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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. Back in December I posted a wanted ad for a 2U rack bag for my Hartke LH500. I think somebody contacted me saying that had one, but I can't find their message. Can you please PM me if it was you. Thanks, Steve
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  3. Well, I've had a pretty good look, but I haven't found anything yet. Have I missed something obvious?
  4. My own cat doesn't seem too interested in it, but I take your point! Maybe I'll leave the shed door slightly ajar so no animals can get in.
  5. Right then -full-on attack. Unscrewed the top plate and gently hoovered everything I dared. Wiped as much as I could with some pet odour-eliminator spray I had. Whole lot is in the shed with the door open to get some fresh air circulating round it. I'll put it all back together this afternoon and see (smell) what we've got. Let's hope it doesn't end up smelling like my hoover, or my shed. Rock and roll, eh!?
  6. On a serious note just for a moment, how careful must I be if I hoover inside the thing? Don't want to damage anything. I'll use a soft brush and go gently. Anything else I should be aware of?
  7. External hoovering only. If I open the amp up and start messing with it, I'll end up with a dog's dinner...
  8. I bought a used LH500 off Gumtree. It's 5 years old, but the original owner says he's hardly used it. It certainly looks mint. It sounds great - just as I was hoping, and all the knobs and switches work properly. But - it smells. Like a dog. The smell seems to be coming from the right-hand side front and rear vents, as opposed to the middle back vent. I've washed out the foam filter and hoovered everywhere I can, which isn't that much. What do we think, team? Is this simply dust which will dissipate with use, or is it a sign of something more sinister like a failing valve?
  9. Kev, I'm in Stockport area - Marple, to be precise.
  10. Just a thought. I bought the Harley Benton shorty as a "throw away" introduction to short scale. I replaced the pickups and wiring loom. Overall cost was under £100. It sounds unbelievably good for that money. It's my back up to my Mustang, but I choose to use the HBS for some Motown and reggae numbers because of its P-like tone. It was a very wise buy. Could be worth considering, Kev?
  11. I went short scale 18 months ago because of neck and arm problems. I have 3 short scale (30") basses, and they have noticeably different playing characteristics. This is mainly because of the position of the neck relative to the body. See Photos. In photo 1, left to right, Lakland hollowbody short scale, Fender MIJ Mustang, Harley Benton Shorty. Notice the different bridge positions relative to the end of the body for each bass. The Lakland's neck projects quite a lot further to my left when I'm playing. It feels much more like a 34" scale bass as a result. The Mustang has a thin, skinny neck which brings my left hand closer in. The HBS brings my left hand even closer in, plus it has a small body, making it feel quite dinky relative to the other two. Howeber, it has the widest neck. See relative nut positions in side-on photos, and see how much "longer" the Lakland neck is. Kev - don't know where you're based, but you're welcome to pop round anytime to try these basses out for size.
  12. https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-bass-amplifiers/olp-ernie-ball-musicman-stingray-teal-manchester/1275069418
  13. Here you go. Really easy waist strap/gut support to take the weight off your neck and shoulder.
  14. Ha! Some spinnaker repair tape and a hole punch, and we're done.
  15. You see - there is the solution, right there. Thanks, Stuart.
  16. One of my basses has white binding on the fretboard edge and, in comparison to the unbound rosewood fret boards on my other two basses, the shiny ends of the frets can be difficult to see. The ususal black dot markers are fine, but quite often I can't tell where the frets actually are which can lead to problems if I switch between basses with different neck lengths, but the same scale length. So, I need to add some fret-end markers to the white binding. I'm thinking about using a permamnent marker pen, having carefully masked-off the target areas on the binding. I'm not the most gifted DIY person, so any thoughts or advice before I go ahead, folks? Steve
  17. Here you go. Really easy waist strap/gut support to take the weight off your neck and shoulder.
  18. https://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/paid-work-for-musicians-amp-bands-all-experience-levels-t1024251.html
  19. We've all experienced this to some extent, I'm sure. We've just got a new singer on board. After two rehearsals, he said that many of the existing songs were "awful" and he didn't want to sing them. Oh. Righto then. Let's ask everybody else, shall we? In a secret ballot, all 5 band members tagged each existing song as "Keep" or "Ditch". Only 5 out of the 30 songs attracted 4 or 5 "Ditch" ratings. So we scrapped just those.
  20. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1508854824' post='3394885'] Silverfoxnik was selling a couple of relatively lightweight JBL cabs which would work well with these. The cutouts are for a 12" driver, but your tens would work fine if you were to cut a simple circular sub-baffle for them. Then you'd have the choice of one cab or two. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/300635-fs-two-jbl-4646a-12-speaker-cabs-unloaded-l25-each-ono-pp/page__p__3373633__hl__jbl__fromsearch__1#entry3373633"]http://basschat.co.u..._1#entry3373633[/url] [/quote] Thanks, Stevie. I'm going to see if I can wrestle the GK 210 along to the rehearsal room, taking in cars, stairs, long corridors en route. I'm hoping band mates will help. Once it's there, I'll leave it. See how it goes.
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