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Black Coffee

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Everything posted by Black Coffee

  1. Nah. No discount. Just nice to hear what your playing without plucking the strings hard. I did manage a grin, specially with the tube gain engaged.
  2. I like the sound of that. But i wud need a twin neck version. In case ur bass wuz bigger than mine. Cant have that.
  3. Thanks to evry1 for their advice on this topic. Regarding marital disharmony, i find it easier to consult and inform the wee wife because she has ESP. Extra Spending Perception. Having said that i do stop short of taking her to the scene of the crime. A grown man begging for his wallet in front of other mature adults is not a nice sight. On a serious note . Provided s.w.m.b.o. is kept in the loop and has the final say on colour i have reasonably free reign.
  4. On a different point. You could just light a fire and fuel it for two winters with the neck of the bass alone. Then kill a cow and float it downriver on the body wood to the slaughterhouse and get enough meat to justify the size of the fire you will make with the body of the bass. feed my neighbourhood too. Just a thought.
  5. I had heard Denmark Street. Hadn't heard Charing Cross Road. Thanks too for Wunjos. Is the "how much?" implying , "thats wild expensive" or, "thats wild cheap" Where I am from, money is not round to go around; but made flat for stacking in neat bundles that don't fall over until they are six feet tall. This will be a voyage of discovery. Good thing the VAT controller will be shopping elsewhere in Oxford Street when I am viewing the bass goods. If I buy something will they post it ? Then I just have to apologise when it arrives at my door 4 days later rather than ask for permission in front of a shop full of people.
  6. I have a visit to London planned early next year and I might have a couple of hours to kill; and the choice between browsing the likes of Primark in Oxford St with the boss or browsing bass guitar shops is not a difficult one to have to make. Sorry Primark, but brown bags and middle aged trolley rage doesn't do it for me. Problem is - I always hear that it's good for guitar shops in Central London. But, as I don't know the capital that well, can anyone point me in the right direction. If there are issues with advertising businesses in the rules, and you can't name a shop. Is there a street, or an area which is populated with a cluster of likeminded proprietors ?? Thanks
  7. [quote name='Nibody' timestamp='1349601436' post='1828043'] To poorly quote Billy Sheehan on anything with more than four strings "I have a couple of five strings at home. I find most people dont give enough time to get good on a four string first" *interviewer* -"How long is that?" *Sheehan* - "About 20 years" or something like that [/quote] I remember watching this Billy Sheehan interview and thinking to myself that even though I am playing 25 years (it's 6 yrs since I ventured into 5 / 6 string land) I still couldn't play remotely like Billy Sheehan on a 4 stringer. I actually self critiqued and felt inadequate at the finger dexterity I had just watched. Some people were made to play Bass like Billy Sheehan, Mr Aircraft carrier sized bass is clearly not one of them. Neither am I for that matter, but I stay off Youtube.
  8. I'd had GAS for a RIC since I first picked a bass up 25 yrs ago. Three different Rics later I still have bad GAS for one but can't enjoy the playing because I find them awkward if you pluck as I do rather than pick. It remains one bass I want the most because I loved Lemmy's playing and everything about the loud and proud ethic, and also they just look so cool. But sadly at the price I can't justify a £1500 piece of furniture, because that's what it would be. Since I last owned one the idea of removing the rancid U-bend and placing the black little pickup surround in place has come about and I am very tempted, but my inner sensible compass says nothing will change. So I will continue to "GAS" after it and do nothing about it. If I could try one with the pickup surround set in place it would cure my curiousity; but till then looks like Alka Seltzer will have continue to sort the GAS. MMMM
  9. Hi. I went with the streamliner 600 watt. If my budget had stretched i wud have went for the 900 Nothin to worry about though because with the focus 210 cab setup it was plenty of power on show. I bought this without a test drive and its incredible, but like i said I am putting £3,000 of bass through it too. Have no fear buying genz benz. Take the plunge and grin benz.
  10. It's official. There is no GAS like Dingwall GAS. Like that line in the Matrix movie, "Do you hear that Mr Anderson, that's the sound of inevitability". I was hooked about a year ago and a couple of MM SR5s, three Rickenackers, a couple of Fenders, a Warwick and a couple of Peaveys have been made redundant and duly sold to strive to climb the Dingwall tree of excellence in bass building[attachment=122766:DSC_0426.JPG]. It's inevitable.....see. Gorgeous ABII.
  11. Hi folks, I have owned several different MIM and MIA Fender P basses and one fretless MIM jazz and the MIM basses were the best. The MIA P bass was just not as sweet to play. I couldn't discern that much between the tone, but as for the neck - the playability was far superior on the MIM. I bought a MIM P 50s reissue with the anodized pickguard for a total steal on ebay and it was a gem!! My 15 yr old son informed me he was buying it from me last Christmas after telling me that the new MIA P bass in the shop he had tried was crap compared to it. He has been playing since he was seven, and is now in the regional schools orchestra playing double bass and doing GCSE bass guitar so who am I to argue....? Not worth it. Don't believe the hype about the MIA dream, it's all personal taste and MIM is definitely worth a try. Set it up, put good strings on it and play it through a good amp. There's not a huge difference to the amateur ear, fair bit to the wallet.
  12. Thanks to everyone for their input here. Despite this I have decided not to go with Behringer. I went with Genz Benz and it has been the best decision I have made since selling the whole stable and buying a Dingwall ABII. Played first gig with it and it is unbelievable how easy it is to be very loud and overbearing with very little on the volume control. Not sure if it's the amp and cab alone, or because it's teamed with a fantastic bass; but nevertheless - money very well spent. Certainly not my sleek tickling of the (Ernie) balls. . . . . . . . but it sounds incredible.
  13. I am looking to buy an amp. Dont mind if its combo or head and cab and one of the most financially viable options is looking to be behringer. Are they the real deal with bells and whistles you get or will they not stand the test of time. Any opinions on the 300 watt ultrabass combo or the 550 watt head and cab? Thanks.
  14. I had a 5 and a 6 at one stage and regret parting with them. Probably the best value for money around. Wud buy another no problem at all. Good solid weight and feel with classy look.
  15. Which 5 string . . . .? I have played many 5 strings over 25 years and if you can afford one, the best 5 string bass I have played by a country mile is a Dingwall. I have owned the MM 25th anniversary 5 string and a standard SR5 among others, and they didnt come close. Tried others and whilst they are spot on for E A D and G, the B string on Dingwall blows them away for tone and playability. If you go Dingwall you will go fanfret and this is an added bonus. I have bought two Dingwalls this year from Mark in Bass Direct. The ABZ5 is in your range for money, but beware; once I got my paws on my ABZ5 I sold all my parallel fret equipment to move on up to a gem of an ABII 5 stringer. Dingwall draws you in like a moth to the flame and is in a different league on the B string because of the longer scale. Someone else may hate them which is their right, indeed you might hate them; but at least try them before you buy another bass. Look at the Bass direct site for a host of choice and reviews.
  16. The choice of bass versus ability debate will go on forever. If someone can afford something they like the look of to gain more experience on, so what if they buy it. . ? Aspiring to be better is what got the greats where they are. Amid this I know we are all learning but I hope that I never make a total pigs ear of a song when trying a bass. The comment above by Shiznitt, " [b]I soon followed her in the kitchen and we both laughed our arses off! There are no words in any known language (except perhaps Russian) that would describe how bad this guy played like! Think of a person trampolining and trying to play a guitar whilst wearing oven mitts trying to play Hotel California. To put it politely, he had more work to do!"[/b] I have experienced this too and I hope I have never been this guy. Having said that the Bentley would be nice. I have a fancy bass, but I know my limitations and try not to be a smartass when in music shops because there's always somebody capable of pickin, slappin or pluckin better than you nearby. As for the competent smug bassists who sneer at lesser bassists instead of offering words of encouragement, remember - whether you like it or not you used to be what we now are. Shame on you that you forgot.
  17. I have never aspired to any sort of greatness or "here look at me" in what I played because I tried to concentrate on learning to be doing the basics well so that the others you play with can rely on you getting your bit of the sound right every time. Nothing worse than standing with £7,000 worth of wood and electronics around your muffin top and sounding like a total plonker trying to play fancy stuff your chubby little digits can't cope with. Learn your scales, understand modes, listen to loads of different styles, and watch, listen and learn from others. Accept you will never know it all. Drop characteristics of what you like in to what you play, put away the rest for another day when you might need it. After 25 years, with encouragement from my long suffering and incredibly supportive wee wife I finally shelled out and bought what I would call a few fancy basses. I played them and eventually moved them on as nothing played by me was really that much better (for what they cost) than a solid (maybe more basic) good quality bass played consistently well. What i would call fancy - Rickenbacker laredo, a fretless Ric 4003, Maple 4003 fretted Ric, Warwich thumb BO, couple of stingrays, a 25th anniversary SR5, a Custom shop Fender jazz, a Dingwall ABZ5. What is more basic - Peavey grind 5, Jackson/Charvel, Fender P fretted and fretless, ESP 4 string. Just for the record my Peavey grind 5 was one of my favourite basses from all I had the pleasure of playing. Now I have a Dingwall ABII in chambered walnut body / bubinga neck which I think is a keeper. It is a top quality bass and has the fanfret system on the neck which I think is incredibly easy to play and makes the B string feel more tight and easy to play quickly. Mutts nutts actually. It all depends on what you see yourself as, John Entwhistle (not saying he is the greatest, just an example) and other bass virtuosos would sound good playing almost anything because they are just on another level (Flea has said 'its all in how you hit it') , as for me the fancy bass is just my personal pleasure to play. Doesn't make me a genius, but sounds awesome without thumping the strings hard to make yourself heard over 8 other musicians and that's a big bonus for me personally. At least another 25 years before I can play half of what Entwhistle had forgotten before his untimely demise. A previous post said a better bass inspires better playing and it's hard to disagree with that. So more practice I guess. so business as usual.
  18. Transfer on the headstock is a new one. Just as you say, exactly like wearing the local pound shop ties and somebody finding out, or riding your girlfriends bike and your mates seeing you astride a sparkly pink hardtail special as you dash to the shop . . . . . been there done that - and all because I spent my money on the transfer on the heasdstock of my bass. Unfortunately it's sad but very true. and er. . . I'm guilty.
  19. In my humble opinion, only from experience of what I have once owned or own currently. 1. Any Dingwall. Fanfret B string is a must. So easy to play and the sound is fantastic from my ABII 2. Custom shop Fender Jazz bass. Because it is a work of art, and the 18v eq is on fire. 3. Musicman SR5. Love the sound, love the look. 4. Peavey grind bass 5 string. Strange choice, I know. I had a really really good one and it never needed anything other than strings for 6 years. No action, intonation issues at all. Solid and reliable passive bass. Would buy another. 5. USA Fender P bass. Does what it says on the tin. Everyone needs one. So there. What about 5 you would hate to have to play again ????
  20. Such a cool bass. I was sniffing around one of those myself before lashing out on a Dingwall ABII. Also a 40th birthday treat. Went fanfret and lovin' it. Amazing sparkle colour. Bit like Billy Sheehans lava red Yamaha but brighter.
  21. We were discussing this over break in work today and nobody could agree on anything. Is it the finish, the solid colour / woodgrain ? The strap used ? The fretboard clashing with the body colour ? The sound ? The image ? The make/model name ? LED lights ? The bass rig behind it ? The musician hanging it around their neck ? I think Rics and classic Fenders are hard to beat for looks, also my new Dingwall ABII - but thats just me.
  22. Lovely basses. Sounds fantastic on every Motorhead song ever played. But then thats Lemmy. I have owned three in the past but just couldn't get comfortable with them without pulling palm rests off and tweaking them. Had a 4003FL maple, a gorgeous fireglo / maple fretboard, gold hardware Laredo (in photo) and a 4003 maple. I've been tempted to go there again but I am obsessing over a fanfret bass called Dingwall. Can't put her down. Sorry to hear about the nerve injury. I would hate to be unable to play, it becomes part of you.
  23. Chambered walnut body, bubinga top and bubinga neck. Fanfret too. Dingwall ABII. Makes you grin every time you play. Difficult to photo just how cool this red coloured finish is.
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