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Everything posted by Jellyfish

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1377206973' post='2184913'] Its also good that you don't have to watch it after a gig to stop someone nicking it.. [/quote] Until you get stopped by the manager for nicking a chunk of the bar...
  2. [center][size=6][u][b]Basschat.co.uk [color=#0000ff]Facebook[/color] Giveaway[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b][/b][/u][/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]For those of you who are on Facebook, we're giving you a chance to win a copy of Victor Wooten's 'Groove Workshop' DVD to 2 lucky members![/b][/size][/center] [center][b][size=4]All you have to do is [url="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=652545714757769&set=a.298290466849964.81828.278029458876065&type=1&theater"]go on over to the relevant post[/url], give it a '[u]Like[/u]' and [u]leave a comment[/u] telling us who your favourite bassist is! Simple. [/size][/b][/center] [center][b]Winners get picked 1st September.[/b][/center]
  3. There's a reason that you see most studio's and their tech's using Mac. Mac's tend to be a no hassle option. If it's worth it, to you, to spend some extra money and get something that will (usually) cause you no problems, then go for a Mac. The Windows equivalent will usually cost quite a bit less, but you'll probably find yourself running into problems that you'll have to troubleshoot yourself.
  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1377254450' post='2185310'] For every professional who uses a custom built instrument specifically for them I'll bet there are a dozen that don't, let alone a specific manufacturer such as Fodera. [/quote] I didn't say that there wasn't, but if there is no point in custom, expensive, well-made instruments then why do people choose to play Fodera's? The thing is, you can take it as far as you want. Why do people play American Fender's when the Squier is (apparently) just as good for much less money? I'd much rather pay a company or person (such as Alan at ACG) to build me a Jazz bass to my specifications, for less money than I can buy a Fender. All instruments are technically made by hand, but does the whole line of people in Fender's American factory care about the quality as much as Alan at ACG or the guys who are currently building me a custom bass? Probably not, and the evidence is shown in the many comments and threads about the American Fender line not being up to scratch for a £1,000+ bass guitar. Fender are a specific example, but if I buy a bass from a reputable luthier, I know that I'm also putting my trust in one man to get it right and you'll often get great support if you do ever get problems. I think there's a big list of advantages to buying custom over 'off-the'shelf' stuff, especially when you factor in the price, but for most people it's a case of "I like the Fender Jazz, I have no reason to change."
  5. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1377215248' post='2185018'] I appreciate the dedication Luthiers have for their craft but why should I have to spend all that money on someone's personal carpentry hobby? [/quote] Because it's not a hobby, it's a profession, and you don't [i]have[/i] to spend that money. I genuinely envy people who find that Fender's or MusicMan's are their perfect basses as it means that they can pick up most of their favourite branded instruments and be comfortable with them. But there are people (like me) who have played basses and want something that isn't available off the shelf and I think that that's the beauty of having a luthier built you an instrument.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1377250709' post='2185245'] Why do premiership footballers drive Bentleys? [/quote] Premiership footballers use their Bentley's while doing their job?
  7. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1377249434' post='2185224'] A custom bass won't make you a better player and with all the tone controls available these days won't make you sound any better either [/quote] Then why do professionals use Fodera's?
  8. They are indeed as great as many people say. I purchased this off the back of a visit to the London Bass Guitar Show earlier this year. I was 95% certain that I was going to purchase a Euro Spector as the Korean one I had previous was fantastic but it didn't float my boat. I then went onto the Warwick stand and fell for the P-Nut bass; really comfortable neck and nice small body. Then I spotted the Dingwall at the Bass Direct stand and although the string spacing was slightly larger than I preferred, I tried it out anyway. It was like a revelation. The fanned frets took [i]no [/i]adjusting to (for me) and my playing felt more fluid than I thought it could be on the string spacing that it has. The comfortable neck helps a lot as well, of course, but the fanned frets just make everything a bit easier.
  9. [quote name='carl0s' timestamp='1377036311' post='2182652'] I think I'm about to order a TRBX505. I want a 5 string, and it looks good. Good price at Thomann. Not much talk about that model though but then it is quite new. [/quote] I am recommending it to everyone I know who's looking for a decent budget 5-string. When I was looking for a 5-string around that price mark, I tried many of them out. I finally ended up landing on an Ibanez BTB as the 35" scale length made for a great low B string, but I if the TRBX had been around at the time, I would have definitely purchased that instead. They sound great but just feel extremely comfortable, I don't doubt that you'll be happy with one.
  10. [quote name='Ticktock' timestamp='1377021204' post='2182348'] Very nice. Love the colour. [/quote] I'll second that, it's a lovely colour. The shape is rather nice too... The top horn reminds me of an Ibanez BTB, the bottom horn reminds me of Brian Bromberg's Carvin and the right side reminds me of my Dingwall!
  11. Thanks Mr. Cloud! If anyone wants to come try it out, feel free to drop me a PM.
  12. In my humble opinion, Bass Direct, but I live in Birmingham so, naturally, it's the only one I've been to.
  13. Haha, well what I mean is that it's sort of missing what modes are i.e. Same notes, same order, different starting point. I just thought it might clear it up as it made it clear for me in the beginning. Of course, going into the whys and why nots was the next part.
  14. I have a small bit of advice. When I was learning modes with Anthony Wellington, he stated the dictionary definition of a 'mode' and related it to maths. It helped me understand them more.
  15. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1376491642' post='2174807'] To be pedantic, going custom means there's 100% chance of getting [i]what you asked for[/i], which may or may not be the same as getting exactly what you [i]wanted. [/i]Personally speaking, I have absolutely no idea what the spec of my ideal bass would be. I'd have no idea where to start. Going custom is brilliant, so long as you really know what you want. In this specific case the OPs requirements seem to be "jazz bass, four strings". Not really specific enough for custom! [/quote] You're right, but if you take a look at the custom builds that are going on currently, a lot of them are rather vanilla apart from the exotic wood tops and fret boards. I agree though (about not knowing what you'd want) but it's definitely an option to consider as, if you pick a good luthier/builder, you will have a lifetime of support so long as you own one of their instruments. Or at least that's how I feel with my custom build.
  16. Any bass that doesn't have a 'body curve'. I'd never think about touching a lot of the basses that are held in high regard on here, mainly because of how ugly they are; Wal, Alembic, Ken Smith and the majority of single cuts (the only ones I've seen that I like are custom builds).
  17. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1376519090' post='2175549'] Good points above. EBay certainly, unfortunately, is a wider audience. Maybe people get excited and caught up in bidding as well?? [/quote] I think that trend is slowly falling behind with sites like Goofbid, where you can make an account and automatically snipe auctions 2 seconds before the end. It happens rarely and mainly on items that are desirable I think.
  18. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1376487878' post='2174722'] Or save the effort and waiting by just setting fire to loads of money! [/quote] But then you wouldn't have an extremely awesome bass guitar at the end of it? If you go custom, there's 0% chance of you getting something you didn't want.
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