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Everything posted by ianrunci

  1. is this USA, Mexican or Japanese? excuse my ignorance but I'm not up on fenders!
  2. Bump for added information
  3. nah its too wide, 24 inches in fact Oh well I think I will just swap it for a cab and use the ashdown
  4. It does slide out. You just remove the four bolts from the top. Although looking at it I am wondering whether it might be too wide. As you can see below It has vents at the ends so the panel looks longer than yours, I will have to measure it. The Speaker chasis isn't the original. I replaced it about 6 months ago with a 300 watt Mackenzie. Ive bought an Ashdown off the market place on here. Its in a 6 unit rack & I'm picking it up on sat morning. If I can put my trace in with it along with a tuner and a 31 band graphic I will be over the moon
  5. Iv'e just emailed them asking if I can order one from them directly. I added my mail address at the bottom just in case they decide to send me one
  6. I noticed just now that I have lost the red cap off the volume knob, it must have fell off at a gig over the weekend. Anyone know where I could get one of these? Its an older model 7125 SM 300. I doubt Trace Elliott would have one but surely there must be one somewhere
  7. Has that trace got seprate rack ears on it or are they part of the front panel?
  8. That looks exactly like the amp in My Trace Combo. It has given me an idea. I could take it out of the cab and rack it instead of selling it, I never thought of that, then I would have two rack amps just case one goes down. Good thinkin Batman
  9. If its good enough for Stanley its good enough for me
  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Alembic-Stanley-Clarke-Series-2-Cocobollo_W0QQitemZ200235844170QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200235844170&_trkparms=72%3A638%7C39%3A1%7C65%3A12&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Alembic-Stanley-Clar...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] I wish I was rich
  11. These basses stock without the pre amp are £480 before shipping costs and import duty, so add those and the price of the pre amp and it must be easily worth £550 So an early BUMP for a great bass
  12. Lovely bass. Seems a bit over priced though. But if you can get it go for it
  13. [quote name='geilerbass' post='231811' date='Jul 3 2008, 10:17 AM']These are great basses - I have a '97 model and it plays and sounds amazing. As you're probably aware, the Warwick market is slow. From what I've seen on here, as much as they did retail for £1200+ back in the day, you'd probably be lucky to get £500 for one right now. Such a shame as they really are quality instruments and, as you say, far superior to the current LX range.[/quote] Yeah I suppose its supply and demand. I'm not too bothered, it costs the same to buy a new one of these new as it does a fender US Jazz or a stingray. The second hand prices should be about the same but it comes down to how popular they are at the time of the sale. I might wait around a bit cos I think they will eventually bump up in price.
  14. Played in Reigate Liverpool last night to a bunch of coffin dodgers. but we got paid which is the main thing
  15. [quote name='bassfunk' post='232467' date='Jul 4 2008, 09:18 AM']This used to be my bass (not that it's gonna sell any quicker for that fact!). But I can vouch for both the bass and the seller. If I had more than two pennies to rub together I would be incredibly tempted to take this back! Good luck Ian I hope you can find a buyer/trade for this.[/quote] she is indeed a beauty but I fancy a change how is the band coming along by the way?
  16. Still available, I am dreading putting it on Fleabay but its getting close to that time. Really lovely bass this chaps for anyone who like Warwicks. Not sure what they were new b ut I think it was around the 1200 mark. The new ones can be bought at GAk for 899 but they are definately inferior to these older models
  17. [quote name='SteveK' date='Jul 1 2008, 07:53 PM' post='230836'] I am assuming that we are all talking about using a fairly decent standard of equipment - in good working order. [b]*You will not get a 5 grand sound out of a £200 rig*[/b] That works both way btw I have heard players get a £200 sound out of a 5 grand rig
  18. lol i wasnt expecting this many replies! i only posted cos i was bored and had only a few minutes befoe realised that i don't remember last time i changed the EQ on my amp. so you guys who are saying that the sound comes from the player... are you saying that if you don't like your tone you're screwed? [b]Not at all, the sound comes with exerience[/b] and when people are saying there's nothing like a precision with a pick, its all in their head? [b]No but thats also a different style as well as a different sound. a precission with a pick can usually be copied by a good player with another bass and a pick[/b] or when they say musicman basses cut through the mix better? and you're trying to say its pointless spending a grand on a custom bass when you can pick one up for £50 off ebay and get the same tone? [b]No because obviously the better the pick ups the easier it is to get a good sound and the better its made the easier it will be to play. Althoughthats not always the case, I have had cheap instruments that were everybit as easy to play as instruments 5 times the cost[/b] i think not.
  19. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='230460' date='Jul 1 2008, 12:32 PM']That's what I say, your 'sound' is a combination of the strings, the bass, cable, amp and speakers. How you play, ie your fingers, how soft or hard your attack, playing position etc, have an affect on that sound, but they're not actually creating it. Change any part of the setup, and you'll change your sound.[/quote] That only applies if you don't have the skill and experience to change the sound using only your experience and technique. Obviously if your playing through a ten watt practice amp you wont get it sound like a bg rig. But i would be pretty suprised if most very experienced players can't get the same sound out of any semi decent instrument through a half decent rig
  20. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='230047' date='Jun 30 2008, 09:03 PM']What? What sort of a conclusion is that? Sorry but I'm not going through nine pages of argument to settle on something so pathetically fluffy as "We're all right in our own way". I'm right and you're wrong, in our own way. How about that?[/quote] but you can't be right if I am can you. So the logical conclusion is I'm right..................IMHO
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