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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. I keep it quite low, just high enough that I can hear the cues e.g. 'chorus-2-3-4'.
  2. I believe Stew is referring to a band that I have done some gigs with, and in fact I have 3 wedding engagements with them this summer. To answer some of the questions/comments above: - Yes they have a drummer. - There is no option of keeping things going without completely abandoning the click. - The light show is automatically controlled by DMX form the same program that provides the click. Also each player can control their own mix using the Qu-You app on a phone or tablet. Enjoy the gig @stewblack!
  3. Well I just found my NBD post about the bass I bought that day (Sandberg VM4), and I have the Dingwall down as an ABI 5! Feel free to weigh in if you know better though...
  4. Some 10-11 years ago I took a trip to Bass Direct. Among the models I tried was the 4-string version of the bass pictured below. According to the photo's name it is some kind of ABZ, but many of that range seem to be active. This one is passive, with just volume, tone, and a 4-way rotary pickup selector. Can anyone giveime a definitive model designation? TIA
  5. Nothing makes a stage look messy like white mains leads. I use black ones, and preferably black plugs too. That doesn’t answer your question but I had to get it off my chest!
  6. The 70s. Not necessarily in general, but I’m a big Bowie fan and during that period he had a phenomenal run of brilliant albums and singles. These are just the studio albums: 1970 The Man Who Sold the World 1971 Hunky Dory 1972 Ziggy Stardust 1973 Aladdin Sane 1973 Pin Ups 1974 Diamond Dogs 1975 Young Americans 1976 Station to Station 1977 Low 1977 Heroes 1979 Lodger If those albums were all I could ever listen to I really could not complain.
  7. In the various bands in which I play bass, the guitarists use: Kemper 2 Kempers (one each) Fender Twin Fender Deluxe Reverb
  8. Meant to say - I have seen battery-powered standalone speakers, but only at the cheaper karaoke/solo-entertainer end of the market.
  9. If you're engaging amp and speaker sims in the Dwarf then as you say you'll probably be best going into a PA system, FRFR speaker, or at least a very clean and 'flat' bass amp setup.
  10. I’m a Precision guy and I did have one that sounded great at home but just didn’t punch through live. I moved it on quite quickly.
  11. Good point about passive balance pots. I much prefer to stick with passive circuits though. I'm happy to live without the full range of blended tones as long as I can achieve one good sweet spot e.g. by setting pickup heights.
  12. I find a Precision works for me at least 95% of the time, hence the list of basses in my signature. There are times when I fancy a bridge pickup, but not a Jazz one, rather something fatter like a MM or other humbucker. I also can’t be doing with a VVT control setup - just give me volume, tone (passive) and a pickup selector switch. I’ll repeat what I’ve often said - use what works for you. Despite my best efforts I’ve yet to find a Jazz or J-type that works for me. Who knows though, maybe that day will come.
  13. My resting face is borderline stabby so I have to make a concerted effort to smile whilst playing. If I'm sight-reading, forget it. Here's a rare snap courtesy of Mrs Axe:
  14. That's brilliant, although I think it was the older lady 3 to her left.
  15. Depped with Dire Streets in Dorking Halls on Friday night. Massive hall (pretty full) and huge stage, with a nice easy load in. Most of our IEM receivers were picking up terrible interference (regardless of channel) so we had to go with wedges. I previously did 2 emergency deps with the band where I read dots (my own transcriptions) but this was my first time doing it all from memory. I’ll admit I made quite a few mistakes, but nothing disastrous. We were very well received, especially by the (possibly inebriated) ladies in the front row - during the moody start to Private Investigations one of them said, ‘Ooh I like this one!’ loud enough to raise a titter in the hall. The journey home seemed interminable as some idiot had decided to close both the M4 AND the M3! I’m now learning the entire 2-hour show on rhythm guitar for my next 2 gigs with the band. Pics show auditorium on arrival, and as we left the stage:
  16. @disssa has reviewed all three on his excellent website https://www.disssa.de/ and has compared the PF-20T and PF-50T in the text of the PF-20T review.
  17. It’s not my first choice - I’d much rather use my lovely amps and cabs - but on a gig where no-one else is using backline, everyone has IEMs (just bought a setup myself), plus all the kit is travelling in a splitter van, it makes a lot of sense.
  18. Update - bought a smaller case and added a compressor and a smaller power supply.
  19. I had one too, no lack of volume in either a 3pc pub covers band (through a BF Super Twin) or a 4pc country band (through a BF One 10).
  20. I had the Ampeg PF-50T and there are some ceramic resistors inside to form a dummy load, plus a ventilation grille. I wouldn’t like to play it hard that way though.
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