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Everything posted by iamtheelvy

  1. No, fresh and new out of the box, so should be all in its place from the factory!
  2. Apologies if this has been covered already (there’s a lot of pages of discussion here…) Just took delivery of a FI v3 this afternoon, so haven’t had a lot of time to fiddle with it. As I understood the original model had the first 9 presets the same as the old Deep Impact, but apart from preset 1, mine seem very different… Did they change them all for V3?
  3. Around the £200 mark seems a lot for a bit of a rough-looking re-boxing, or is it just me? I suppose it is in “good secondhand condition”… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Panda-Audio-Future-Impact-Bass-Guitar-Synthesizer-Synth-FX-Pedal-/275051533529?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  4. May be a long shot - is this still available?
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  6. iamtheelvy


    I’ve used the Aguilar Tone Hammer DI for ages. Not a big fan of its dirtier setting, but for straight clean DI with simple EQ it’s great!
  7. Some new, completely unused sets, and some lightly used sets of flatwound strings up for grabs. The following is available: SOLD! *Dunlop Stainless Steel Flatwound set (45-105 long scale)* SOLD! SOLD! LaBella 760LMUS (43-104 medium scale - designed for Fender Mustang bass) Brand new, unused set - £30 partly used set (approx 6 months light use - cut for Fender Mustang) - £20 Happy to parcel up any combo of the above. If you make my life easier and take the lot in one go, will drop to £100 for all.
  8. Classic 2 is now SOLD!! PT-2 still up for grabs! Gigging season is coming (we hope...) - get yourself kitted out ready!
  9. I would order a Waza OC2 in an instant. The OC5 is a good pedal, but definitely on the backup shelf. Have moved to a 3Leaf Octabvre for live to save my originals from too much wear and tear.
  10. For sale - Two Pedaltrain pedalboards. Both are the same dimensions, width and depth-wise - 24 x 12.5 inches. Sold! The PT-2 is the older model. A slightly flatter profile, with ports at the back for power supply plugs to fit through. Some drill holes in the rear for previous power supplies (fits a Voodoo Lab 4x4) and some dual-lock left behind from a Voodoo Lab x4. Carry case comes with a shoulder strap and useful front pocket. SOLD!! The Classic 2 is the newer model. A slightly taller profile, with an open rail at the back for power supply plugs to fit through. Again, some drill holes in the rear for previous power supplies (fits a Voodoo Lab 4x4). Carry case comes with a shoulder strap, but no front pocket (strangely, a removed feature on later models. Power supplies/brackets are NOT included in sale! Boards with their respective cases are £65 each delivered. Can do a deal if both bought together.
  11. Hi guys, been playing around with the MXR Clone Looper for some ambient stuff and generally pretty happy with it. Just got a query about the external foot switch controls you can add. One input allows a foot switch to control speed and reverse controls. No problem there, but the other allows EITHER a foot switch for a ‘play once’ function OR an expression pedal for control of the loop volume. Both these controls are pretty useful. Is there a way of linking this up to have access to both?
  12. Hi guys and gals, ive got a friend looking for a bass tutor for someone just starting out. Obviously, no meeting in person at the moment anyway, but face-to-face would be the ideal once lockdown starts easing. Ideally Portsmouth, or southern-Hampshire, based. If you, or anyone you know provides one-to-one teaching in the area, could you PM me details to pass on? Cheers!
  13. Did a bit of shielding work today. Bit of a messy job (first time needing to do this!), but seems to have done the trick. Minimal buzzing now.
  14. No, nothing so far. Being playing around for a month or so now. Only issue is quite a lot of hum. I’m getting some shielding foil soon and will open it up to shield the cavities and check out the grounding in the next couple of weeks.
  15. Exercise book - Scales from Rhythm and Outer Space... aka Tetra Cocktails by Felix Pastorius. Brand new and unused (unfortunate duplicated Christmas present!). £25 (or best offer) delivered, or trade for ‘Just ASIP of Coffee & The Chromatic Scale’.
  16. Wouldn't have a clue I'm afraid...
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  18. This gets surprisingly close, but has its own thing going on. Bit more of a mid-mid punch, rather than the low-mid tone of the P-bass. Plus, I already have a Precision... 🙂
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