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Posts posted by Clarky

  1. I and a number of BassChat members have been to trying to sell some really high quality stuff on the Forum and - despite price drops to levels most of us consider bargain basement - they are still not shifting. There was another thread about the credit crunch and times is tight etc.

    Having had no joy with my Gibson SG bass (apart from one very low PM'ed offer) I put it on eBay. It sold within 12 hours with a Buy-It-Now for £475 (as opposed to the £450 I put it on for on the Forum). The difference more than covered the fees.

    Message of this is, if it doesn't sell on the Forum, don't rush to cut your price. There are plenty of buyers out there for good quality kit and eBay is still a great way of accessing them.

  2. [quote name='silddx' post='244899' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:41 PM']Wot a bargain, eh?!

    I only chose the Para because of the mid suck on the other SAs people were talking about, you noticed any?[/quote]
    Yes but then I don't mind that - I knew about it from a Sansamp BDDI I owned before so its not a surprise - I just wanted three different programmable sounds (I have SVT alike, a.n.other warm but more fat tubey sound and a gritty distortion sound).

    I also own a Tech 21 Landmark 300 head that does the lot too - great manufacturer

  3. [quote name='silddx' post='244890' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:35 PM']I got the SAPDDI based on what folks have been saying on here about them. I got it today and it's brilliant! I am really sorry to say it sounds much better than my Hartke VXL which is now, sadly, a backup. The SAPDDI sounds warmer and richer.

    I got it from [url="http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/proaudioland"]http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/proaudioland[/url] for £115 including postage to the UK. Made them an offer $10 below the buy it now price. Dispatched really quickly too.

    Just though I'd let you know.[/quote]

    I think this is the lot I just got a Sansamp Programmable BDDI from for about £125-130 inc postage.

  4. Sorry for unscientific reply but I had a set of the red strings when I was in a death/thrash band (I put them on my Tom Araya none-more-black-with-added-evil-pentagrams ESP bass) and I thought they were horrible - something about the texture was cheap feeling and they stopped sounding bright fairly quickly - despite (I believe) claims about some sort of coating extending the life. Nastiest strings I ever played apart from Rotosound Steve Harris flatwounds. Style over substance.

    IMHO of course - next reply will doubtless say they are the dog's gonads!

  5. Welcome! Having been a bedroom bassist for 20 years I agree there is nothing like being in a band to improve your timing, awareness and skills.

    I have moved seamlessly from P1sspoor to barely adequate :) and had a great time getting there!

  6. [quote name='SJA' post='244299' date='Jul 21 2008, 10:37 AM']which Clapton guitar is/was white? aren't his strats either black or grey?[/quote]
    His trademark guitar is "Blackie", a Frankenstein 50s/60s Black Strat (and Fender makes signature versions of 'em)

    Don't think anyone has worked out where the white association comes from!

    Maybe his next listing will be Richie Blackmore Emerald Jazz Bass or Hank Marvin Blueburst Rickenbacker 4003 :)

  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='243570' date='Jul 20 2008, 12:33 AM']Thats a long time but I don't see how you can I've gone 13 years without breaking one.

    My pliers struggle to cut them when I want them to.[/quote]
    I break 'em when I use them to floss my teeth

  8. [quote name='2x18' post='243201' date='Jul 19 2008, 08:20 AM']Hi Clarky

    If you do split, I will buy the Hipshot bridge from you.

    PM sent


    Thanks for offer but I will only split if I get an offer for the bass first. Not looking to just sell the HipShot!

  9. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='243081' date='Jul 18 2008, 10:09 PM']Lovely bass - and a bargain! $2079 list US, £900 at Peter Cooks. Tried one - Not at all muddy, plenty of sproing. If I wasn't direly in need of a giggably loud rig, I'd be after it like a shot.

    Have a bump, Sir, and good luck[/quote]
    Thanks for bump - would be prepared to put original 3-post Gibson bridge back on and sell for £420 plus postage - and I would then sell Hipshot bridge ($120 in US; rough £60-odd) separately for £40 ono

  10. I bought a 1957 RI P bass from Guitaremporium (now sold to noirbass). I have never owned a MIA Precision to compare but I can say that the quality of the bass was extremely high. Only sold as I wanted a more punk-looking bass (got a CIJ Sid/Ramones-alike P from eBay) which I know is very superficial ... Every review I have ever read of Japanese Fenders suggests that they have very stringent quality control and, in many people's views, much better QC than Fender USA. As the owner now of the aforementioned CIJ P bass (see my avatar) I can say that both Japanese Fenders I have owned were absolutely top notch products.

    You could get the bass a bit cheaper by going to the Fender Ishibashi website but then you have the complications of communicating your order, dealing in Yen and paying the customs charges (c.20%) yourself. Far simpler to pay slightly more and let Guitaremporium deal with all that.

    One thing I will add is that MIA fenders are made of a wood (Alder) that is generally preferred to the basswood which Fender Japan use in their standard models. However I have also read that basswood varies immensely and that Fender Japan tend to use a high quality densely-grained basswood that has excellent tonal properties. Can't say that I ever noticed any tonal shortcomings with either of my CIJ Fender P's.

  11. I got an Aphex Punch Factory pedal comp last week after reading up loads. I think I must be a total numb nuts as I can't hear the difference so far - hoping that with more playinf around I will notice the difference!

  12. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SONG and honestly think it would be a massive hit if ever picked up by the likes of Zane Lowe.

    Click on the Kismetik Myspace page (link below) and go to the song entitled 'Drunk At the Wake'


    Described by music blog site MudKiss (who came to our last gig) as "a potential rock anthem .... I was hooked. 'Drunk at the Wake' defies you to keep still. In fact if it doesn't achieve the status it merits then rock has let me down!"

    Hope it makes you shake your ass as much as it does me!!!!!

  13. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='242104' date='Jul 17 2008, 08:18 PM']If by "born in Tunbridge Wells" you mean Pembury Hospital, then so was I. And so was Shane McGowan oddly enough.

    And Sid Vicious went to School there.[/quote]
    Yep, the very same Hospital (1963, bit older than you, OK a lot) and I went to the same primary school as Sid at the same time (but don't remember him .. mind you don't think he remembers me either :)). I honour him (well slightly but actually the Ramones much more) with my white P bass which is Crafted in Japan and not MIA or MIM and thus of infinitely higher quality ... oops

  14. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='242095' date='Jul 17 2008, 08:10 PM']Yeah.

    Infamy, infamy. They've all got it in-for-me.[/quote]
    Confession, BBC - I was born in Tunbridge Wells - posher even than Tonbridge and Seveoaks. Was weaned on Fender Custom Shop milk (MIA of course, none of that Mexican milk) and Sadowsky rusks

    Thankfully I live in London now and can hold my head high with a "Crafted in Japan" Fender

  15. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='242078' date='Jul 17 2008, 07:50 PM']I promised my ol' Pa on his death bed that I wouldn't marry a woman who didn't take anal.

    Sadly, my sister doesn't.[/quote]
    Taking a wild guess, methinks you may be losing your sympathisers here BBC

    But I have a feeling that gives you a warmer glow than your MIA bass :)

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