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Everything posted by BILL POSTERS

  1. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1403967494' post='2488176'] But it's a case of, I've just paid him £132. Then immediately all activity of him on eBay dies. Seems very fishy to me. But as long as I get my money or the pedal back I'm not bothered. [/quote] Could be that, like me he only looks at his ebay acc. when he either wants to sell or buy something. And uses an email address that he cant even remember, cos ebay fill the one you give them with crap. So he may not know. Is there a phone number in the order details, or the paypal details ? is there a different email address in the paypal ? If you have his name, and the town you could try 192 for a landline number.
  2. ebay will have frozen the money, that way they make interest on it. doesnt seem much but worldwide I bet they make a few bob. So they will make you wait if they get an excuse. 8 days is silly. But royal mail wont call it lost for at least 3 weeks, If he didnt insure it he will lose out, so maybe he's just hoping for he best.
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1403890075' post='2487500'] Can't be doing gigs without double pedals and a nice china splash... so mostly it is 12",14" mounts and 16" floor with the option to add an 18". 5 cymbals ex hats... I just love to see him hit them all... he is a show unto himself... [/quote] Like he's at the wrong gig ?
  4. If you and the guitar player set up first so he has to wait for you, he'll have less time available. Do you think that might get him to hurry up a bit ? Never heard of Parkinsons law ?
  5. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1403428610' post='2482503'] Yep, I felt the same, oh well. Currently listening to: Are We There - Sharon Van Etten [/quote] Lets hope Wilko got a good deal out of it, pay for treatment and a good rest etc.
  6. Wilko & Daltry. OK but not as good as I had hoped it would be.
  7. Years ago played an engagement party where the happy couple had split up earlier in the day. We had already been paid so we got on with it. People turned up, but then left when they were told it was off. So it was a sort of shifting audience of ones and twos walking in and out.
  8. How long till one of the 'Snake Oil' manufacturers makes one where the winding changes direction half way ? Doing that will make them non inductive, reduce attenuation of frequencies over 10MHz and reduce interference from the international space station... There are quite a few who would buy them as well
  9. I got a Rotosound one off ebay and put a decent right angle plug on one end. got 2 trouble free years of gigging out of it so far. Never had it pull out of an amp yet. Just stay away from the cheapo ones with moulded plugs. and if you use a pedal, use the send and return sockets, If you plug a coiled lead into a pedal it will keep moving around the stage.
  10. Once played a pub with huge window overlooking a canal out back . Good size stage, great PA. rubbish promoter. So sound guy and two bouncers + bar staff. Only audience was a guy sitting on the roof of his narrow boat drinking. But at least he had the decency to shout for more at the end of our set.
  11. Weather like this its gotta be. Santana. Samba Pa ti / Oye Como Va, and The Doobies, Listen to the Music and Long Train Runnin. Cant explain why, thyre just summer music innit.
  12. Third World War 2. I still dig out me old vinyl now and again. Dated, but what a voice that guy had, like his mouth was watering just singin about all that ultra violence.
  13. Only skimmed the thread so if this has been said before,sorry. If he takes 1/2 an hour to set up - forget him. If all seems well take him for a pint. If you wouldnt want to drink with him again after that - forget him. All going well you'll be spending time with him waiting around at gigs, so if you dont like him now, and it aint likely to change.... OK its about music, but you still need to get on, could save problems in the future.Guitar players are like busses, theres always another one coming soon.
  14. Unless you are looking for a name on it, just find a local re upholsery firm. Tell em what you want, will probably only cost you peanuts.
  15. Baseballs. Angels. A bit like a Spanish Elvis.The covers photos a bit camp tho. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-ybM_Dwpd4
  16. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1401783415' post='2466695'] My bass doc built P is always in tune. My jap jazz used to wander a bit. I do think the quality and tension of the machine heads has a lot to do with this question [/quote] Machines are really badly worn with loads of play in the on my old mim P, still stays in tune. Usually have to tweek the truss rod after a spell of wet weather though, I always thought that was just a Fender thing and somethin to do with the wood.
  17. My BC301 never goes out of tune, Took my old early 70s Eros Jazz out of its case after about 5 years recently and it was in tune. My USA P and my Mexican one, usually go a bit sharp if the get cold though, but Inever tune either of em during a gig.
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1401723621' post='2466176'] I believe that there's a whole pseudo-science based around the principle of 'larks' and 'owls'. Not musicians only; the whole population can be categorised in this way, apparently. Some folks are early birds, others stay up late. It's difficult to do both for very long, though, unless one is old. [/quote] What I meant was is it a trait thats common with musos. Like being left handed, dunno if its my imagination but there does seem to be a connection with sinister people being musical. Surely cant be a coincidence that the majority of the guitar players I've fitted in with over 40 odd years are leftys. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders is well documented, more than just a pseudo science these days I think.
  19. I wonder if its just a muso thing to not like mornings. Some people, like myself, are useless before mid day anyway. Gigging just makes it worse. At least these days I dont need to get up early vey often.
  20. Always knackered the day after, a kip does help a bit though. More worrying is I'm usually feel really lost / depressed by the time I get home, even if its been a really good one. Sort of an anti climax thing I spose, when I was younger it would always be a piss up after, or at least a curry, but these days us old gits all go our seperate ways till the next one, so theres no craic which just dont seem right.
  21. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1401562495' post='2464837'] Vocal PA only [/quote] Where ? Cant see it is what I mean, and theres no room for more kit.
  22. No P.A ? Small, but seen worse. anbody tried to fit a band in at the Black Horse in Hinkley ?
  23. Never broke a string at a gig, but broke a machine head once, and a few weeks ago my D string went dead and farty half way through the second set. Just had to soldier on with it, but I'm probably going to start taking 2 Basses from now on. Silly not to, with 2 Bass Players 7 or 8 Basses in the house. Just seems a bit pretentious to me to have 2 on the stage at pub gigs.
  24. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1401202864' post='2461133'] You shall be spared the asking of why you happened to be in a karaoke bar... [/quote] On me hols with family, and my bro in law is one of said wierdos. Takes singing My Way and some Neil Diamond songs very seriusly. I can happily play in front of large ish audiences, but no way could I do what he does in front of half a dozen drunk wannabees. He sings in tune though, so he's a star in his local.
  25. [quote name='Prosebass' timestamp='1401066571' post='2459766'] Next up someone will be telling us what a wonderful expressive artform karaoke is! [/quote] Had to smile. Saw a guy picking a fight in a Kareoke bar once cos somebody had pinched his act singing My Way.
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