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Everything posted by peteb

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1004502' date='Oct 28 2010, 10:39 PM']Guys, guys, GUYS! I am NOT knocking sight reading, no sir. I am saying you have to have priorities. It looks to me like this guy wants to be in a band and he's a relative beginner. He's asking if it is necessary for a rock and blues band. It IS NOT! At this moment he has other priorities, like developing his ear and technique and other necessaries required of him in a band situation, yet you persist in saying that he should learn to sight read now, while he's young and at the beginning of his bass career. Is this when YOU learned? You are putting the OP in situations he is not going to come across for years. Trashing a trumpet solo, in a well rehearsed amateur rock blues band? Give this guy a bloody chance to get started. He's not even played in a band yet and you are wondering what his career chances are when he f***s up backing a trumpet solo at Ronnie Scott's. Stroll on sunbeam. I find it incredibly galling that some of you think I am trying [b]discourage [/b]anyone from sight-reading. THAT is bullshit. I think that reading music is one of the the best things a musician can do. But get this, you learn it when you need to. We are constantly told how easy it is with practice, so learn it when you foresee a NEED to. I can read a bit of music, I know the basics, I will step that sh*t up if, and when, I need to, and book ten lessons with Jake. Until then my limited theory, my ears and my attitude will serve me. Please stop thinking everyone wants to be a pro session musician or a pit head. Some people just want to have fun playing in a band and have a day job. They don't need to be like YOU. Christ, it's like being in the military for some of you isn't it. I can't believe some of this regimented attitude to the arts.[/quote] BTW - good post!
  2. Just to add to the old debate that I have played for 30 years in a variety of all types of rock bands (metal/prog/pop & blues) with loads of musicians, many of whom can sight read and have been to music college, etc and have done plenty of deps andf I have never been asked if I can read or been handed a sheet with dots on The OP would be better to learn all the notes on the neck and learn a little about modes - that will make it easier to learn parts than reading in most band situations.....
  3. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='996796' date='Oct 22 2010, 10:31 AM']I don't know about tribute bands, but I reckon most players will end up playing covers at some point in their musical lives.[/quote] Of course they will….. When I was in my 20s I devoted all my time and energy to trying to put a successful originals band together, to the detriment of career and relationships. I was not alone in doing this, nor do I regret it and I would expect anyone of that age who is serious about a career as a musician in a band to do pretty much the same! As I got older and was obviously not going to be a superstar what was I supposed to do?? Not play anymore or carry on banging away playing to smaller and smaller (and younger) audiences? Like most musicians who found themselves with more day job & family commitments, I started playing in covers bands. Many of these have been quite successful on their own terms; I've played plenty of memorable gigs & had loads of fun playing with mates who are really good players! After all, when it comes down to it we're all glorified song & dance men who want to play to an audience who want to watch us……….
  4. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='984791' date='Oct 11 2010, 07:44 PM']They were both professional teams, so I should imagine that their individual technical abilities were somewhat better than the average player. I can't imagine a coach on the eve of a big match saying to his team, "Ok lads, we won't practice ball control, or penalty taking, or dribbling or whatever today, just play with a load of passion and we'll win" [/quote] Kevin Keegan???
  5. Actually, Tery Uttley is a pretty good player & a brilliant singer! He was in a band for a while with a couple of very well known players who are as good as it gets in rock terms - unfortunately they didn't get the record deal they wanted so never made it beyond the rehearsal studio...........
  6. [quote name='leschirons' post='978129' date='Oct 5 2010, 11:28 AM']You could just start playing anything and then ask the audience.... "Do you know what is yet?"[/quote] I believe that Bilbo has been playing jazz for a while now, so he should be familiar with that approach already.....
  7. Are you in a rock band? Because all decent rock drummers are pretty loud (ever since they first discovered John Bonham)! If you don't like it you're probably in the wrong band - try playing in a folk trio or jazz or something.....
  8. Actually, I've always liked EMGs (had them on quite a few basses and been very happy with them) but I'm not so sure about on a stingray! I assume that the general consensus is to drop a passive pick up in if you want to use the stingray active circuit?
  9. [quote name='MB1' post='945339' date='Sep 4 2010, 12:33 PM']MB1. Nordstrand Replacement Stingray Pickup available from Bass Direct! are about the best im told! ...Has your jacket Gone![/quote] Jacket still up for grabs - you know the address!!
  10. [quote name='bumnote' post='945104' date='Sep 4 2010, 12:52 AM']most pickups are passive [not emgs and possibly some of the other exotics] but the seymour duncan MM one certainly is Its the active circuit that requires the battery and gives you the extra tone shaping facilities If you put for example a j retro in a a jazz bass, you keep the existing pickups and add the new tone circuit.[/quote] was thinking of getting an EMG, but they do a passive one what is the seymour duncan MM one like??
  11. If I want to replace the original MM pickup in a 4 string stingray but want to keep the original active circuit should I drop in an active or passive replacement pickup?? Any help from someone who knows about these things greatly appreciated...!
  12. Personally, I'm quite happy to talk to any punter (male or female) who has been good enough to turn up for a gig if they're polite -be it about music, bass guitars, sex, football or just life in general.....
  13. Just come across this thread - 20 pages.... Christ! For what it's worth - the OP is quite right...!
  14. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='944891' date='Sep 3 2010, 07:51 PM']After the gig I've actually had someone ask me what I thought of the band.[/quote] A few years ago, after playing at the Farmyard (a big bike rally in the north of england) a guy came up to the drummer backstage and told him how great the band were. The drummer thanked him only to get in an arguement with the guy who wouldn't believe that it was him who had just come off stage!!
  15. I know that I really should know this but please help me out - if I change the pick up but want to keep the stingray eq/curcuit do I buy an active pickup but not use the curcuit or do I just put a passive pickup in??
  16. peteb


    [quote name='Johnston' post='938374' date='Aug 27 2010, 07:29 PM']Oh I could do with one of them then !!! I just thought they were a big thumb rest[/quote] That's their other purpose!
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' post='919247' date='Aug 9 2010, 07:39 AM']I couldn't commission a boutique bass as I would have no idea what factors influence the ultimate sound. My only 'must haves' are fretless and an ebony board. After that, I have no idea what works and what doesn't other than the aesthetics. Off the peg works for me. The day I find a bass lets me down, I will consider it but, after 30 years of playing, I'm not holding my breath.[/quote] But you do have to consider that the instrument that you bought many years ago was considered to be a 'boutique bass' at the time...!
  18. peteb


    [quote name='Faithless' post='938211' date='Aug 27 2010, 03:56 PM']You'll have to bring your bass to luthier.. Martin in Bass Gallery does this kind of thing, as other luthiers.. BTW, ramp in my ACG is 'screwed', does it make the bass sacred? [/quote] Does anyone know anyone know of any suitable luthiers or whoever in the north of England?
  19. peteb


    [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='938112' date='Aug 27 2010, 02:24 PM']double-sided tape is an easy "undoable" option, some people screw them onto the body, depends how sacred is your bass to you.[/quote] Dunno about sacred but would prefer to get it done professionally...
  20. peteb


    I am tentatively thinking of getting a ramp fitted to a couple of my basses Has anyone here done this to a bass? What is the process of fitting them, can anyone recommend someone to carry out the work and of course, how much is it likely to cost??
  21. Re. the Sting / Jaco comparisons I'm sure that Sting would be the first to be embarrassed to be compared to Jaco as a bass player – different stratosphere mate! Jaco composed some nice pieces of music (Portrait of Tracy, etc) but there is no doubt that Sting is a far better pop/rock songwriter – the Police were one of THE great singles bands……
  22. If anyone is passing by Bradford in the next couple of weeks, I have a promotional Trace Elliot biker style leather jacket (size XL), complete with embossed logo on the back & green lining free to a good home! I got it from a mate in the trade a fair few years ago and it's pretty decent quality leather & in good nick but could probably do with a bit of a sponge down - I used to wear it at outdoor gigs as I could wear a thick fleece under it but in these days of micro fleeces it's a bit too big for me and as the missus says, I have too many other leather jackets that actually fit me! If anyone fancies it, please drop me a PM
  23. What are these things like for balance? Will it be safe to balance quite a heavy rack on a 610 cab (12" deep)??
  24. [quote name='silddx' post='926390' date='Aug 16 2010, 01:04 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bksTWhelw0Y&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bksTWhelw0Y...player_embedded[/url] He just seems to speak his mind and won't tolerate liars. He does seem a bit odd though.[/quote] Still a good player thru! Cheers for the link dude......
  25. Hi Nige Do you have a link for this - I'm having problems on this computer seeing embedded videos for some reason! I always thought that Thunes seemed to be a bit of a d1ck as a person, but still a great bassist in a truly great band......
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