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Posts posted by Clarky

  1. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='264493' date='Aug 18 2008, 12:55 PM']Probably best to pop along Clarky. They've got rehearsal studios there too and one of the guys offered us an audition for the pub. We did just that and got invited to play.[/quote]
    Thanks Nick - trouble is I won't get the other two guys down there on spec (both are in North East London). Might just mosey along myself with a CD.

    PS See you sold UL115 - would love to hear about IEM

    Sorry Redzombie to go off topic - won't do it again!

  2. Good luck RedZombie

    - just a quick question - how did you get the gig at The Peel? My band would love to play there (would make a change from the Camden/Kings Cross Bermuda triangle) but they have so far ignored all our MySpace messages and emails. Suggestions gratefully received!

    Cheers Clarky

  3. I have a very schizophrenic view - I like "traditional" instruments (Fenders, Ricks) to look mojo'ed and other instruments to be pristine. The battered 70s PJ that was recently sold on this forum (which I sadly missed out on) is EXACTLY how I think an old Precison should look.

  4. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='252183' date='Jul 31 2008, 05:23 PM']And me - I guess by ear then get it bang on with a tuner. 3 f's. If the Fretted note's Flat move the saddle Forward.[/quote]
    Thank you gents. I like the 3Fs, even I can remember that ... assuming I don't substitute an expletive :)

  5. Hi I have read the threads on intonation today (wish I had read 'em before!) but have seen some recommend using a tuner at the 12th fret for matching the note and harmonic and others say the 19th.

    I still haven't got the intonation right on my newly installed Badass III - I was doing it by ear from string to string (playing high riffs eg opening of Ceremony by New Order) and have spent an unnecessarily long time trying and failing to get it right. So which fret should it be?

    Thx in advance, Clarky

  6. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='250381' date='Jul 29 2008, 12:39 PM']Very nice and a hell of a steal-well played that man! For a bloke supposedly happy and GAS-free with his P-bass, I'm getting more and more itchy for a Rick. Never used to like 'em when Foxton was using one, but a bloke in a local band has one and it sounds cracking, plus I like the '50's styling. I have an urge for a JetGlo, but I don't get on too well with the white scratchplate. Is there a reason why I've never seen a JetGlo with a black scratchplate? This is a purely theoretical question as the chances of me actually getting a Rick are currently virtually zero, but you never know![/quote]
    Bruce Foxton was wearing a Jetglo with black scratchplate on the cover of Bass Guitar Magazine a few months back!

  7. Pyjamas for a guitar - yuk

    However, in a similar (but much more discreet) vein I do have one of these which I put on the back of my basses to stop buckle rash


    I recommend it highly, it clings to the back of the bass (does not use glue) so its easily transferrable from one bass to another - and noone else can see it, unless you lift the bass in the air. Got the one with the skull on!

  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='249415' date='Jul 28 2008, 10:11 AM']I think this seller may have come up on this forum before and I think he is genuine/thorough but this does appear to be a classic case where a guy is trying too hard with his sell.

    He has described the fact that Dana B Goods in the States have 'heat treated the neck' and that he has spent '2 full days' setting the action on this bass... if it has taken that long to set up I'd be scared sh*tless that the neck will be a pain in the backside if it shifts in transit/humidity/personal preferrence for set-up :)

    I am reminded of the latest Orange cinema advert (with Rob Lowe): "Boring - I fell asleep!"

  9. [quote name='BassKS' post='249373' date='Jul 28 2008, 09:31 AM']Thanks Guys,

    I realised that no one is talking about DImarzios... They were teh first ones to do the whole replacement thing back in the seventies and do sound pretty cool.
    I did have the DP123 (humbuckers with in line coils covering two strings per coil) on a Jazz bass and it sounded pretty sweet. Dont know about the Precision one and how far would the sound be from the original one... I really dig the sound of the Existing pickup except that it is very low output and not particularly mid punchy. I also tried raising the pickup but it started giving these high mids and overtones that became a bit too much for me.

    Bartolinis on the other hand are pretty useless without a preamp in that they are quieter due to their construction (cast in Bakelite)
    EMGs is what everyone talks about but they are still active...[/quote]
    I have two P basses, one with an SD Quarter Pounder and one with an old cream-coloured DiMarzio DP122 (which I sourced from Brandoni guitars in Wembley). The SD sounds big and loud, the DiMarzio sounds warmer and fuller. The SD to my ears is the louder, the DiMarzio has the better tone. Both very good IMHO and I don't think you can go far wrong with either.

  10. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='249344' date='Jul 28 2008, 08:52 AM']Bargain mate! I payed more for my Rickenfaker!

    I've not really seen any good shots of the natural wood Rics, but that'd defo be my choice now!

    Will you be replacing/repairing the bent tuner?

    ...says the man playing a fender in his avatar :)

    Not any more :huh:

  11. [quote name='budget bassist' post='249295' date='Jul 28 2008, 12:53 AM']You can use dye to darken it, i know somebody that's done it, not sure what he used, i can ask if you like?[/quote]
    Thanks for offer - I was really hoping that some kind of neck cleaning/preserving product would do the trick (just as oiled wooden furniture is often darker than untreated). Straight dyeing sounds a bit of a recipe for disaster to me, at least in my clumsy hands!

  12. Hi, just modded a US Fender P to my specs (see Gear Porn). The only thing that rankles slightly is that the rosewood board is relatively light coloured, both compared to my 1990s-built Fender CIJ P-bass and to any vintage P bass I see on this Forum or elsewhere (presumably years of 'funk' causes this to happen naturally).

    Given that I am trying to recreate a vintage feel (with the aged DiMarzio creme pickups and celluloid scratchplate etc) I would prefer it to be darker - cosmetic I know but thats what I want.

    So is there a neck cleaning oil (lemon oil maybe?) or similar which also darkens the wood and artificially accelerates the natural process?

    Cheers Clarky

  13. [quote name='The Funk' post='249218' date='Jul 27 2008, 10:58 PM']When I started gigging I was amazed by just how appallingly bad the sound was onstage. Every gig - no matter where it is - I'm still just as amazed by how sh*t the sound always is onstage. You learn to adapt to it and listen out for the things you need to hear to stay in time/in tune/in the right part of the song.[/quote]

    The sound is never as clear as at a rehearsal but you do get used to it and - as The Funk says - you learn to take clues from the drummer, the vocalist etc

  14. As well as the tips already mentioned:

    Offer to buy the sound engineer a drink nice and early - its amazing how helpful they can be if they are so minded

    If you fluff a line, don't beat yourself up - probably noone else noticed but you so just keep playing and keep smiling

    I always find it well sweaty on stage so a towel at the back of the stage or a towelling wristband are useful

    Good luck and enjoy! Clarky

  15. [quote name='16Again' post='249141' date='Jul 27 2008, 09:30 PM']aye cheers clarky
    it was your advice that made me decide it was worthwhile.
    cheers dude.
    Glad to be of genuine help on this Forum (instead of just a source of cr@p/unfunny comments and jokes :))

    Also pleased to see the Rickenbacker-playing community on this Forum expand as there don't seem to be too many of us

  16. [quote name='16Again' post='249112' date='Jul 27 2008, 08:41 PM']£300 :) :huh: :huh:
    yes, i'm one happy bunny :huh:

    Hi Davie, you are one lucky dude! I posted on the other thread this evening - I believe you have a 1992 4003S model as played by the great Lemmy (pic on other thread)

    Nice one!

  17. [quote name='Clarky' post='249080' date='Jul 27 2008, 07:45 PM']I think you have bought a 1992 4003S (see link below). "The model 4003S is a standard model bass without Deluxe features as bindings, triangle inlays and stereo outputs." You have bargain of the year! Congratulations, you have saved yourself at least £600

    PS here is Lemmy playing a 4003S (or maybe its predecessor the 4001S)


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