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Everything posted by 0175westwood29

  1. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1332794087' post='1593304'] just tried this. nice. edit. a very little gain goes a very long way. [/quote] indeed! but also going over the top with gain has its bonuses to!! but i also just nabbed a ehx pulsar tremolo! massive tone! combine the stacking with a sawtooth wave sounds really good! andy
  2. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1332585570' post='1590263'] LS-2 was the first thing I looked at. As far as I can make out, you can blend 1 effect chain and clean, or two effects chains. I was trying to work out if you could use 2 in combination just before I started this thread. [/quote] yeh the boss works really well as a blender, and all the modes make it so much more, plus to of these give so many blend and switching options. you could probs get two of these secondhand for about 85 quid if you were patient on the ebay? andy
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1332243033' post='1585298'] cool. To make that tone.... line A - guitar compressor > ODB3 (low gain bass boost) > EQ (cutting above 800Hz) line B - EQ boosting high mids > Ibanez SS10 (tube screamer type) Blended about half and half, and then all of that into a Boss limiter with a bass big muff on dry mode at the end. [/quote] yep that should do it!!!! jesus bet that sounds insane!
  4. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1331591889' post='1575640'] The reason for this mainly applies to guitarists who get distortion from their amp. Distorting delay and reverb sounds muddier than delaying and reverbing a distorted sound. Since most bass players pay their amps clean it doesn't make so much difference. [/quote] so if i play with a more dirty sound ( im playing mostly with fuzz/od atm) and my amp is getting dirty before that as i push the gain quite hi so its not mesa gain! but wount hurt having a try? andy
  5. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1331582354' post='1575374'] in general stompboxes are meant to go before the preamp, and rack effects or processors for the fx loop (between preamp and poweramp stage). [/quote] yeh i get that bit im just wondering ive seen alot of vids on you tube for guitarists that have ther delays/reverb in the effects loops for a cleaner sound? andy
  6. ive got a ehx memory boy and have been loving it until a few practices ago. ive started using more drive and fuzz pedals so i think im giving the delay to much gain or something as there seems to be a large volume boost as when i reaches the amp thats set to highish gain aswell! when all my dirt is of the delay behaves no volume boost. will putting it in my loop prevent this? am i right in thinking it will bypass the gain on my amp? so the shouldnt push the delay to much? andy
  7. it is indeed! it sounds really sweet with the od over the top! after tonight i think im gonna maybe try having them stacked but also having all my effects mixed with my clean sound using my ls2? andy
  8. at one point it got silly! and i also had a ls-2 blended metal muff that i use for solos and lead parts on! now thats just so much fuzz and od that you can't help but smile! can't wait to us this sound on a gig! someones gonna crap themselves! lol andy
  9. at band practice tonight i decided that id try and get my main dirt chorus sound from my swollen pickle for a change, nice warm fuzz tone worked really well but i kept looking at my odb-3 ( which i love) getting left out of the fun! so i thought lets try them together! holy crap! i managed to get the warm fuzz of the pickle and then the crisp od on top sounds huge! and add my delay it was just making my bass sound massive! any worries i had at selling my oc-3 are gone! andy
  10. looking to change my set up a bit as my band has added a 2nd guitarist. oc-3 sold pending the norm and for the memory boy ( just the standard model) this is also in good nick again will come in box if i can find it at rehearsal space i'd like £50 posted for this. im open to trades so offer away!? andy
  11. its a pedal that people bash alot but the boss odb-3 is a really good pedal! and cheap 2nd hand
  12. have you tried the boss mega distortion 2? keeps lots of lows definatly sounds doomy!
  13. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330023970' post='1551692'] The new TC stuff is amazing. I have a Flashback delay that I use as a looper at home, but love the modulated delay on it. Lovely sounding! Moog LPF is stunning, though the moistness of it has done my head in recently. I have an eye on a TC Nova Dynamics at the mo as well for some noise gating and always on tri-band compression (new amp does not have a compressor in it). [/quote] im getting well tempted by there shaker pedal atm! my gas for pedals is silly! i have never used compression live ever! ive had it added to a recording but i really do wanna try it out! im thinking maybe going for broke and trying the aguilar tlc. andy
  14. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330022569' post='1551667'] Thanks! The Aguilar is amazing for my sub channel - a real game changer! Tonally I still prefer the OC-2 for my core sound, but the smooth octave down with that filter rolled back and a 50Hz boost after it is amazing! [/quote] yeh i still prefer my oc-3 for clean octave stuff in my band but the aggie does sound nice when combined with my fuzz pedal. i really wanna try out the aguilar filter twin every youtube clip sounds awesome! oh and on the moog front im hoping to grab an LPF next month! but thats if i can resist getting a tc pedal have found loads of the range that i want! andy
  15. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330016422' post='1551515'] Updated pics... Couple of small tweaks... Aguilar Octamizer now providing my sub tone. Polytune Mini added as well. [/quote] your board just gets more awesome!
  16. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1328183035' post='1523109'] My latest iteration. In the loop of the ls2 is a Marshall regenerator set to step phaser. With the b3k and pulsar on it sounds huge in an almost dancy kinda way! :-) [/quote] nice board dude! ive wanted a pulsar for ages! think i may just get one! ive got a few additions coming very soon!
  17. well i had the digitech whammy 4, awesome pedal had to sell it due to money issues, but it tracks lovely! but i have been gasing for a eventide for ages! they do alot more than plain whammy im sure shep will be along shortly! andy
  18. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1325607013' post='1485060'] It is awesome! Indeed - My 'lower level' of the board has been messy for too long - out of sight, out of mind and all that. I decided it was time to tidy and cut cables down a little better etc. Its pretty tidy now! I actually contacted George L's about an endorsement. 72 Plugs seemed like a fair C.V. for it! lol [/quote] yeh that does sound fair! andy
  19. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1325533091' post='1484118'] I've recently swapped out my whammy with a Pitchfactor for the pitch glide settings. Everything else it can do is mind blowing. Best move I ever made! [/quote] want one of these so badly! and i see on facebook you've been messing about with the motherboard shep? andy
  20. i use the ehx memory boy atm! awesome little pedal although at some point im gonna change to the nova repeater but its a really good value delay as it also does vibrato and chorus so its a really usefull pedal and can be had new for like 80 quid? and if you want tap tempo then theres the deluxe version which is about 125-40 new, and as its ehx there are some crazy sounds! andy
  21. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1323107899' post='1459418'] I stick my LPF 2nd last in the chain so I can roll off the top end & all the dirt as I wish. Like I said, the Drive can be kept to a minimum. [/quote] yeh the drive doesnt really bother me now so thats good. ok sounds fair would you put the ring mod and lpf before the delay and mod effects? oh and i may have to take you up on that offer shep! andy
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1323041919' post='1458702'] As Shep says, get the LPF (& an EP-2). I use mine for just about every style of music & is very useable in a rock situation, especially if you're wanting just bassiness coming through during the verses & opening it up on the choruses to get things rocking & so forth. The drive on the LPF can be kept down pretty low if you don't want drive on your sound, but for rock, why not? [/quote] liking the sound of that! as an idea. the reason i was asking bout the drive is i use a boss odb-3, swollen pickle and a metal muff for the dirt so if i can and the input into the pedals can really make the pickle go nuts! and the boss doesnt need anymore gain! where would you put the lpf and ring mod in the chain? atm i go from the bass into my oc-3--swollen pickle--odb-3--ls-2(with a ehx muff in the loop for blending)--my ehx memoryboy but thats gonna change in the new year hopefully as im getting some more pedals so it'll be this bass--oc-3--wah wah--swollen pickle--odb-3--ls-2(same deal as before)--nova modulator--nova repeater andy
  23. ok so was bored today! so i was looking around on the youtube for some effects pedals as the missus has said she might get me something for xmas, well ive been looking at ringmods for a while also looking for a good filter. well stumbled on the moog pedals ive always thought they were really expensive, which i know some of them are but the two i was intrested in are just about in my price range! :-) for the ring mod, id want a very subtle effect not the crazyness that these pedals can do! but i like the idea that they could go mental! and the low pass sounds awesome! but my question on this is there anyone who uses them on a rock gig!? also i heard from a friend that the drive controls are a bit weird? anyone care to elaborate? thats all he said! just so you know the other pedals im looking at are the ehx ring mod and the way huge ringworm. filters ive looked at the q tron, mxr and the aguilar filter twin. andy
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