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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Hi all! I've realised that my use of the diminished scale is confined to arpeggio-based patterns and a few stolen licks. I want to internalise it a bit more. Any tips for ways to practice it? I'm doing work over dominant7 chords and I'm aware of the chords and opportunities that welcome the two main diminished scales but some more guidance would be great! Cheers Mike
  2. Thanks all. Have some shows coming up and don't need a 5st Warwick, and using my Sadowsky sometimes seems overkill in a pit. Plus electronics create unnecessary complications! So this will fit the bill nicely, I thinks. Thanks again!
  3. Thanks for the headsup! It's arrived and seems very, very nice! Cheers!
  4. That's a heck of a job! If you have free time and are getting handsomely paid, then fair enough. If I'm booked to play a show I expect both payment and the bass pad!
  5. Mike


    Hey Tom. Looks like everyone has it covered here. Eye is great! If you're heading for bagels on brick lane, I highly recommend you download the brick lane tour and stick it on an ipod/iphone/mp3player (if you have one) at www.soundmap.co.uk - completely free and absolutely superb. About an hour long - not much walking, just zigzagging along brick lane learning about the irish, jewish and bangladeshi history - completely fascinating. Have fun!
  6. Bumping for interest!Though I thought it was only real sub-bass it knocked out, and frequencies around a low B would be fine. It would be quite surprising if that wasn't taken into consideration.
  7. Wow, my wife is from Mesa. Good luck in the search.
  8. Hi Nigel. I just bought one and it's sat next to me here. Piano sounds are not its strength, but pads and leads are great. Lots of nice basses, and I've made some great sounding dubstep ones. I'm going to use it primarily for teaching subtractive synthesis as I like how it's laid out. Sounds fab and if you're in Essex you're welcome to have a play!
  9. [url="http://www.mikemcgibney.com/images/stories/gallery/pictures/bass%20teacher%20available6.pdf"]http://www.mikemcgibney.com/images/stories/gallery/pictures/bass%20teacher%20available6.pdf[/url] [url="http://www.mikemcgibney.com/images/stories/gallery/pictures/bass%20teacher%20available6.pdf"]P[/url]lease click above to see my teaching PDF! I am based in Chelmsford, Essex, and am a busy function player. I am currently playing with ELO's Louis Clark and the multi-million record selling Hooked on Classics - UK tour this year! (quick plug! [url="http://hookedonlive.com/"]http://hookedonlive.com/[/url] ) I also play jazz gigs, theatre (I have played productions of Jesus Christ Superstar, Les Mis, We Will Rock You, Sweeney Todd etc) and teach music technology and composition four days a week to GSCE & A-Level students. I use music technology to enhance lessons - whether it's tracking an appropriate drumloop to play with to backing tracks in varying styles and recording my students to teach studiocraft and also have recordings of their own playing! Check out my website at [url="http://www.mikemcgibney.com"]http://www.mikemcgibney.com[/url] or PM me through here £24 p/hr or £14 p/half hr. Can also teach piano Cheers all! Mike
  10. I don't think you even need to ask, mate - if you're not going paid, no-one talks to you like that, ever.
  11. [quote name='skinzz' timestamp='1322120750' post='1446619'] Hi i'm a beginner to bass and i'm looking for a teacher who specialises in teaching bass only preferably, I would like to learn technique theory etc Regards Chris [/quote] Hi mate! I'm in Chelmsford, Essex - also teach theory etc. PM me your email and I'll send you details and a flyer!
  12. For me, I found that there was far less I could bring to double bass as an electric bassist than I thought. It really is a different beast. Obviously the role of a bass player and the notes are the same (although as some have noted, one note is often more preferable to several!) but it really is not an easy transition! Saying that I feel I'm making progress now and it's a great feeling. I took off the "dots" (only one or two) that I had on the neck helping me and now it's very challenging but I'm using my ears so much more! Good luck, and don't be stealin' my gigs!!
  13. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1323086243' post='1458989'] Dorian minor, passing notes and chromatics. Then there is dynamics, rhythmic and melodic interplay with the soloist or with the other accompanists, play double time or half time, playing three against four and six against 4, playing lines that resolve in the wrong place (too early or two late), playing off beats in your walking lines, stopping playing and letting the soloist improvise alone or with the drummer.... all of which requires the cooperation of the rest of the ensemble. The options are pretty much infinite. [/quote] Quoted for truth!! Excellent ideas to keep things interesting, I am probably guilty of just straight walking in 4 too much.
  14. [quote name='jakesbass' timestamp='1323082980' post='1458929'] totally agree with Scott and Bilbo, it's worth remembering that a chord is defined as having extensions by the root, as each interval is relative to it. If you play extensions in low register, unless you are careful, you change the nature of the chord because we hear things from the bottom up. It's only defined as C13 when you stick a C at the bottom of it. [/quote] Yeah, good point, I guess there's an argument for[b] over[/b]emphasising the root in this case!
  15. Absolutely - thanks gents! The 13ths crop up occasionally but not regularly enough for me to worry too much until I was played Cadillac Club the other day. I just wondered with the number of extensions cropping up in the harmony (b7, 9, 11, 13) whether I should play much different. Cheers for the input, dragons of jazz!
  16. Hi all Just wondered if you had any tips for walking over 13th chords - they crop up from time to time, and I normally am aware that on a piano I voice it as a maj7 chord a tone down over the root (e.g. D13 I play as a Cmaj7/D) but I was wondering if that would complicate a speedy walking bassline (think of Friday Night at Cadillac Club, all 13th chords) and whether to all intents and purposes I should treat them as dominant sevenths and emphasis the odd 13th here and there? Thoughts welcome! Mike
  17. Thanks Alec - it really is a fab piece of kit. Now I have a Markbass rig I no longer need it and it's a shame to sell but need the money
  18. Hi all! Finally got my Markbass stack to go with my Randy Jackson head, so need some funds - am shifting my superb, gigged Genz Benz 2x12. This is 4ohm, and perfectly capable of large function gigs. It's got wheel on the back so very easy to transport. It's a decent size but not too big to get in my Saab saloon! I A/B'd these cabs against quite a few others and it was defintely the tightest, loudest I played. I've used both Markbass and TC heads with it and it sounds fab. Here's the spiel: [size=4][i][b]The heart of a 4x10" cabinet in a 2x12" design![/b][/i] [color=#7F7F7F][font=Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif][color=#414141][i][b]The coupling of the 2 neodymium loudspeakers with the X porting of the cabinet combine to project round, solid, explosive sound on any stage. The lightweight design, Edge-Lift handles and tilt-back casters make this Genz Benz NEOX-212T a breeze to move around. The bass speaker is rated at 300W RMS and uses a 2-1/2" aluminum edge-wound, high-temperature voice coil. The 7-ounce neodymium magnet assembly is encased in a large heatsink structure for exceptional cooling. The paper cone, spider, and dust cap have been calibrated to deliver the low-frequency support and midrange articulation that today's bassists demand. The Genz Benz NEOX-212T is the ideal companion to the GBE 400 and GBE 600 bass heads![/b][/i][/color][/font][/color][/size] [b] [i][b]Features[/b][/i][/b][list] [*][i][b]600W RMS handling[/b][/i] [*][i][b]2 - 12" neodymium loudspeakers with 2-1/2" voice coil[/b][/i] [*][i][b]Dual edge porting places a shelf port in each corner of the baffle face for increased low-frequency support and projection[/b][/i] [*][i][b]Edge-Lift handles and tilt-back casters make for easy transport[/b][/i] [/list] The cab is in good condition, with some fuzziness of the carpet covering through use and occasional cats I'm looking for[b] £460[/b], picked up or could possibly meet at a convenient location for a little petrol money. No trades please! I am in[b] Chelmsford, Essex[/b] (CM2) close to the A12 and J28 of the M25.
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