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Everything posted by ped

  1. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1330601400' post='1560007'] Is there a Drumchat.co.uk out there that anyone knows for the drummer in my band. He needs to waste time at work being a drum nerd just like I've been doing on here for the last few weeks Cheers Neil [/quote] Hi Neil We have bought drumchat.co.uk with a view to making it part of a chat group of forums (to also include guitarchat) but we haven't worked on it yet.
  2. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1330557710' post='1559566'] What are the chances of getting a tshirt printed up tomorrow with my avatar on?! [/quote] Just draw one lol
  3. ped

    JPJ @ LBGS

    [b]FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE[/b] [i]John Paul Jones To Appear On Manson Guitars Stand At London Bass Guitar Show[/i] [i]We are delighted to announce that the legendary John Paul Jones will be making an appearance at this year’s show. The Led Zeppelin bass superstar will be appearing on Manson Guitars stand (number D5) at approximately midday for just one hour on the Sunday. John will be available to meet and greet fans and talk about his 5 star rated John Paul Jones signature bass, which will be available for purchase at the show! This is a rare chance to meet a living legend, so make sure you get to the Mansons stand for his appearance from 12:00 to 13:00.[/i] [i][/i]
  4. I wonder if we can make this thread visible to non registered users. Will have a look tomorrow.
  5. I just saw this 'tweet' from BGM so I re-tweeted the original tweet so now I'm tweeting it too... http://bassguitarmagazine.com/news/499-left-handed-bass-guitar-day.html ped
  6. Haha thanks yeah hopefully. I like Photobucket because their iphone app is really good too so I can upload snaps from it.
  7. That's very kind. All the site donations and shop funds go back to developing the site at the moment, as we have a few big things coming up which cost mega bucks to develop. I think it's best that people who donate to the site see their donations bring benefits to them directly though better features and improvements. I decided to sponsor Dinesh with my own money though as it costs half the price of my road tax to put him through school for a year! I'm hoping he will become a famous bass player and I'll make my money back
  8. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1330430916' post='1557263'] What were you thinking?! In all seriousness though, that's pretty darn cool [/quote] Haha yeah I was going to get him a mini bass but then I realised he wouldn't have electricity so short of comissioning a custom acoustic mini bass the guitar was the only option!! I'm putting him through school and hopefully renaming him Basschat (lol joking). He's called Dinesh.
  9. Cool, start a thread with that then unless someone starts one in the meantime! I normally use Photobucket for 'randon' stuff. I only use Flickr for things I want to keep and/or print. On another note, I'm sponsoring an orphan in Nepal with my BC profits. I bought him a little guitar which he got yesterday and there's a video of him playing it that I'll upload. I've just sent him a mini sized BC polo!!! I'll put the pic in the thread when I have it :0)
  10. Will someone start a 'show your BC polo' thread? I can make it visible to people aged 21+ only
  11. I'll be there in my BC polo so please stop me and say hi!
  12. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1329923006' post='1549820'] Ped - any idea if there's going to be BC tshirts? [/quote] There will be, yeah. I can't invest much in stock at the moment so can't afford to sort them just yet!
  13. I should be hearing about stickers this week so hope to be able to add them soon! Cheers
  14. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1329778993' post='1547380'] At the risk of asking a question already asked How do the sizing hold up? I'm rather large! [/quote] Hi mate The measurements at the bottom of the shop page are accurate, though they are fairly generous, so measure a well fitting polo and compare it with the provided table. I'm 'modelling' a medium which fits nicely, whereas measurements wise it's similar to another polo I have which is 'Large'. Cheers ped
  15. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1329661009' post='1545424'] Sorry to intrude on what is clearly a private conversation between consenting adults, but I just wanted to say I ordered and received mine last week and am very happy with the result. I'll leave now.... [/quote] Thanks for the order - wear it with pride and show us a pic!
  16. They got the Internet but that was on the understanding that they took kiwi back. Some call it a fair trade.
  17. We're all scared, Gareth. So were the UK government. That's why he was shipped to New Zealand.
  18. Hi everyone BC are about to launch a Blog. This blog will be full of weekly reviews, interviews, tips, exercises and more. We have assembled a team of writers who will bring you great content on a regular basis. We're still looking for one or two people, so I'll be adding to the team over the next few weeks. At the the same time, I'll request that from time to time people submit articles for publishing to the blog, for example if someone has a big project on the go, or write ups from BC bashes and so forth. We hope you like it and enjoy reading the articles; you'll be able to comment on and discuss them on the forum and post video responses of your own. Once we have the infrastructure to support it, we are looking at being able to host your on personal blogs on BC too, which will be readable from the same tab. More updates as they happen Cheers ped
  19. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1329378288' post='1541369'] Last year we parked at a multistorey in Hammersmith £9 for the day - a 20 min walk to the show (see here [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=hammersmith&hl=en&ll=51.494464,-0.229533&spn=0.007855,0.013797&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=15.299029,28.256836&hnear=Hammersmith&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=51.494434,-0.229193&panoid=lkcgMuA69brKzVlkKXF1rA&cbp=12,177.76,,0,-0.28"]http://maps.google.c...177.76,,0,-0.28[/url]) I'm also after a lift for this year if anyone is passing Birmingham on the M6 ! Fuel/parking will be contributed to . [/quote] Is that car park OK inside or is it really narrow and difficult with a wide and long car?
  20. Oh my. Now this HAS to go on the Basschat FB feed.
  21. Yep - this is something we are sorting out at the moment. We will have filters to enable searches for different types and also a gallery view. We're just ironing out some details and roping in someone to do this for us. I'll be working on it next week. Cheers
  22. Thanks guys we're looking for a fix/update from the software but also saving up for a better mobile/tablet interface... Cheers
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1328798115' post='1532807'] I have just got hold of my 'entry level' IEM gizmo (Art Headtap) and now need to sort out headphones. My first thought is, where do I situate the Headtap and how long a headphoen lead will I need. I would prefer buds as closed back headphones may work on a drummer in the studio but, on a live double bass player are going to look a bit silly. What do others do to make the process discreet but convenient? [/quote] I use some Sure E2cs with foam sleeves. I have them running down to an extension lead that runs to my Vbass unit (which will do the same thing as your Headtap). The extension lead is about 5m long and has an inline vol control on it. There is some signal loss when I use the full extension but I can increase the output on the Vbass to compensate.
  24. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1328772726' post='1532327'] No luck here... no filters highlighted and no content found on any of them in any browser I try. I really would like to get this sorted - I look in daily.... [/quote] You should have two things highlighted; 'Forums' and 'Content I have not read'. Try clearing your Cache and selecting these options. Things should appear there after a few mins. Any probs please PM me Cheers ped
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