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Everything posted by VTypeV4

  1. I've had many a happy hour making music with a SoundBlaster Live, they used to work really well once you'd got them confiigured to how you liked them setup. I still have the non-interface version in my home computer as my MIDI in although I don't use it's audio processing anymore. Great bit of kit! A friend that runs a local venue has bought an X32 recently and I've said I'll go down and have a look. Lots of other folks I know have bought them too and don't have a bad word for them so I'm gonna have a play to make my own opinion as I have zero time with one - I don't think I've ever even seen one in the flesh. I've never been sure of them as they're almost too good to be true but I'm more than happy to be proven wrong and there's little doubt they've raised the bar in the bang for buck stakes. I've been to collect my second Yamaha (and popped into the Ace Cafe too!) today which I've been excited about since I won the eBay auction at the weekend. It's come complete with all original copies of the manuals and appears to be in great condition - apparently the chap who sold it bought it brand new many years back. I shudder to think how much that would have been 15 years ago as it's fully loaded. North of 8 grand? I could buy and M7-CL or two and a bit LS-9 32s for that! I'll take some pix tomorrow and spend half the day configuring it to how I want it although I've already sorted the TC card to how I want it.
  2. I've never used their 6L6 however I've had excellent results from the EHX branded KT88.
  3. I'm a bit of a dinosaur too but I like to think I'm bridging the gap a little by using modern(ish) sofware / interface in combination with the 'oldskool' 02Rs. Love it! At home in about '99 / '00 we had an early SoundBlaster Live! that would record a stereo in and accomodate 16 audio channels in an oldskool version of Cubase which was about a million times better than the nasty Amstrad 4-track tape recorder thing my step-dad used to have. The simple fact is I very much prefer putting a mix together on a 'real' console because thats what I've done most nights of the week for many years now and the Yamaha (for all it's strengths and weaknesses) fits the bill perfectly so surely if one is good, two must be awesome!? Ha..
  4. Thankfully I've never had the pleasure of digital tape machines! When I started at colllege many years back in the late '90s, I had the pleasure of learning how to do it on an Allen n Grief GS3/V, minimalist out-board and a half inch Fostex 16-track analogue tape machine. I didn't really learn to mix on it but it did teach me how to use a desk. Oldskool with no drag n drop, very limited inserts / sends, no auto sync tap delay, no automation etc! Talking of young'uns, my apprentice (he's only 18) can't imagine a world that doesn't have muliple bands of fully parametric EQ, dynamics and at a glance metering on every channel and group not to mention a save / recall facility!
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1454861599' post='2973642'] It's the horns in SWR that put them in the EBS playing field. Some players I know actually prefer running EBS heads with SWR cabs due to the higher cross over point of the SWR. Why not go Reidmar? [/quote] This ^ I bought two Goliath Jr III from my good friend Mr Simpson who also used to use up to four of them with an EBS HD350 / TD650. Just two sounded awesome with the 350! I rather suspect that tonal character you like is that of the SWR cabs so maybe you could consider a Hartke 3500 if you like their amps?
  6. Thanks for the input Mike.. I've bit the bullet and managed to find another 02R with the spec required (meter bridge, dual ADAT cards and a UNITY) for reasonable money from eBay. I'll collect it on Thursday! I'll miss my Soundcraft but it's not going far as I've agreed to sell it to my apprentice - he's getting a bargain as I've sold it cheap. I'm not overly concerned about the dynamics setup as the Soundcraft is the XD version which has them on every input and group output but it doesn't allow for sidechain / alternative patching which I think is a great feature on the Yamaha. I might look out for another cascade card and link them at some point. I'll post some pix when it lands.
  7. Grabbed an absolute bargain of a Peavey Black widow 15 from Darren. Top chap, deal with confidence!
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1454530500' post='2970623'] I liked them with original PAS speakers in them.... the problem was if you needed to replace them, which I did. [/quote] We've both been through that - luckily I have all originals plus two spare just in case. Having said that, I ought run the numbers as there has to be better alternatives than the Deltalites..
  9. I don't think I've ever owned any 'bad' cabs but my little SWR Goli Jr III are the best cabs I've ever owned.. Can't see me changing them anytime soon..
  10. Does anyone have experience of the UNIT~Y card for 02R? More specifically, the Finalizer section of it.. Any good? Any quirks? Any issues? As good as the hardware version? Any thoughts welcome good, bad or indifferent.. I'm watching an 02R on th'bay which has the meterbridge, dual ADAT cards, an AES card and most importantly the UnitY. As mentioned previously, I'm considering standing the Soundcraft down and running two of the Yamahas instead.
  11. Cut the cake has been a firm favourite of mine for many years..
  12. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1454247586' post='2967800'] ...but I need to grow a pair before I do that! [/quote] Nice one Paul! Ha.. Think I need say no more! VBA sounded very cool last night by the way.. The DI on it is excellent too.
  13. Love the 'ping' Tom, love it ha! [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1454006116' post='2965367'] Ok so I think I solved it... Turned off the Amp eq and tinkered with the hartke vxl to get the tone right. Put the limiter enhancer on to a decent enhance setting, worked a treat. Still not bringing out as much mwah as I would like but this bass doesn't so much ime over 14 years with it! Got a good set up for that bass now, turning the limiter enhancer off for other basses [/quote] Glad you sorted it man..
  14. Never had a Matamp but I've had good experience of EHX KT-88 in both my old Ashton BV300 and current Trace Elliot V4. I've had zero failures (touch wood!) and plenty of hours out of both and when the time comes, I'll happily use them again. You may also find 6550s to be of interest as an alternative. Most circuits are compatible with both although it may be with checking with the Matamp chaps before spending any cash. They generally have a slightly different 'sonic signature' especially under overload conditions which you may or may not like. I rather like the re-issue Tung Sol 6550 and ran these in a few different amps including the V4 with great results. Personally, I generally prefer '88s as I find them a bit more 'transparent' and 'hollow' sounding and the compression aspect to be a little more natural and 'full range' somehow. These are vague and fluffy terms and as such your mileage may vary but something that may be worth considering.
  15. Interestingly, I like a sprinkle of the enhance.. Tom isnt a fan, ha!
  16. Sounds to me like there's a lot of compression happening possibly not from the LMB-3?. if your fretless has a higher output level than your other basses, it'll drive the compressors harder.
  17. Super cool.. I read on John Chambers' site about raising screen and plate voltages to run 200w from 4 x EL34. Very interesting stuff.
  18. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/Beavis%20JBLSquier_zpsnxzy1gc4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/Beavis%20JBLSquier_zpsnxzy1gc4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] 'Vintage' small rig with 60w valve amp and freshly re-coned 15" JBL K series at rehearsal this eve. Lovely!
  19. VTypeV4

    Sunn 300T

    Never had or tried one but there's no way I'd be without a big valve head.. Love 'em!
  20. Some companies do make specific power amps for bass (no current production amps spring to mind but SWR, Ampeg and Trace used to) however, ones you've already looked at for PA will do the job just fine. All the usual suspects from the pro-audio world such as Crown, QSC, Crest and C-Audio are all premium brands with Crowns being my personal faves. Decent performance can be had a little further down the line from the likes of Citronic andPeavey also. Be aware of power ratings (and how they're achieved - I'll not get into that now), minimum impedance, speaker connections, input sensitivity and plus size and weight. Someone will almost certainly make one that suits your needs although it might take a bit of sifting through the pile to find the one..
  21. I've recently had an old 15" JBL re-coned for use with my 60w valve head. It plays surprisingly loudly, I'd happily gig it despite the modest numbers. Loving the new / old JBL! I once gigged it with my old 10-peice soul outfit with a wall of old Trace speakers - well, not a wall but a 410 and 115..
  22. I always liked and used the pre-shape too although dialed the 50Hz (30, 40 & 60 on 12 band) and 2K6 slider down a bit as I don't like that component in my sound. I miss having a graphic Trace; I'd love another 400SMX but since having the V4 back, I just can't justify or if I'm really honest, simply don't need it. Nostalgia could be expensive couldn't it!? Kind of agree about the 15" (1153 cab) having a sound of it's own too, bit of a hump low down in 60Hz region and an almost scooped midrange. I rarely used mine without a 1048H on top but I can't say it particularly upset me but I do agree with them being a 'coloured' speaker. Plenty of good advice here TwinCam, hope you get it sorted man.
  23. I had a passive RockBass Streamer when they first came out and that was low on output requiring the gain knob to be nailed on an SMX to light the yellow signal LED. It buggedd me so much that I took the knob off and repositioned it so it read '7' when it was actually on ten..
  24. I found that with that particular speaker / enclosure, I had to roll the 50Hz slider down a touch as there seemed a bit of a hump around the 60Hz area. You'll find that effect exaggerated when using the pre-shape so a larger cut may be needed. To reduce the metallic quality (something I hate and is not present in my sound) reduce the 1.3 or 2.6kHz or both sliders and then possibly add some 5K. If you're lacking note definition, try boosting the 250 and 660 sliders. The dual band compressor works over two frequency bands with a different envelope for each. The low part has a low-pass filter and operates to around 250Hz has a slow-ish attack and release times. A high-pass filter takes over above 250 and has much faster envelope times desinged to catch and release high frequency transients. The two combined are designed to give a smooth transparency to your sound. Too much however will be a squashed mess - I never needed more than 10 o'clock on the 7-band version of the compressor. A last and [u][i]essential[/i][/u] point is setting the input level correctly, if you don't, the compressor won't work properly. Early models will just have a clip light whereas later versions have the 'traffic light' style input meter. Set it just below clip (never mind the old keep the pre down and use the master volume, doesn't work the same on a graphic Trace) which may mean setting it above 7 but thats normal on one of these even if it does seem odd. Hope that helps. Matt
  25. Thats a terrible shame.. When I first had my Warwick many years back, I emailed them to register my warranty and spoke of how pleased I was wiith the instrument and they replied very promptly and in a friendly manner. This was back in 2001 when they only made German basses and the range wasn't as vast or complex..
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