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Everything posted by solo4652

  1. OK - thanks. Further reading suggests that an open-back guitar cab isn't going to work. Plan B is to buy an old bass combo with a 10 driver and transplant one of the Eminence Delta 10b's into it. Remove the old amp, obviously! For example, just seen a good used Ashdown Perfect 10 30w combo for £45 - how about that?
  2. [url="http://www.eminence.com/pdf/Delta_10B.pdf"]http://www.eminence....f/Delta_10B.pdf[/url] [size=3][font=Arial, serif][b]Mounting Information:[/b][/font][/size][list] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Recommended Enclosure Volume, Sealed: N/a, Vented 12.7-37.9 liters / 0.45-1.34 cu.ft. [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Driver Volume Displaced 86.5 cu.in. / 1.42 liters [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Overall Diameter 10.09", 256.2mm [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Baffle Hole Diameter 9.18", 233.17mm [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Front Sealing Gasket Fitted as standard [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Rear Sealing Gasket Fitted as standard [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Mounting Holes Diameter 0.25", 6.4mm [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Mounting Holes B.C.D. 9.66", 245.4mm [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Depth 4.25", 108mm [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Net Weight 10.8 lbs, 4.9 kg [/font][/size] [*][size=3][font=Arial, serif]Shipping Weight 12 lbs, 5.4 kgs [/font][/size] [/list] I have two of these currently installed in a GK BLX 210 cab. Sounds fantastic, but weighs almost 30KGs. Is there any way I can drop one of the drivers into an off-the-shelf empty cab to make something that sounds OK which I can leave in the rehearsal room? PLEASE don't get technical!! Just let me know if a suitable cab exists and where I can get one. How about one of these? https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/302434801366?chn=ps&dispItem=1&adgroupid=47558299615&rlsatarget=pla-370974490202&abcId=1128936&adtype=pla&merchantid=7308454&poi=&googleloc=9046436&device=c&campaignid=857337246&crdt=0 Thanks, Steve
  3. https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-instrument/stentor-1950-double-bass-trades/1271711988
  4. I'm sitting here trying to decide how to approach learning this. I've never played the bassline to this ABBA song, and I fully realise that it's not straight-forward at all. Knowing my band as I do, I just know that lead guitarist is going to do a Yngve all over it. In fact he's already drawn our attention to Malmstein's cover of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme which leaves me completely cold. My feeling is that if I try to recreate Gunnarson's original line, it will be too busy for the note-heavy treatment the song will get from the guys. In general, with this band (two guitarists, one of whom is a very accomplished prog-rock/jazz exponent who doesn't do "less is more", and the other who overlays his rhythm guitar with guitar synth, and BV's via a vocoder thingy), I find that I have to keep basslines simple to avoid over-egging the pudding. All advice gratefully accepted.
  5. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1508426426' post='3392128'] Dreadful. If you're going to rock it up do it properly, not just have a mildly distorted guitar playing over a carbon copy version of the original. [/quote] Yes - I agree. For me, The chugging guitar in the verses sounds very much like a grafted-on afterthought. The whole effort sounds like two pre-existing songs clumsily spliced together.
  6. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1508399240' post='3391870'] Check out Paul Gilbert's live version. Was on one of his live albums a few years ago. It was a Japanese recording. Just looked, here it is: [url="https://g.co/kgs/LkFqwn"]https://g.co/kgs/LkFqwn[/url] [/quote] Thank you. I'll have a listen.
  7. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1508363916' post='3391773'] We tried rocking it , but just couldn't nail it , parts sounded good , but it didn't gel so after trying to gig it we gave up ..... however 'Does your mother know' rocks out brilliantly [/quote] I suggested Does your mother know as an ABBA song that's much more likely to work as a rock cover. But no - the band wants to do Dancing Queen.
  8. Yes - agreed. Does it work as a metal/rock song? I'm not convinced at all. How well does the original bassline fit into this cover?
  9. *Dancing Queen*. Can't type today. My band wants to have a crack at this. I don't like it at all. How to make a sow's ear out of a silk purse, in my opinion. What does everybody else think, please? [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCDzpasrwDs&feature=youtu.be"]https://www.youtube....eature=youtu.be[/url]
  10. Thank you. If you're saying that the Hotwires and the Picatos are the same strings from the same manufacturer then, according to the Status website, the Picato half rounds won't be available. Ya know.
  11. EeK! I've just logged on to the Status website to order some half wound strings. Looks like that only rounds are available for the foreseeable future: http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/stringsinfo.html I've tried just about every other half wound strings out there, but always come back to the Hotwires because they feel so smooth. Any recommendations for similar strings: ultra-smooth, bright-sounding half-wounds? [font="Verdana"][color="#ffffff"][size=1]*** PLEASE NOTE ***[/size][/color][/font] [font="Verdana"][size="-1"][color="#ffffff"]Unfortunately our previous manufacturer stopped making strings completely so we have taken some time to find a new supplier who could continue to make our custom strings to our specifications. We currently have only round-wound strings available but hope to have flats, halves and black nylon sometime soon. I will add a note to our website when they are available. Sorry for any inconvenience.[/color][/size][/font] [font="Verdana"][color="#ffffff"][size=1]*** PLEASE NOTE ***[/size][/color][/font] [font="Verdana"][size="-1"][color="#ffffff"]Unfortunately our previous manufacturer stopped making strings completely so we have taken some time to find a new supplier who could continue to make our custom strings to our specifications. We currently have only round-wound strings available but hope to have flats, halves and black nylon sometime soon. I will add a note to our website when they are available. Sorry for any inconvenience.[/color][/size][/font]
  12. Co Durham. Preloved Bass has maple fingerboard - that's quite unusual for a Warwick, isn't it? A quick search of Google images throws up nothing like it. Hmmm. If anybody buys all this and doesn't want the head and cab, let me know. [url="http://www.preloved.co.uk/adverts/show/117233614/warwick-bass-guitar-amp-cabinet.html?link=%2Fsearch%3Fkeyword%3Dbass%2Bamp"]http://www.preloved....rd%3Dbass%2Bamp[/url]
  13. Heard it through the grapevine - Darryl Hall, Rob Thomas and friends, pushing it along nicely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV_nGyjwISk
  14. This works for me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPVMBPmrblU
  15. Yep - My friend has confirmed she meant Manchester. Learn something new every day.
  16. A friend's just emailed me saying she's on her way to mannieland. I've never heard of it, and neither has Google. I'm flummoxed. Can anybody help, please? PS. My friend's from Liverpool - is mannieland scouse slang for somewhere, maybe?
  17. I've think I've got the intro and chorus OK, but I'm slightly struggling with the verse, particularly the last section. All help gratefully received. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2fB7yR_7_4
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IujOnIwnbA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M1Brx-La2M
  19. Check out this guy's feel and groove - best cover of Kiss I've ever seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfRwBIxtuRU
  20. We need to update and refresh our setlist. Being a bunch of 50 year olds, we're not exactly bang up to date with current music trends, and there is a tendency to default to the 80's and 90's when choosing songs. Song choice proves pretty challenging, with each band member having their own preferred genres and eras.The whole process gets fairly heated and tiring Band details; 5-piece; drums, bass, guitar, keys (+ BV's), lead vocals. Excellent lead singer with good range. We haven't had to change a song key so far - bliss! Guitarist is (prog) rocker and likes to play technically challenging guitar-led songs with "interesting" solos. Think Led Zeppelin..., keys player is very experienced and also welcomes the chance to play fairly technical songs e.g. Dancing on the ceiling, Jump. I'm more towards the groove/soul/funk/pop vibe. Drummer is good and plays along to most things as long as they're crowd-pleasers. Current setlist has the usual Killers, Kings of Leon, Stereophonics, Valerie stuff, alongside things like Mr Blue Sky, Iris, Hold back the river, Never tear us apart, Drops of Jupiter. As I left rehearsal last night, the keys player and guitarist were talking about Meatloaf... New songs; We're looking for songs that: Are from this century Are well-known and popular Will get people - especially 20 and 30 year olds - up and dancing at the Dog and Duck on a Saturday night Are technically and musically interesting enough to engage the guitarist and keys player All suggestions gratefully received! Thanks, Steve
  21. This is pretty accomplished, I reckon; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YnYgbb0U1g
  22. So, would we regard this as good or naff cajon playing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwUTIjyXWHE
  23. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1497781542' post='3320497'] Aaaargh. Cajons. [/quote] [b][size=6]?[/size][/b]
  24. Yep - cajons are best suited to gorillas, or people with short backs and long arms. I don't sit on mine - I've knocked up a stand that means I can sit on a chair and put the cajon on the floor tilted towards me. Even better is to place the stand on the chair so I can play standing up - that's much easier on my back. The other thing to be wary of is hitting the thing too hard, because you'll quickly get sore hands. Whenever possible, I mic mine using a bass drum mic through my practice combo. Couldn't do that in the park yesterday, so ended up with sore fingers.
  25. It’s our town Carnival today and my garden overlooks the main arena. There’s an open-mic/karaoke “performance space” and there has been a steady stream of people absolutely murdering all sorts of songs. I sat wincing in my garden and then thought – if you can’t beat them, join them. So I took my cajon across to the park and busked along to whatever song was being played for a couple of hours. Good fun, but I now have slightly sore hands. Probably better off sticking to bass.
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