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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1405941547' post='2506682'] Make him buy a Spider Capo. Tunings can be changed very quickly, even during a song. [url="http://www.spidercapo.com/"]http://www.spidercapo.com/[/url] [/quote] That's what I was gonna say , but I couldn't remember what they were called. Maybe get a polytune tuner pedal ? That may make the tuning process a bit faster.
  2. I guess he should've been dishonest and told the OP that the bass had fallen or been knocked off the stand, and was broken .
  3. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1405945523' post='2506752'] The ebay system is built on feedback and it is the only means of establishing how trustworthy someone is; by not leaving 'appropriate' feedback you are defeating the whole point of feedback, 'not' leaving appropriate feedback achieves a lot less than the converse. TBH you can actually lawfully pursue someone to sell you an item that you have won on ebay, when you sign up to ebay it is part of the T&C, in theory no one ever does because it isn't worth the hassle. This is quite a cut and dry matter; the seller has stated categorically that he wanted more than he got (should have put a reserve on then) and as a result won't sell, ergo, breach of contract and deserves neg. It isn't like he has suddenly contracted a terminal illness or had a death in the family and as a result couldn't contact the buyer. [/quote] I don't see he's been at all dishonest (in fact quite the contrary), or done anything untrustworthy, again he's been quite honest and said "look, it's gone for less that I expected, can we cancel ?" Dishonest and untrustworthy to me is saying something's like new when it isn't, or not posting something that's been paid for. I thought the feedback thing was to inform buyers about sellers selling dodgy or broken/faulty items, or not posting stuff, basically dishonest sellers. I'm not the seller by the way, and have no affiliation with him or her, I'm just seeing this becoming yet another trial by Basschat witch hunt . [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp_l5ntikaU[/url]
  4. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1405941288' post='2506674'] Because that is a key part of eBay! For example, if you were looking to buy an item on eBay and found two the same for sale. One from a seller who has 90% positive with a few negatives around not dispatching the item and one from a seller with 100% positive for 100's of sold items which one would you buy from? That is how having a 100% rating affects the seller so poor seller, less money or no sale at all. As for fees, the fee for a reserve is minimal. The main fee on eBay is the final value sale fee which at something like 10% is still very good for an auction fee. What he should have done considering he knows what he wants for the bass is list it as Buy It Now for 30 days at the price he wants. In reality nobody would have bought it but at least he would have only wasted his own time. [/quote] Leaving negative feedback will actually achieve nothing. The OP still won't have the bass, at the moment he could probably still get it by contacting the seller. Why cause unnessessary bad feeling ?
  5. The slow way some things sell on here, a 7 string bass would more than likely be on here for months before someone bought it, you can't blame the guy selling on eBay. It's not going to fetch an awful lot even on there, take off the selling fees and then take off a fee for having a reserve price, I've never sold on eBay so I've no idea what they'd come to, but I should imagine it'd be a fair amount off whatever he got. So, he gambled by not having a reserve price and lost. It's still his bass though, regardless of any rules laid out by eBay. If he doesn't want to sell then it's up to him. All this 'leave him negative feedback', what's that going to achieve ? Personally if you really want the bass then phone him and see what he does want, then negotiate.
  6. I wouldn't use superglue personally. I cut myself a few years ago the night before a gig. I used liquid plaster and it worked.
  7. Digging in as a way to accent a few notes and alter the dynamics, as opposed to digging in all the time are different things. I think digging in all the time you risk hurting yourself, let the amp do the work. I have a ramp on my bass, it just evens the dynamics, I can still dig in for a part if I want. I've been doing some solo recording recently, and have set my distortion pedal so it only comes in where I play harder.
  8. Thanks ! I've seen it before and been puzzled by it
  9. Sometimes you see sales adverts, but when you click on them you get a community message saying you don't have permission to see it. They're only visible from from the 'main forums', not when you go into that particular section of the forum. Example see here, the advert for 2 Aguilar cabs - [attachment=167025:Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 00.23.49.png]
  10. They are really, really great bags, probably the best around, but I've got to agree about the plane hold. They're not a replacement for a flight case.
  11. I've said before, but that's without doubt the nicest ACG bass that I've seen.
  12. ambient


    See my post number 25 . I seriously didn't realise you could play without learning to read music, I was expecting to be given music to read when I started playing with bands. It's only when I started playing with bands that I discovered that wasn't the case, and the best I could expect was to be told what chords to play over. I was coming from being taught violin in school. Learning to read and to know what the notes are on my bass seriously didn't hold up my progress.
  13. I can't even look at it without going urgggghhhh and feeling ever so slightly nauseas
  14. ambient


    [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1405689106' post='2504366'] @ Jakenewmanbass I am very surprised that you suggest I am denying you the freedom to feel how you do about your choices. I cannot find that in any of my posts. You and I have different views on the usefulness of TABS and I've enjoyed the debate. Nowhere have I accused you of narrowness of thinking or stubbornness, and I have certainly not asserted that you should keep your views to yourself. "... if you want to cut it as a professional player then realise what is needed to reach that level. There may well be budding pro's reading these boards." My view would be that was is required to play at a professional level, is to play at a professional level. As long as you produce the goods, does it really matter the process you use to do so? Steve [/quote] You're extremely unlikely to arrive at a theatre, professional dep gig, or any other pro level job and be given (a) a piece of music written out in TAB, or ( be given the time to sit down with a recording of the music and the TAB to work out exactly how it goes. TAB works for some people in some situations, but if you do aspire to be any sort of professional musician (not just a bassist), then you need to be able to read and write music. Yes, i am aware that guys like Pino don't read music, but they're hired for what they can do, and they are definitely in a minority.
  15. ambient


    Bump. Open to offers for multiple sales of the effects I'm selling.
  16. Bump. Trades for EBS/SWR cabs or heads.
  17. ambient


    In my opinion, and that's all it is, I'm not in any way criticising anyone, by only relying on TAB, you're seriously running the risk of limiting what you can do further on in life. What you do now, isn't necessarily what you're gonna be doing in 10 years time. TAB is only any good for guitar or bass, hopeless for anything (as far as I know), that doesn't have frets. What if you join a band that has brass, or string players ? One of my tutors makes her living from composing and arranging string and brass parts. She's done work for Coldplay, Muse and loads of others. You can't get a string section in and give them a chord chart, or hum the parts to them. Here's a chart for a piece I wrote for an exam recently. It's just page 2 of 16. I never met the girl who played oboe for me, I composed what I wanted her to play, and emailed the score to her, she recorded it and emailed the part back. Everything had to be scored as you can see, so you could basically give it to someone else and they could record a copy of it with the minimum amount of hassle. [attachment=166947:Screen Shot 2014-07-18 at 00.51.06.png]
  18. Why alter the tuning on a 6 ? The 135 B seems a bit big compared to the rest of the gauges, personally I wouldn't go about a 125 for a B string, and even that seems a bit big compared to the 95 E string.
  19. If you're already teaching in universities, the you've already got access to a whole pool of potential students. Do you teach your uni students privately ? You don't say what universities you teach at, but if they're not just music colleges, then you've potentially got non-music students who would like to learn bass. Can you advertise on the university campus notice boards or website ? Set up a Facebook page and get students you know to 'like' it, and share it.
  20. Baring in mind Cheshire covers an area of 2,343 square miles, a more specific location such as your town is possibly a good idea ? Thought personally Dad3353's ideas were pretty good, why are you losing out to local music shops ? Identify the reason behind that, and take the appropriate action. I advertise on music teachers UK website, and also successfully on Gumtree.
  21. [quote name='funkyjimbob' timestamp='1405522900' post='2502691'] How long is that? Well I hope so but you never know! Where all all the 'wicks too? Get tradin' guys! [/quote] September I'm afraid .
  22. Hopefully this will still be available when I start back at uni 😊, though I'm guessing you hope it'll be long gone by then 😊
  23. Just got this a few weeks, and truly amazing little cab. Sounds amazing, easily the best cab for reproducing notes on a low B string. This is an 8 ohm version. Also don't believe the nonsense about these needing a lot of power, and being inefficient. They're no less efficient than most other cabs on the market, it's just that most other manufacturers blatantly lie about their cabs performance, whereas Acme don't. I paid £200 for this, but have since had a padded cover made for it, hence the price increase to [s]£225[/s] £215. That includes UK shipping, but collection from Birmingham is preferred, and I'll throw in a free cup of coffee. [attachment=166849:P1010028.JPG]
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