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Everything posted by VTypeV4

  1. Just the above really.. I've recently picked up an 828MK3 second hand and I'm considering making a more compact 'mobile version' if you will - of my existing setup which has an 828x at it's heart. I'm considering using DP9 as an alternative to the tried and tested as surely they'll work in perfect harmony both coming from the same company? Pro tools works just fine and I also have two ancient versions of Cu-Base for home recording and I have no issue with any of them, I was just wondering if DP9 might be better? I'll be using it for live multi-tracking at gigs as well as the more traditional layer-by-layer process and probably creatively for my own group using the midi sequencing and soft synth parts of the software also..
  2. VTypeV4


    I have a pair of Audiom 15s stuffed into some WEM boxes and they're awesome.. I had them reconed by Roy at RMJ a wile back and they now sound better and play louder than they ever did.. Love 'em! Not quite JBL quality but a lovely driver anyways. They come upon eBay from time to time but sellers always want silly money..
  3. [quote name='Jaco Pastasciutta' timestamp='1480530709' post='3185171'] I see his demo in a french musicstore, he also played a green Fender 5 with maple fingerboard. The sound of the Status 6 with the BFC is the kind of thing that make you realize how the bass is a powerful instrument !!! I still have the dedicated poster, a jacket with a big embroidered Trace Elliot logo in the back (a friend win a set of strings). Great memory, David Jacob is a funny guy. [/quote] I spoke to him breifly but my french is non existant and his english not great but he was truly inspirational to watch. On a subconcious level, he probably also helped influence the purchase of my V4 too - I had a 712-SMC at the time. Listening to that V8 he was playing growl, I knew I needed one too..
  4. I think Clive button had a hand in both Trace and Ashdown designs too..
  5. Crashdown should buy Trace - at least they'd stand a fighting chance! Their current ABM / Rootmaster ranges could continue flying the Ashdown flag and the quirky 'modern but hark back to our heritage' type ranges such as the 'Superfly', 'Retroglide' and the 'Tonal Enhancement' plus possibly a new model could run the Trace badge. Ashdown win on all fronts as it extends their range plus the Trace brand gets access to new tech and we'd see some new amps. Maybe they could re-introduce the acoustiic range too - not sure Ashdown still make the 'acoustic radiator' series? Top of my list would be a new V-Type range but can't see that ever happening as the CTM range seems quite popular and probably not different enough to justify developing..
  6. Agreed - the 400 SMX was pick of the graphic bunch.. I love my V4 as it does something that nothing else seems to. It doesn't matter that it weighs 8 tons, it does 'that' thing for me.. The best products I've owned from Trace in no particular order: V4 MK2 valve head Twin Valve 1x15 combo (awesome driving other speakers too) AH400SMX head VType 4808 4x8 combo
  7. I'll report back when I have a few more hours on it.. I managed to get about an hour in last night just gong through some Jamroquai stuff I'm very familiiar with but trying different positioning to get a logic shift in my brain when playing new songs in the future.. I do need a strap, a fat leather one like I have for the warwick will work nicely. It'll need to be fat to spread the load!
  8. [quote name='JPJ' timestamp='1479499315' post='3177099'] I blew two drivers in. Golly II 4x10 so replaced all four with Deltalites and it's become my single cab solution so much so that I sold the Golly III I used to mate it with. [b]The Deltalites do have a more pronounced mid range to my old cloth ears [/b]but this mid is very 'musical' [/quote] I agree that the deltalites (not unlike their cereamic counterparts too) have a rising rate mid range but I thought this masked the HF component at the upper end of that response whereas the PAS seemed roll off just in the right place. I prefer the smoother response of the cabs which is why I sold the Eminence.
  9. I'd love to compare my '01 Streamer LX5 wiith it's modern counterpart..
  10. Bazztard: Cheers fella, the woods are lovely - they do a spalted maple verson too that I quite fancied and was torn between this and the walnut. The decision was made for me when the maple was no longer available but it's all good as I was 50/50 anyways.. Grahambythesea: It's very heavy, very heavy indeed but ergonomically it's good - it does neck dive very slightly but doesn't cause discomfort nor do you have to prop it up all the time. It's made in Korea by the KHL companywho make guitars under a few different brand names.. Fisheth: If the others are built as well as this one, you'll be very impressed. The chap on talkbass was also very pleased wiith his 7 string version although he eventually upgraded the pickups and put active electronics in it.
  11. [quote name='Treb' timestamp='1479510120' post='3177234'] This might be the one... [/quote] There you go, fixed! Do we have any pix? I did a google search but nothing came up..
  12. So Christmas came early this year! I was asked a couple of months back by the Mrs' what I wanted for Christmas and half jokingly I said "I kinda fancy a 6-string as I haven't owned one for ten years".. It was suggested that I have a look at what was about and see if anything took my fancy but "don't go nuts".. My last 6 string was sold along with a multitude of other gear to pay for both a 600 Suzuki and lessons to ride the thing legally. Sadly of all the gear i sold, the 6 string was one of a few regrets. It was a '90s Status Energy with soap-bar pickups, a maple bolt neck, rosewood fret board and a flamed maple top. The bass had been well used and had a few knocks plus the electrics weren't great but it played sublime. I do wish I still had it but it was sold to a chap in the USA so it's long gone. Back to the present day and I decided to take a risk on a 'Wolf' brand six-string that appealed to my taste. I'd read a few threads on them over at Talkbass (there's not much here about them) particularly one more than a few pages long about a 7-string example. The neck-thru design is the first I've owned in 18 years of playing. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0258_zpsqq8xsmvk.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0258_zpsqq8xsmvk.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0259_zpsz2zouoba.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0259_zpsz2zouoba.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0260_zpsnbon9lgm.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0260_zpsnbon9lgm.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0261_zpsrhg1uqru.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0261_zpsrhg1uqru.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0262_zpskbsdlfy8.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0262_zpskbsdlfy8.jpg[/IMG][/URL] It's a superbly constructed instrument, the satin finish is very smooth, fret edges are seamless, the machine heads are super smooth, routing where the pickups sit is tight, controls work smoothly and seem to be of good quality plus the individual bridges are perfectly spaced. String anchoring is done through the body with evenly spaced ferrules on the back At twice the price (It was £250) it would be more than acceptable in terms of attention to detail and quality. The guitar plays well although I tweaked a few of the saddle heights to bring the action down just a touch - not that it was high, just that I like it really low - and now it's where I want it and still doesn't buzz or choke out. Intonation is near perfect straight out of the box. I've found the string spacing to be more 'Fender' than 'Warwick 5' - I haven't measured it but would suggest 17mm / 18mm by the pickups so I've tripped up on that a few times but time and familiarity (especially being a 6) will cure that I'm sure. The neck profile has a distinct flat spot in the middle that tapers towards the upper end of the neck rather like my old Status did - it's go the 'wide but thin thing' going on which makes it comfortable and seems to naturally put my hand flat in the correct position without having to force it. Last thing worthy of note regarding it's playing is it weighs a ton (becuase of the walnut?) but balances well on a strap. The electronics are passive and as such basic with the four knobs offering a dual volume / dual tone confiig although I expect in the future, it would be easy enough to install an active tone circuit but I've no current plans to do that. The basic array of tones are as you'd expect from the pickup configuration - nothing overly flash or exceptional but it's a different enough from the Jazz and the Warwick to give it's own flavour. The output levels are healthy and directly comparable to my other basses. It's early days (I haven't had it 12 hours yet) but I'm happy with the bass.. I'll take it to rehearsal on Monday and see how it goes.
  13. Mine was pricey back in 2001 when I ordered it from Academy of Sound at £1065. The equivalent model is listed at over £2400 these days, no longer comes with gold hardware (not to everyones taste I appreciate) and somehow just doesn't look the same instrument - not sure if they changed the shape or size a little since mine was built? I haven't played a new one and certainly haven't seen them in shops for years but I assume they're still a quality instrument? The price premium on them is just daft these days - I wouldn't buy a new one now. I won't be selling mine, it's my go-to instrument - it's recorded on most sessions I've done and have gigged all over the country with it. Other instruments I've had have come and gone but the Warwick has been a constant and just like the Trace gear that I love to play through, it may be out of fashion but it works for me and I don't feel the need to spend thousands chasing that elusive tonal horizon as I've already arrived.
  14. I remember David Jacob demoing the new AH1000 & BFC at the guitar show at Birmingham around 2000 with his band.. Absolutley crackers but even more impressive was the V8 plus 810 he played solo on a little stage in the middle of the Trace stand. He had a green 6 string status bass for both demo sessions - I still have the Trace Elliot poster he signed that day too..
  15. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1479308216' post='3175509'] Not too 90's for me I love their sound [/quote] Me too, equally '90s are the SWR cabs I use!
  16. I may have a couple of 16 ohm PAS if you'd be interested? PM me if you are.. In the Goli Jr, a few people on here have run the Eminence BP102 as well as Deltalite as alternatives to the PAS drivers. Mine had Deltalites installed but I preferred the PAS chassis that came with the sale.. Personally I'd re-driver the entire cab wiith an appropriate model (the above suggestions work in the 210 but I've never run the numbers on the 410) rather than running a different driver with the existing three..
  17. The Squier VM Jazz I own mauls any number of Fender models I've tried including a couple I owned. It's certainly the best passive Jazz I've owned even though the Japanese and US basses cost me far more.. So on this occasion, yes, I prefer the cheaper model.
  18. You could rule the world with that! ^ Anyone have any news on Trace? I understand Paul works for Blackstar now..
  19. I wasn't overly hot on the Finalizer processing - it sounds fine but I just found it a little uninspiring although to have the option again is a plus. The M2000s on the other hand are truly excellent and surpass the onboard Yamaha SPX (nothing wrong with them, they work just fine and are more than useable) and even my own TC Electronic M1. I looked at purchasing an M2000 but even second hand they're more than twice the price of a Unity. I also looked at another M1 as well as a Yamaha REV500 because they're both reasonably cheap (£120 or thereabouts) and sound great but I couldn't beat the Unity on bang for buck and the convenience of it being inside the console.. I really need to have a sit down with an X32 - still haven't really had a meddle let alone done any mixing on one. The pub across town (ran by my old boss - we're still on good terms) has one and he thinks it's great.
  20. New card landed today! The item was just as described - kind of.. The seller thought it only ran the dual M2000 processors but in actual fact, the card has a dual license and runs both dual M2000 or M2000 / Finalizer! As a second bonus, the card is an extended in/out example complete with the TDIF / ADAT interface.. It's the latest software version too (v.2.20) so no updating required! [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0258_zpsbo2627mz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0258_zpsbo2627mz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I need to reconfigure some of the patches on the console as well as routing options as they seem a bit all over the place but half an hour will see it square and sorted. I've got some more recording tonight so I'll take some more pix of the 'analogue card 02R' if I get chance.
  21. New Unity card purchased! It's due to land a little later this week.. On a different note, we did some recording this evening so I used the 'Analogue card' 02R for tracking via a Behringer USB I/O device - my MOTU is somewhat burried at work. The Behringer can only do two in / out but it's enough for recording. I'll have a look at mixing it at work assuming we finish the vocals tomorrow.. [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0257_zpsnmch3oqc.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0257_zpsnmch3oqc.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/DSC_0256_zpsag3yrmy7.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/DSC_0256_zpsag3yrmy7.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s778.photobucket.com/user/VTypeV4/media/IMG-20161107-WA0003_zpsp6ukao0x.jpg.html][IMG]http://i778.photobucket.com/albums/yy70/VTypeV4/IMG-20161107-WA0003_zpsp6ukao0x.jpg[/IMG][/URL] New and old working together - our drummers' newish Mac-Book with Logic X (It's pretty good to be fair but I'm used to Pro Tools and Cu-Base) plus the fancy 'I can control the faders with my ipad' app thing all supported via my semi vintage 02R and monitored via a really old Peavey XR600.
  22. It's possible the original drivers were JBL D/K140s - I'm sure I saw an old advert a while back. The JBLs were very much the premium 15" bass speaker of the time and were used by lots of companies in all sorts of configurations irrespective of their box compatability.. I have a K140 in a compatible box and it sounds warm and oldskool in stark contrast to my SWR cabs. I also ran a D140 in an old Peavey TNT 130 for a while which was warmer and louder than Scorpion it replaced. I have a hankering for a Bassman 135 and matcing double 15 with JBLs in too..
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