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Everything posted by greyparrot

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='499211' date='May 27 2009, 07:33 PM']If you want to price your bass that low, thats your perogative, but the trick is to price high then get haggled down.. Im not saying i will get 950 but its a waiting game..[/quote] Beware the pricing police are about (again) Nice bass, all the best with the sale mate, GP.
  2. [quote name='chilisfan16' post='500061' date='May 28 2009, 05:15 PM']im looking around the 1000 mark, nothing too high in the price range but a nice bass and nice sound.[/quote] Look at a sadowsky. Everything you could want and more. For about £1000 2nd hand you can pick uo a nice one on here. Line 6 amps are great, i was playing a lowdown 300 yesterday, and the slap tone with a P bass they had in the shop was fantastic. I would love to try my sadowsky through it, and like you, i have very aggressive slap, and the compressor on the amp is great. Look into these sadowskys mate, i was very weary, but looked at all the sites, reviews harmony central reviews, and could not find a bad word about them. Spector are exellent as well, but can be on the heavy side, and the 5 strings tend to have very deep necks like the warwicks. The profile of the sadowsky is very slim. The 4 string spectors are more comfy profiles. again these have a fantastic sound, but having now owned both, i think the sadowsky has an unrivalled slap sound. Only bass i heard with loads of bottom and top and able to produce the most aggressive in your face slap sound i ever heard! (if you like that, which i do) GP.
  3. [quote name='bozzbass' post='499622' date='May 28 2009, 09:48 AM']if you can find one, the old TE dual compressor is cool and very transparent. i've never used it live as you want to, but it is superb for recording.[/quote] I ended up getting one of those behringer bass v amp things. For the money, its pretty good, very quite (the sadowsky has no noise at all anyway, even with the dimmer on in the lounge, it seems to stay quite) and with a bit of messing about the presets can be changed easily, and the comp. does seem half decent to me! I set 4 patches up, one for motown, one for slap, one for soloing and a general one for finger style. No added noise what so ever. These are the syles i get through on a gig, and have set up these in a bank in a row, as i need them. I would like the boss GT10 b but for now, this is fine. Im quite impressed with it for the money, and as its for live, it does not have to be so wonderful i guess!! GP.
  4. [quote name='3V17C' post='499782' date='May 28 2009, 12:52 PM']Local guitar builder Guyton Guitars has for a while been producing official Brian May Red Special guitars, but seems he's made a bass version too! I'm not a big queen fan, but its quite nice and pretty unique... [url="http://img43.imageshack.us/my.php?image=redspecialbass.jpg"][/url] peace c[/quote] Hmm looks more like a les paul than a les paul! Looks fantastic build quality.
  5. I agree, as an ex owner of a redwood nx 5 i have to agree that the build quality, sound and fit n finish are second to none. A Spector is a top bass to own play and hear. GP.
  6. [quote name='TimR' post='498164' date='May 26 2009, 05:37 PM']I tried one and was quite impressed considering the price. There have been posts in the past about it not coping with the higher output active basses. That was supposed to have been fixed. Turning down the input level might help. The five controls are not as straightforward as first seems. The low comp affects the ratio of the low frequency compression. The hi comp affects the ratio of the high frequency compression. The EQ balance affects the mix of the two bands after the compression. So fully anti clockwise its all bass and fully clockwise its all treble, but that obviously will depend on how much compression you've used on the lo and hi. The hi and lo frequencies, release and threshhold are all pre set. The input and output levels are for matching the input and output - quite straightforward.[/quote] Yes, thats how i understand it, but im sure a compressor should not have any impact of the tone?? it mearly is designed to keep the sound even by cutting or compressing the loudest DB's and that in fact can lower the volume ot the overall sound, then you have a make up gain volume to bring the sound up to its correct volume. The down side in this is that by doing that it can also increase background noise levels, as you are capping the loudest parts, and bringing the volume up to even the tone. Why a compressor should have an eq knob, and then suck out some of the tone of the signal seems a little strange? or have i got it all wrong? dp studio compressors that i know work compleatly different to bass compressors? GP.
  7. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='496064' date='May 23 2009, 03:10 PM']Anyone heard of zoot bass cabs? I am familiar with the name as a UK bass builder but not as a builder of cabs, they are being sold by a company called Lean Audio? [url="http://www.lean-business.co.uk/eshop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=43&products_id=379"]Lean Audio[/url] Tony[/quote] Hi mate they are made here in my home town of witham, essex, by a guy named Mike Walsh. He also builds Zoot basses. GP.
  8. [quote name='guyl' post='496051' date='May 23 2009, 02:27 PM']Useful advice here. It surprises me how variable MM basses can be. Some guys on here have a few. I'd say don't restrict your list of possibilities - try lots of basses. If you buy at a sensible price you can easily move it on if you change your mind.[/quote] I was once told i had to buy a bass to fit the band. Was a 1962 squire p bass many years ago (re issue) sunburst. It was ok though, was a shadows tribute band, and played in it and met many of the old r'n'rollers! great. But then, i coud'nt really do that band with an overwater huh! Ask them their reason for saying you have to have a MM. Some basses just are not for some players. If there is no great reason, i personally would get what was right for me, im sure this would be better for them too. Not good having a sound you dont like forced on you. GP.
  9. That looks a stunning bass, and a great price. MM are not my choice, but if it was, id have this off ya! Nice one, GP.
  10. [quote name='lozbass' post='495873' date='May 23 2009, 10:44 AM']I thought about it as I have a stereo bass and thought (initially) the cube might have a stereo input. It doesn't so I didn't translate my thoughts into action. I've had a cube 30 in the past and it was a great smallish practice amp. I was never totally convinced by the effects but they were fun[/quote] Hello Loz, hows it going?? GP.
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  12. [quote name='Delberthot' post='495855' date='May 23 2009, 10:25 AM']4 string 3 bands usually go for around £700, 5s for £850. Personally, the best Stingray I ever owned was my 30th Anniversary but it was far too beautiful to consider gigging in pubs. The punchiest, growliest, gnarliest bass sound I ever had from any of the Stingrays I owned and the reason my Warmoth has a mahogany body.[/quote] I was looking at a MM 06 LTD great bass, very in your face tone, but at £1400 alot of dosh. Im glad that deal never worked, as i have a sadowsky, which has all the MM and fender tones and many others in one solidly built bass. Well worth trying one, there are one or two in the for sale bit. Not cheap mind still £1100 + 2nd hand, but its great, and the recording quality is amazing and the slap recording is very cool, as you have lots of bottom and searing highs, and no need to tweek the eq at all it sits in the mix great, even bass on bass (bass line and solo) they both cut through and seem to stay sperate and defind with minimal tweeking during recording and playback. never heard that in a bass B4 regarding the slap sound. Have done a couple of slap things with it, when i get a chance to mix it, convert it to mp3 and bung it on my website, ill put the link! Alas a gigging weekend, then painting the house all next week will keep that on hold for a few more days! Also try a GL2000 all the MM and more at half the price. GP.
  13. [quote name='Golchen' post='495811' date='May 23 2009, 09:33 AM']I take it that no-one else has an opinion on these then ........[/quote] Iv got the cube 30 its great for recording (di) and home noodling. Good quality FX and great compressor and amp modling too. Cant say about the cube your talking about but from what i can see, it just has a 5watt output? That fender bc30 is great, with built in drum machine and fx and song bank and exercise patterns as well! Really good, had a look at one, well worth £300 anyway. GP.
  14. [quote name='Kongo' post='495696' date='May 23 2009, 12:56 AM']I'm really liking these Markbass heads! The cabs suck IMO but the heads I LOVE! I wanna try the other MB heads too to see what they are all like but for 4 months I've been using a Markbass SD800 and it KICKS ASS!!! Seemingly infinite headroom even above 60% is good to me and you can go from a flat sound to an ultimatly or little coloured sound when you turn the dials. I like the VPL and VLE dials too.[/quote] The best flst tone i can get is to plug it direct into the miing desk on a flat channel (of course if youhave the PA to cope with the bass) and have a small combo jutto monitor throgh. Of course thats not ideal for everyone. I have been doing this for years and to be honest paying £1000 on a 200w combo seems a huge wast of money to me when you can have up to 1000w of real clout. I really dont hear a massive difference in a £350 warwick or old 2nd hand combo or a 1000 pound one, Yesterday i plugged into a £300 ashdown and i thought it was great to monitor with, with a great compressor as well.MArk bass to this tiny combo for like £500 and its terrible! how can they justify it! Cheaper combos lack that tiny bit more high/low end clarity, but out front i dont think the punters would really notice. I buy a bass for its natural tone, and anything that will change that is a no no for me. Anyways just my view on this take. GP.
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='495310' date='May 22 2009, 04:14 PM']Thought as much. Give Bernie a shout to see if you can have one on approval?! Or ask him if he knows where there are any in Esssex?![/quote] Will do, but first am gonna read up on this boss gt10b looks and sounds great from the 30mins i had in the shop with it! Thanks, GP.
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='495298' date='May 22 2009, 04:05 PM']The Ashdown or the MultiComp?[/quote] Ashdown. No EBS to try anywhere in essex!!
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='494379' date='May 21 2009, 03:50 PM']I guess I am an EBS fan - but I am not blinkered to what else is out there. Pedals wise, I think the EBS Chorus and Multicomp are exceptional pedals. The reverb is great - but kind of limited in it's reveb length... but obviously, if you don't want huge crashing reverb, then yes, it's a great pedal. For example, the drive pedals are OK. Not my bag and I find it hard to get excited by them. I like the TD650 and HD350 but the Classic and Fafner don't really do it for me. There's lots of good gear out there, so it's a bit narrow minded not to be open to other gear. I am a gear nut and know about lots of stuff out there. Hell, I've had most of it... and used it in anger in real world situations, away from the bedroom. If you want to speak to somebody directly about the MultiComp, give Bernie a call at GB guitars and I'm sure he'll give you the lowdown and get one to you.[/quote] Ok tried it today, in a word, awful! It took all the bass out of the sadowsky, and its a no no for me, but what was bloody good is that boss gt10 At £380 dear, but very top stuff. I have to think now!!
  18. [quote name='M4L666' post='494626' date='May 21 2009, 08:24 PM']The Bass PODXT is good. You can get some nice sounds with the amp/cab modelling out of it. Generally, the effects have one or less good sound if tweaked- but it's hard to find that sound. The Spider series is good above 75w, when you get a footswitch in and selectable amp models for each channel. The 15w, which I have, is good if you don't need to change sounds.[/quote] A while back i tried the lowdown 300 watt bass amp.I thought it was great! really punchy and load, with good pre amp section and a decent compressor. Great value at around £350 too. I also tried the line 6 bass. I dunno, really was not my thing. Anyone else had ago of one? Mind you the action on the one i tried was like jumping fences. GP.
  19. [quote name='rogerio_paulo67' post='494586' date='May 21 2009, 07:39 PM']i like the Zoom digital multi effects pedals....do not like analog pedals!! if you notice ,people at home use the computers for Recording ? use the plugins for compressor , reverbs , etc....right? but why ??? because since the music is inside the computer , in the Sequencer, We can make all the changes without add noise , distortion etc, because the sound are in digital format , well guess this one everyone knows LOL Thats the way Digital Pedals work too...you plug the bass , the pedal sample at 24bit,, then you Compress , you Eq, etc..all in digital format , nothing is lost (like the computer + soundcards we use at home for recording ) the Digital pedals this days sample the sound at 24bit..then process inside at 32bit , its realy High quality most of them , well some are realy High quality like the Zoom , digitech , boss..!! (please do not say that digital is more cold , and analog is more Warm ,bla bla.. that remind me the old talk when some people start to use computers for Audio Recording, and the rest of the world say that is cold sound etc etc...Well some years Later ,there we are in the digital, we all use it :-) ....ok ok i know some people have analog/valve pre at home before the soundcard....but..the Digital converters this days are so Professional and good! well guess it me that love Technology for Bass players...like superior components (graphite basses), nice modern Bass Design (not the big , heavy body from the past with that thing we call pickguard, eheh..even Cars makers left the Crome..hey the present is now , [b]BASS PLAYERS DO HAVE TO STAY IN THE PAST[/b], ehehe (and becarefull , Keyboard players are taking some bass jobs)....well lest keep going, i love Digital pedals (no noise,Memory banks..etc) ,and i like Light weight speakers !!! Period i like the bass Players that are more famous then the guitar players in their bands...you know the ones, the Bass players that no not stay there close to the drummers , like if we are the poor musicians , someone forgot them there ehehe....well im geting bored now...better go :-) [url="http://www.makemusicnews.com"]Some News for Musicians[/url] n[/quote] Yep, thing is most digital compressors i have come accross always seem to have a level of digital hiss? or have i been useing the wrong ones? I will try a few tomorrow, and see whats best. They also have a line 6 live fllor board, i might give that a go, but its a bit too big in my opinion. I dont really want to lose the sound of the sadowsky pre amp, so will have to be a little careful to find a unit that will not colour the original tone. GP.
  20. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='494643' date='May 21 2009, 08:43 PM']Hey matey that Gina on ur website is one hot babe (can I say That) how do u concentrate?[/quote] When we gig she wears low tops and her boobs are like big man and at 25 their pretty firm. She knows i look at them, but then i guess they are always there, what can you do! anyone would! Im kinda used to looking at em now, and what with the totty out front (sometimes) its pretty hard to concentrate. I guess i go on auto pilot, but most of the time, i just get into the gig anyways. I love this job. Bass playing brings more than musical pleasure to me, i guess we who play get to do what most would love to do. I always remember how cool live playing is (most of the time anyways!) GP.
  21. [quote name='stevie' post='494330' date='May 21 2009, 03:08 PM']We need more reviews like that. Unfortunately, people believe that if they have bought something, it must be good.[/quote] Fair play but in that case he only paid like $25 dollers for it! i dont think anyone would expect a mark bass etc for that, but it is a funny review all the same.
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='494354' date='May 21 2009, 03:25 PM']Only tested one out in the shop. I used to have the Trace Elliot dual compressor which I suspect the Ashdown is a clone of given the history of the two companies. It's basically the dual band comp that was in the 12 band eq amps. It was OK. It did the job. It certainly sounded a lot better than the single compressor that Trace Elliot is putting out on their 7 band eq amps at the moment. You may as well forget those. It was no EBS though.[/quote] Hmm your a big EBS fan huh! why would you say the ebs is so good? what would the differance be in the two? i need one for the weekend really, as now i have this active sadowsky rv5 i need one to keep it under control! No problem with my fender jazz i had! I think high output, and very wide frequency spec'd basses do need compression on them especially for slap, although if i say so myself, i do have a fairly even and clean slap style, but those pulls still jump out at ya through a high output rig! GP.
  23. Anybody tried or got one? looking for a live work compressor. only £49 are they any good? Recording is sorted, so just for live stuff. Thanks, GP.
  24. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='494324' date='May 21 2009, 03:03 PM']Feck. That's good. Actually, that is a used one. Used ones run in at around £80.[/quote] Opps not that great then. In the morning im going to PMT southend, they have an ashdown duel comp, thats just £49 so will see what thats like. Has anyone got one? I will start another tread i think with that question. Failling that the ebs. For recording, the one on my roland bass cube is great, but just looking for a live box really. Thanks, GP.
  25. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='494317' date='May 21 2009, 02:58 PM']£130 seems like a great price. Bass Direct are £139 + £7 p&p PS - the EBS Chorus is pretty amazing also - especially in stereo... but who runs a stereo rig? Actually, you could through the PA. That would be pretty immense.[/quote] ebay £115!
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