintage white[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Black[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Fiesta Red[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Opaque 3 Tone Sunburst[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=monospace][size=3]Purple metallic[/size][/font][/color]
  11. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1400616104' post='2455568'] Good luck with the modding! [/quote] Perfect, harmony is restored and the bass sounds a great deal better with the tone backed off. Cheers!
  12. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1400615499' post='2455554'] Jumping the resistor would just be to bypass it with a wire. In short, you take a wire of the same length as the resistor and connect it to each end of the resistor. If it is an original '51 to '55 P bass, or you don't want to hurt the resale value, then sticking a wire in parallel with the resistor will be the least obtrusive mod. Otherwise, desolder the resistor and replace it with a wire. [/quote] Excellent, I can't thank you enough. All the best! [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1400615518' post='2455555'] I think he means add another wire in parallel with the resistor so the signal has two paths to follow; the wire you add will have a low resistance so most of the signal goes via the new route. EDIT: You beat me to it LOL [/quote] Cheers anyway!!!
  13. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1400614614' post='2455541'] Hello again. All you need to do is jump the resistor [/quote] That's great, thank you once again. What do you mean by 'jump the resistor'? Is that moving the pickup wire to the middle lug? I'd like to leave the resistor in place if possible and add / move a wire rather than subtract a part. Please excuse my ignorance, I'm happy to solder and get stuck into diagrams but the logic of electronics has always completely baffled me.
  14. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1400535210' post='2454833'] There is a 15 K resistor on the tone control of '51 P basses, for reasons I cannot fathom. Maybe Leo worried that the fatter tone, and mild 'boost' coming from the resonant peak created by a rolled down tone control (for reasons too complex for me to really understand) would blow up the amps of the day... If, the pickup is connected to one of the outer lugs of the tone pot, on your bass, AND, if the same outer lug is connected to the middle lug via the 15 K resistor, then you could bypass the resistor with a new wire. It appears that the 15 k resistor is used so that, at one extreme of the pot, the signal flows through the resistor to the lug that the capacitor is hooked to, that then feeds treble to ground. At the opposite extreme of the pot the resistor is out of the circuit, as signal passes straight from the outer lug to the middle lug, and back to the volume control. [/quote] That's a fantastic answer thanks and very much appreicated My wiring is as you've stated. Just to clarify, would I be right in saying that I need a wire to connect from:[list] [*]The lug on the tone pot which has the 15k resisitor and ground wire [/list] to the[list] [*]lug on the volume pot which is connected to the tone pot [/list] Cheers!
  15. Hello folks, The pre 1956 (i think) Precision tone control slightly lowers the volume when the treble is cut. I remember there being a mod whereby adding one extra wire means that the volume stays the same when the tone is altered, but I can't remember where the wire goes! Does anyone know please? Cheers
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1400363226' post='2453276'] Basschat's very own Chiliwailer. I'm sure he'll have his reasons. [/quote] Hahaha, I've been wondering when this would end up here I sold the bass via Basschat last week but when I tried to pull the listing eBay threatened to charge me the full selling fee as I've pulled other listings (of basses I've also sold on Basschat). So to I bumped the price up and took out the text, but then forgot I had the 'relist if doesn't sell' selected! Moral of the story....sell on Basschat. [quote name='alembic63' timestamp='1400364211' post='2453294'] think Ive guessed [/quote] Did you guess right?
  17. Warren bought a lovely Fender from me and was a pleasure to meet and trade with. He's clearly a great guy, friendly, reliable and with spot on communication. Enjoy the bass mate!
  18. I'm pretty sure you can send pickups back to the UK distributor of SD if you're not happy with them. They will exchange it for another for you to try. I'd give them a ring on Monday if I were you to check. They are Rossetti - [color=#3B3B3B][font=Verdana][size=3][b]01376 550033[/b][/size][/font][/color] If you like the Little '59 in your Tele that'd be a great place to start. Given that you're using a lot of Fuzz it could be cool. Good luck!
  19. It's my pleasure to leave John his first feedback [size=4]John bought a bass from me and was a Gent throughout, a real pleasure to sell to.[/size] [size=4]Wishing you all the very best mate. [/size]
  20. [quote name='zomnius' timestamp='1400101158' post='2450886'] Partieel trade possible? : fender american vintage '57 precision? maple neck, white like new with all case acne docs etc.. [/quote] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks, that's a great bass but cash sale preferred. [/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1400099938' post='2450863'] Oh goodness. I've been holding out for something with a maple neck. *sits on hands* [/quote] Um, the back of the neck is maple...... [size=4] [/size]
  22. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1400100318' post='2450866'] I don't think you need to post ANY more pictures. It looks far too tempting from that distance! I have PM'd you as well by the way. [/quote] Replied, and first in line for the Pino! (don't worry folks, I'm paid up for selling until September so I'm not side stepping any fees! [size=4] )[/size]
  23. [size=4][b]Sorry to be a tease, but I'm going to need to withdraw this bass for up to a couple of weeks. I'll be sure to bump it when it's back on sale![/b][/size] [size=4]I just took this beauty on a part exchange, it's a Lake Placid Blue 1959 Precision Relic, made in 2013. It was bought from Bass Gear for around £2400 a few weeks ago as a spare, but is no longer needed due to the previous owner fulfilling his GAS by getting 2 Custom Shop Precisions in [/size]Olympic[size=4] White, his fave colour on basses. I love this colour and would ideally keep it for myself as it matches my LPB Jazz Bass, however I need to get the cash back and am already in a deep love affair with my newly [/size]bought[size=4] 1955 Custom Shop Precision. [/size] This Precision is light weight at 8.60lbs, and that's with the covers on. It has a huge soulful tone with a ton of mojo. The flame on the neck is gorgeous, the pictures don't do it justice. The bass has all of the case candy and has been stored in its case since it was purchased, it even has that 'new bass' smell Barrie from Bass Gear (Molan on this site) very kindly informed me that as the warranty has yet to be registered, the new owner can do so. This bass is almost 'as new', it really is just a few weeks old. (I also took a Pino Custom Shop in the exchange, I'll list it on this website next week. First dibs welcomed!). LINK TO PICTURES: [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/00i48oq4swh2vvr/AAB1bZ0X20erzBWppz9aQ_Qla"]https://www.dropbox....erzBWppz9aQ_Qla[/url] [attachment=162661:P1060629.JPG]
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