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Everything posted by ianrunci

  1. [size=4][size=3]What was the name of the shop. you need to name and shame so no one on here will use the shop. SOunds like the guy was just taking the P1ss. I would have been sorely tempted to shove a box where the sun don't sine[/size][/size]
  2. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='245033' date='Jul 22 2008, 07:29 AM']But why would 15 and 4x10 be bigger and beefier than say 2 15's or 2 4x10's. Have you ever tried a stack of two identical cabs?[/quote] Of course I have used twin cabs in the past. and to answer your question I'm not saying it would be bigger and beefier I'm just giving advice based on what I would choose. I like a 1x15 and a 4x10, so if someone asks me to recommend something then thts what I'm gonna recomend isnt it. Why would I want to recommend something I wouldn't buy myself?
  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='244694' date='Jul 21 2008, 06:56 PM']You got me. Once upon a time music and hi-fi mags used to do their own lab tesing of gear. It probably fell from favour because the lab tests contradicted the listening tests. One persons back up I think, that was more to do with his understanding of "marmite". Still, I would be interested to hear his reasons for telling a newbie this:[/quote] My reasons are based on what I have used during my 30 years of gigging. I can only comment on things I have had experience with. This guy said he wanted a stack so I presumed he wanted something big and beefy. For me thats a 15 and a 4x10. For you its obviously different. As I said I don't like 12s but I wouldn't say to him don't buy them cos they're sh*te cos I don't use them. IMHO the sound of bass through a 12 inch speaker is pants but then again for someone else its the next door to heaven. He could quite easily pick up what I recommended second hand for well under 600 quid, it would be a bit pointless if we all recommended the same thing wouldn't it. And as for the marmite comment yeah I did read that wrong. however I would say the same about all gear not just ashdown and hartke some people love it some people hate it
  4. [quote name='The Funk' post='244531' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:20 PM']I'm going to see Return To Forever tonight at the Indig02. I can't bloody wait! Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Lenny White and Al di Meola reuniting to perform songs like [i]The Romantic Warrior[/i], [i]Vulcan Worlds[/i] and [i]Sorceress[/i]. It won't be for everyone but one person's self-indulgent w@nk-fest is another person's bukkakke party.[/quote] sh*t! I would love to be there to see that. All those guys were a big influence on me gah, I hope they are coming to Manchester
  5. [quote name='pockethammer' post='244056' date='Jul 20 2008, 09:23 PM']gak have price match ...... [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/pricematch.php"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/pricematch.php[/url] hard to beat them[/quote] I just had a look £675 a fantastic price, I almost paid £500 for a second hand one off here. I might as well buy a brand new one at that price cheers for the link
  6. and there was me thinking I had a good bass sound. Damn. I suppose I should be looking to get a couple of Boutique designer 12s now so I can get a decent sound. I really thought my 25 years of giigging experience had taught me that a good sound is only in your head. Right chaps lets all get the same cabs so we can all get the same sound. I think your missing the point here, who is qualified to say whether your sound is good except yourself, answer? - of course its none except yourself is it? Because only you know what sound your trying to achieve and whether thats with 10s, 15, 18s or even 12s or a mixture of all the above or even a 50 watt practice amp. So science can't define what a good sound is unless a computer has a better idea what you want than you do
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='243947' date='Jul 20 2008, 05:48 PM']Ian, I'm agreeing with you dammit! Re-read my post! Alex[/quote] ] Yeah I know Alex, I wasn't really responding to what you said, just quoting you to make my point.
  8. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='243929' date='Jul 20 2008, 05:24 PM']OK I stand corrected, but I think Bill may have a stronger view on this. The phase response in particular is unlikely to sound better, unless of course the cabs have been designed to work together. I would expect that the improvements often ascribed to mixing cabs are far more likely to be the result of lifting the top cab closer to the ears. [b]What I disagree with is "expert" opinion telling people they need a 1x15 and 2x10 or 4x10.[/b] It would be interesting to check this out at a bash but I never seem to get to one.[/quote] I would agree with that bit, but I would also agree with the same of telling people NOT to mix them either
  9. [quote name='Machines' post='243939' date='Jul 20 2008, 05:39 PM']That's the old model.. you can get the 2008 one for £20 more ! Johnny Roadhouse aren't that cheap from what I remember..[/quote] thanks for the tip mate
  10. The one I found was johnny Roadhouse in Manchester [url="http://www.johnnyroadhouse.co.uk/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1602&category_id=122&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=64"]http://www.johnnyroadhouse.co.uk/index.php...t&Itemid=64[/url]
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='243917' date='Jul 20 2008, 05:02 PM']I think you're oversimplifying this. Although you cannot easily predict how non-matching cabs will combine this does not mean that they cannot sound good. It is feasible for the differences in frequency response, both magnitude and phase, once combined, to result in a more balanced sound when using two non-matching cabs compared to using two of either model. But its not predictable and needs testing on case by case basis. The scientific fact is that you don't need a combination of small speakers (usually 10"s) and big speakers (usually 15"s) to get both treble, mids and bottom in a nice balanced way, so it would be nice if old wives tales along these lines ended. But to make a blanket statement that you should never mix speaker sizes if said speakers do not have a full crossover to split the frequency spectrum between them is to spread yet more disinformation - it is not scientific fact. Alex[/quote] Whets science got to do with anything. this is music your sound is different from his sound is different from my sound etc etc. Who is to say which sound is better. Is mark kings sound better than some of the old mowtown tunes, possibly if you like mark kings sound Its all subjective to personal taste, you can add math until your head explodes but it wont make your sound better to my ears than mine whether your using a laney head or a boutique head with gold knobs on. heh heh
  12. The only scientific fact I am interested in when Im playing is what my ears tell me. Who is an acoustic engineer to tell me what a great sound is lol. I know what I like. Sound is all personal opinion.
  13. I sometimes use Elites and sometimes Rotosound swing bass mainly cos they are cheap. The rotosounds you can boil over and over again which is handy when your skint. If money doesn't matter I would buy Elixirs all the time. They last forever and sound and feel fantastic, they are just too expensive for my tastes
  14. Subs can be had on ebay for 350, you can pick up a jazz for around 450-500 and the warwicks you can get for a good price. They don't hold their money as well as fenders though. For e.g you can pick up an 1100 warwick for under 500 but a jazz might set you back 500+ even though they are only about 750 new. Also stingrays seem to be really dropping in price as well. Ive seen them on here for 600 recently. Then there are the lakland syline series and the KSD's they are great basses but might struggle to resell in the mainstream cos they are not as well known as fenders 500 should get you something really nice, don't forget the jap fenders either, some of them are even better than the US ones
  15. Im trying to find out how much I can get a brand new American stanbdard Jazz bass for. Cheapest I can find so far is £749, anyone know anywhere cheaper than that?
  16. I would agree wholehearedly. I have a Peavey EXP HP signature guitar with an ebony board made in Korea and I have tried two american versions of it which are three times the price and mine came out better in all areas except the sound of the pickups. Its better finished and the set up was million times beter than the USA versions. Those Koreans are really on the ball now, they are the new Japan IMHO
  17. A friend of mine had a very well known PA building company make him a 15 and a 2x10 loaded with RCF drivers. Its sounded absolutely stunning. He drives it with an old trace elliott pre amp and a crown 2K power amp. Its loud enough to fill a concert hall on its own. But the definition from the cabs in unbelievable It wasn't cheap mind, and those RCFs cost a bundle
  18. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='243665' date='Jul 20 2008, 09:59 AM']Dont mix cabs with different size drivers. If you need two cabs get two the same.[/quote] I would say thats a personal thing, like anything else with equipment, whatever sounds poor to someone elses ears may sound great to yours. I myself for instance can't stand the sound of 12s with a bass through them, equally I don't like the sound of a guitar put through a 15 or a 10. Just go round the stores ad try lots of combinations out then try to seek out what you want second hand, your 600 should go pretty far.
  19. I'd say £600 is plenty for your first stack. I jsut recently bought two heads off here and Ashdown 300 and Hartke 400 plus a Hartke 2x10 and an ashdown 15 all for £270. Some people will tell you they are crap and others that they are great. Personally I love the sound, its all obviously personally subjective. I have been playing through a 300 watt Trace Elliott till I bought this lot and to be honest it all sounds good. Peavey's are ultra reliable but for me lack something in the sound, I'm not saying they sound bad I just don't like the sound they produce. I would say for your first stack you should be able to pick up a 15, a 4x10 and a decent amp second hand easily for 600. Have a look on this forum and also on ebay. The Peavey 450s are going for peanuts on there make sure you try loads before you buy, take your time spending your money and enjoy the Gas
  20. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='242439' date='Jul 18 2008, 10:08 AM']nice, you lucky git, thats the kind of bargins i'm looking for right now[/quote] Loads of them out there. Try Gumtree. If you look you can find loads of bargains
  21. [quote name='The Funk' post='242233' date='Jul 17 2008, 10:29 PM']You got a Hartke 210XL for 40 quid? Bargain![/quote] Yeah the only dissapointing part was that when I got there he had just sold his Eden 210 for £150 which was what I originally went to get. Still the other two cabs for 80 quid were still a good buy
  22. [quote name='ste_m3' post='242221' date='Jul 17 2008, 10:17 PM']Youll be pleased to know the Mag300 and rackcase once belonged to me! I actually found the head to be very useable! Contrary to popular belief. I believe its the Mag cabs that let the side down.[/quote] To be honest its going to be D.I'd through a 6K rig so I dont need a lot of volume so I think the cabs will do me fine. I can't really tell the difference between one bass amp and another. if bass comes out the speakers Im happy Iv'e never been one of those people who search for the perfect sound cos once its in the mix and through the rig you can't really tell
  23. It might not be all that classy but I am very impressed with what Ive bought so far. I have paid all in all £270 for the following A Hartke HA 4000R head £100 An Ashdown Mag300R head £90 a 6 unit rack case which is virtually brand new (included with the ashdown) a Hartke 2x10XL (£40) And Ashdown Mag 1x15 deep bass cab (£40) Both cabs and the Hartke look brand new and the mag 300 is in excellent condition too I tried out the ashdown and it sounds great, it makes the warwick sing, shame Ive sold it now When I tried the Hartke it nearly blew my walls out, a bit loud for my living room i think But I'm very pleased with it all. I wanted two amps so I would have a back up on gigs. I still have the trace elliott combo but its relegated to the bedroom now
  24. [quote name='tauzero' post='240848' date='Jul 16 2008, 01:31 PM']Keep the Warwick. Why bother with inferior basses?[/quote] I do like the warwick, its a beautiful instrument. However, I have been playing lead guitar for the last 35 years, mostly fender strats amd I just can't get used to the feel of the neck. Anyway its sold now, just waiting for the cheque to arrive and then a nice American fender jazz will hopefully be coming my way. I think the neck will feel more familiar than the Warwick
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