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Everything posted by FinnDave

  1. There's a Thin Lizzy song that starts with bass, can't remember the name now, that I'd played for a a year or more in a band in the 80s, until one gig where the opening bass riff simply vanished from my head. The guitarist had to start, but by the time it came round at the start of the next verse, or wherever it repeated, I played it perfectly without thinking. No idea how that works!
  2. I've been in the same band, playing pretty much the same set for 3 years now, and still struggle to name any songs we play when asked, but can play them all straight through as soon as we start.
  3. Driving Sideways Simon? Just wondering if we might have played together sometime.
  4. Who was playing bass when you drummed with them?
  5. That'll be the other Dave, I've only got daughters His boy's a pretty handy guitarist, I've jammed with them both.
  6. I often play at the blues jam at Fat Lils on the last Sunday of the month which organised by a bloke with the same name as me, which has led to some confusion. He's plays guitar, so if we can find a Dave Smith who plays drums, we'll have to try a 'The Dave Smiths' trio Didn't know they had jams on other Sundays though.
  7. Maybe I should try superglue, good tip!
  8. There's a lot of us about! We should have our own 'bass players from Oxfordshire' section.
  9. Our drummer suggested a small blob of blue tack on the pick, I tried it last night and it made the whole thing much easier, thicker where I need it plus it moulds itself to my thumb and doesn't slip. I was playing runs as quickly as I used to with my fingers, but with better clarity and tone. The band like the new sound! I miss the organic feel of thumping out the rhythm with my fingers on the strings, though.
  10. Cheers, I used a standard pick at tonight's rehearsal and for the first time had no trouble with it, and was actually happy with my playing.
  11. Cheers, look very similar to the ones I use (haven't dropped one yet but hand gets a bit cramped holding them, but it is no longer a normal hand!). I'll give the thumb picks a try next week.
  12. Hopefully, my need to use picks will not be permanent, the docs reckon they can graft in a piece of tendon from 'somewhere else' in me (not something I want to think about!) but it will need at least 6 weeks post op to recover. I probably won't be able to play at all during that time. All because a dozy driver wasn't looking where she was going
  13. Interesting question, back in the 70s I used to gig with a Selmer treble & bass 50 and 2x15 home made cab. It was enough, and the bands I was in then played heavier and more intense music than I do now, and now I use a 500 watt amp!
  14. Seems to be a lot of support for the thumb pick, I'll definitely pop into PMT and get a couple, I have a few hours to kill between appointments at the hospital on Tuesday, so should manage then.
  15. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1460020859' post='3021782'] Dave, you might find this interesting/useful. Scoll down to 'Dystonia Debilitation'. [url="http://www.thehamsters.co.uk/interviews/bassist.php"]http://www.thehamste...ews/bassist.php[/url] [/quote] Thanks for that, very interesting. I read the whole article. I found my quote of the week, probably the year in there as well: [quote][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3]I was literally breaking G strings by hanging on with my second and third finger".[/size][/font][/color][/quote]
  16. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1460027385' post='3021866'] Thanks, Paultrader. Hey wow, this really is the Oxford bass triangle !! LD [/quote] I hope that doesn't mean our basses will start to disappear!
  17. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459971563' post='3021453'] You could try purchasing a Thumb Pick which may afford you a little more control as it clips on to your thumb, then you can use your fingers to support it rather than grip which maybe a problem if, as you say, your finger is giving you grief. Here's one: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/rs/pictures/tn1_100818.jpg"]http://www.gak.co.uk.../tn1_100818.jpg[/url] I've used them in the past, but when they are a bit long, I file them down with a nail file. [/quote] Thanks for that, I'll get a couple when I am in town next week.
  18. Thanks LD, I'll drop into PMT on the Cowley Road when I am in town next week and try some different picks. I have to use my middle finger to help at the moment as I can't grip well with the index finger (smashed my wrist in a bike crash at Eynsham 4 months ago). I am using various picks but all are Gibson 351 shape.
  19. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1459977720' post='3021542'] I have the problem of the pick rotating when I play the mandolin - have sweaty hands, which makes it worse. The grip of death not the answer. If you drill a hole through the middle of the pick (use a countersink bit for a smooth edge to the hole), the skin to skin contact between the fingers is a big help. Try it (hold the pick with pliers to save your fingers when drilling). [/quote] Cheers, I'll give that a go in the morning.
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1459973234' post='3021487'] Its just practice. I'm quite a good pick player but dreadful at fingerstyle. Stick with it [/quote] Thanks, I'll keep trying. It gets a bit easier after a few songs, but it'll take a while till it feels 'right'.
  21. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1459971563' post='3021453'] You could try purchasing a Thumb Pick which may afford you a little more control as it clips on to your thumb, then you can use your fingers to support it rather than grip which maybe a problem if, as you say, your finger is giving you grief. Here's one: [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/rs/pictures/tn1_100818.jpg"]http://www.gak.co.uk.../tn1_100818.jpg[/url] I've used them in the past, but when they are a bit long, I file them down with a nail file. [/quote] I'll look for thumb picks next time I go to town, cheers.
  22. Wouldn't work for me, I don't have any pedals! Good tip, though, thanks.
  23. cheers, guys, trouble is I now have limited movement and can't really make a fist (still not allowed to drive as can't grip wheel with on hand). I am trying with pick gripped between thumb and forefinger meeting in the same plane, and a little reinforcement from middle finger (but that's the one that's buggered). I like the sound of the pick, good attack and clarity of notes, but struggling to get the fluency I had with fingers.
  24. 40 years plus as a finger player, recent injury from a (motor)bike accident means if I wanna keep gigging (and I do) that I have to use pick now. So, how do you hold the damn thing? I find it rotates and that makes life difficult. Hard enough getting used to up and down strokes. Gig in a coupla weeks, so need help soon!
  25. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1459959672' post='3021311'] FinnDave, checking your band facebook page I see your sunburst Jazz which looks neat, and a Precision. Hey, what about that ? The paint got lost on the P bass I use somewhere along the road ! LD [/quote] Cheers, your bare wood Precision looks good too. The sunburst Jazz is a 60s classic (nitro paint) and the white Precision has a sunburst twin as well. I also bought a black Jazz last week as I've bust a finger tendon (right hand) and can only play with a pick for now, the new bass was to cheer me up!
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