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Everything posted by BassBalls

  1. All you need now to finish your big rig is a nice head and set of cabs, your Fender will come alive and your hear so much more from your pedals. Looking foreword to what's coming next!
  2. The Fender Custom Shop precision looks gorgeous. It bet it sounds amazing too. What's the pedal below the deep impact? Looks like a whammy of some sort?
  3. Bass is still around! Make me a good offer. I am interested in trades for a 2x12 bass cab.
  4. [quote name='Wil' post='117824' date='Jan 10 2008, 01:42 PM']Me and my rig at rehearsal's most important moment - coffee break! Once Dave has finished building my DHA preamp, that will be mounted above the Little Mark 2. I'm going to run it into the effects return and just use the Markbass head as a power amp. [/quote] Iv seen quite a lot of rigs with that cab configuration. I bet it sounds amazing. Im very tempted myself to go the GK route. However, this year i am being strict with myself and only buying stuff after i have tried it. How does GK stuff sound? Do they have a tight bottom end? Particularly the 2x12.
  5. Bump back to the top. The deal i had broke down. I can offer postage but this will be at the buyer's expense. Postage will be in the region of £15-£20. Cheers
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  10. What's your IPOD going into? Looks interesting.
  11. [quote name='paul, the' post='110020' date='Dec 27 2007, 08:09 PM']Poor you [/quote] It is annoying because i have no speakers to play it through! I have not felt its full force yet! Does anyone know how much the bass is worth? Im defiantly not going to sell it, its a keeper and i enjoy playing it but i would like to get it properly insured.
  12. All i currently have to play it through is my Ampeg SVT Pro 4 head. Need to get a 2x12 or 4x12 cab to play it all through. With my old rig this bass sounded amazing, it sounds so big and imposing. Im pretty sure the neck is lacquered, it feels smooth not grainy.
  13. I have had this about 6 months now and its time to put some pics up. [attachment=4347:DSCF0028.JPG] [attachment=4348:DSCF0034.JPG] [attachment=4349:DSCF0033.JPG] Im not sure of its exact age im guessing around 1991? It has the original foam blocks at the bridge and six neck bolts. The neck is gorgeous with lots of character. Lovely sounding bass too, its now my number one choice.
  14. [quote name='jammie17' post='108683' date='Dec 23 2007, 07:46 PM']Cool...well I just wanted to make you aware that a couple people had issues with them....but that was some time ago...year or more ago. It's a nice amp...congrats. 1200 watts!!??? WOW!! :wub: Jim[/quote] Cheers! This head is getting way too much respect from me. Im scared its going to blow up everything i plug it in too or blow its self up. I think ill got a computer fan and blow air through the back vent when i use it.
  15. I got a new SVT 4 delivered to me recently and i discovered that the main vents are on the side of the head. Are there any 6u-8u racks which are wider than usual and allow air to flow easily around the side? Also, are plastic racks very strong? I obviously want to protect the head as much as possible but it weighs a ton already and a wooden/metal rack would add more weight. Any help will be appreciated!
  16. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='107275' date='Dec 20 2007, 07:12 PM']thats a great price somebody buy it soon or i will when ive had a few too many drinks on cristmas day :wacko:[/quote] I have had good interested but the bass is still with me. Postage can be possibly be arranged as and when its requested but this will be at the buyers expense.
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  19. Sorry mate but im sorted for an active 4 string. Looks like a great bass though.
  20. Thanks for all the great comments. I do love this bass, it has that sexy Warwick sound we all know and love. Its just a shame that its sitting in my rack getting dusty and that i need a new head. Needs must. Rammsteinbrit: i bet you would treat her right but £200 is not enough to get her. However i am willing to accept a very close offer...
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