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Everything posted by BassBalls

  1. Cool, im very tempted by this, do you have any samples for bass, any bottom end loss? How well does it work with actives?
  2. Hi, what do all the knobs and switches do on the Beavis Audio FKR?
  3. Why are there so many holes in the pick guard? Is it for pickup covers?
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  5. Bump, im still available. I dont want anyone to be put off by the kind of bands i like and listen too. Im a fan off all music with a good groove and sound. Im a versatile player and im up for any sort of musical challenge. Cheers.
  6. The thing about a mac is that you can run most D.A.W's on it like Pro-tools, ableton live, cubase, nuendo........ On a PC you cant run Logic, which is easily the best D.A.W. apart from a full Pro-tools rig!!! Pro-tools and Logic are the two main industry standards and if you can get your head around them, its plain sailing!
  7. +1 on student discount! If you log in with your universities details at a university terminal, then you get a huge discount on software. I got the full Logic studio 8 suite for £118. I think the discount is 60%-70%!!! However the discount is much less on hardware. Mac book pro's are amazing! Wish i could afford one!
  8. As a music technology student myself, i would 100% recommend buying a MAC. I own an iMac with a 1.82 GHz intel duel core processor, with 1GB of memory and its good enough to run Logic well. When looking into buying a computer to run music/video software, you need it to be fast and to have the ability to run more than one application fast. The software i own which is essential to my university course is Logic Pro 8 and Reason 3 (reason 4 soon!). Im also looking into purchasing MAX MSP very soon. Garage band is a great starting point and helps ease you into logic.
  9. Hi, the band im in at uni has split so i need a new start! Im 19, own all my own pro gear and very serious about the music im involved in. I took grades a few years ago and i got up to grade 6. Im also a Music technology student so i have a good grasp of music theory and a very good knowledge of recording and live sound. I can use all playing techniques confidently and can learn music fast. I put a lot of effort into music and have big ambitions for the future. Im pretty open to most genres but im in to Metal, Hardcore, Screamo. Id love to play in a band like Architects, Sikth, Exit ten. Im based in Hatfield in Hertfordshire, but i can easily get to Bucks and most places in London if required. Im looking foreword to your replies.
  10. +1 on the DR BASS cabs. Im getting one so i can try and push my Ampeg SVT-4 Pro.
  11. DR BASS cab on its way!!! [attachment=5203:DSCF0044.JPG] DI'ed it mono post effects and eq into Ableton live and it sounds amazing. The best i have ever heard my bass sound!!! Got the case from daflewis on here, top bloke to deal with. Really protects my gear well.
  12. Bump! will include postage in the price!!! £400 posted within the UK. Outside the UK i will put some towards it.
  13. [quote name='cheddatom' post='126074' date='Jan 23 2008, 01:41 PM']I've added an extra little board, tried to tidy it all up a bit, gigged with it a few times, and then kind of messed it up again! [/quote] I must say a rack tuner on a pedal Board looks like a great idea!!!! How come you have have not opted for a pedal tuner?
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  15. Weekend Bump! Almost 1000 views and its still not sold! I thought it would fly out the door! Make me an offer!
  16. Wow thats such a good price! If it was two Tri 112 cabs i might have been very tempted. (I have a four string fretless to trade too!) O well!!!
  17. [quote name='dood' post='92983' date='Nov 22 2007, 08:32 PM']ok try this... go to your mate's computer whilst he is away.. and whilst on their desktop hit the "print screen" key on the keyboard.Now, run paint and select edit > paste - yeah you know that bit..easy. Save the picture somewhere safe that you now have.Don't close paint just yet Ok here's the fun bit.. go back and cut all the icons from the desktop.. dump em somewhere hidden.. you could even delete them. Next bit... set the picture you have just saved as the desktop background. (you can do this from within paint) YOu should have a desktop that now looks exactly like it did before you started messing about.. (close paint, obviously) just watch your mate try to open his icons though.. hawww hawww hawww...[/quote] I do miss paint, dont have it on my MAC . I have only just figured out how to do print screen. Its something stupid like apple button, shift, 4!!!!
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